Chapter 1595 Everyone has their own needs

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 Yang Xiaohong knew Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao is also a professor at Peking University. He is so famous. He has done live broadcasts and held public teaching classes. Although Yang Xiaohong is a professor of pediatrics, she also got to know him.

Besides, several of Yuan Shan's papers were published in the magazine "China", and Yang Xiaohong also read them and quoted the data and opinions in them.

Very level.

This is Yang Xiaohong’s evaluation of Liu Miqiao and also her evaluation of Yuan Shan.

At least, the level of Yuan Shan's three papers is not generally high. When compared internationally, these three papers are enough to be ranked among the "masterpieces". It is rare to see such great papers.

A big paper does not necessarily have a lot of numbers, but it explores a deep field and a high level.

Yuan Shan's "Discussion on the Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy in Children" can be said to be an epoch-making article.

Epilepsy in children is generally controlled by taking medication, some of which are effective and some of which are ineffective. For children who are ineffective, Yuan Shan and Liu Maqiao cooperated to adopt a radical surgical approach. This is a very significant progress.

Of course, Yang Xiaohong didn't know that Yuan Shan's role in this treatment was very small. She actually only did some work in selecting patients.

This achievement frightened Yang Xiaohong.

This is not a matter of envy, jealousy, or hatred, but a spur to oneself. Yang Xiaohong is the successor of the domestic super boss and the chairman of the Pediatric Society. She was appointed by Ms. Liang and Professor Liang of Xiehe University. She has always been the head of domestic pediatrics.

, was elected as an academician this year.

This year is the change of leadership.

Yang Xiaohong has been very active in the past 10 years. It can be seen from her editorship of the undergraduate textbook "Pediatrics" how high her status is.

It can be said that she herself believes that she must be the chairman.

However, she is no longer a naive young person. Yang Xiaohong, 46, knows how deep the water in academia is and she dare not be careless.

She heard that Yuan Shan was looking for her, and just in time, she wanted to look for her too.

Yuan Shan is seeking the position of deputy chairman, and she is seeking the position of chairman.

Besides, behind Yuan Shan is Liu Miqiao. Almost everyone in the pediatric industry knows about Liu Miqiao.

All these big guys have read his masterpieces.

Liu Miqiao not only collaborated with Yuan Shan, he also collaborated with at least 10 professors from Antai Hospital and published dozens of high-level papers.

It can be said that if you don't read Liu Miqiao's papers, you are not a famous doctor, because his articles are top-notch, the most cutting-edge theory and practice, and there is no big-name pediatrician who doesn't read his articles.

Yang Xiaohong knows Yuan Shan's background, so she hopes she will vote for her.

Yang Xiaohong is not without opponents. Her opponent is Professor Xiao Jianping from the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University.

Professor Xiao Jianping from the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University is 52 years old this year. He is in his prime years. He is a national and even international leader in pediatric respiratory critical illness. He is also the editor-in-chief of textbooks. He is the editor-in-chief of the 7-year program

It is a postgraduate textbook, and it is also in English.

He represents Shanghai Medical University and is fully capable of competing for the chairmanship.

This time, he is also a nominee.

Now, like Yang Xiaohong, he is the deputy chairman.

Yang Xiaohong’s advantages are slightly greater, which are reflected in these aspects.

First, she is from Beijing.

The competition between the Beijing-based system and the Shanghai-based system has always been fierce. Due to obvious reasons, the Beijing-based system has a certain advantage. Naturally, there are more people who support the Beijing-based system.

The second is the age advantage. Yang Xiaohong is only 46 years old. She is young and powerful and has more personal charm. Especially her appearance can be called a beauty. On the international stage, her style is also a plus.

Third, academically, Yang Xiaohong is exposed to newer things. She covers a broader field of pediatrics, while Professor Xiao Jianping focuses on critical care medicine, which is relatively single.

Fourthly, Yang Xiaohong was strongly recommended by the previous chairman, and Professor Liang’s recommendation weight reached 60%.

This is Yang Xiaohong’s advantage.

Is Xiao Jianping completely hopeless?


He also has advantages.

First, he is more senior. In the ranking of the last vice-chairman, he was ranked first. According to the normal order, he is the first successor.

Second, Yang Xiaohong has shown her talents in recent years and has offended many people. There are many people who are ready to sell her.

Third, academically, Xiao Jianping has worked harder in a certain field, and he is very well-known internationally. Although he is not the deputy chairman of the International Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Professional Committee, he ranks very high among the standing committee members.


Fourth, he is the chief editor of the 7-year postgraduate textbooks, all of which are in English. This is his greatest asset.

It can be said that both of them have their own advantages. Taken together, Yang Xiaohong seems to be slightly stronger.

Don't be careless.

Yang Xiaohong chatted with Yuan Shan for a while and finally settled Yuan Shan.

She still had to contact more representatives, so without chatting for too long, she went to the room of the director of pediatrics at West China Hospital.

Yuan Shan calculated it and found that out of the 98 representatives, Yuan Shan had met and greeted 92 of them, and only 6 of them had not been met.

It’s not that I didn’t see it, it was just that I didn’t see it by chance.

The next day, the meeting began.

Today, Yuan Shan gave a lecture, "Experiences in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Obesity." This is a good topic because, according to current signs, there has been no major breakthrough in the treatment of obesity.

In a subject, a major breakthrough in ten years is considered a great achievement.

If there is a major breakthrough in a disease, it is epoch-making. It is not ten years, not twenty years, but maybe only once in hundreds of years.

For example, in heart failure, the use of cardiotonic drugs is an epoch-making progress; the use of vasodilators, especially sodium nitroprusside, is another epoch-making progress; the use of diuretics, especially the combination of potassium-sparing diuretics and potassium-excreting diuretics

Use is another epoch-making progress.

In the past, the survival period of heart failure patients was about 3 or 5 years, but now it is more than 10 years. This is progress.

For some diseases, such as smallpox, one improvement is enough - the popularization of smallpox vaccine eventually eliminated the smallpox virus.

Obesity is a very difficult disease, and with the continuous improvement of living standards, obesity is becoming more and more common and the harm is increasing.

Over the past few decades, research on obesity has been ongoing, but progress has been very slow. Losing weight through diet and exercise is extremely difficult, with a very low success rate, and most of them rebound.

There is also a lot of drug research, but the harm of these drugs to the body is also obvious and they are not suitable for long-term clinical use.

The research process of drugs is very difficult. At least hundreds of drugs have been studied before and after, and most of them are effective, but in the end, they are not used clinically.

This chapter has been completed!
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