Chapter 1789 Meritorious Dog

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 Liu Muqiao hasn’t used marzipan resin for a long time, and today is the time.

Professor Mitri was confused, "What are you doing?"

Liu Muqiao couldn't explain it well, so he said: "I'll let him sleep more soundly and he won't wake up in a while."

Of course, Mitri can't understand that if you touch a dog's nose a few times, it will fall asleep? "Are you... witchcraft?"

Liu Muqiao was not prepared to talk, nor was he prepared to tell Mitri about the mazumu resin. In itself, letting Mitri know about the mazumu resin was not a bad thing. He could even use it as an anesthesiologist, but Liu Muqiao still

Be prepared to keep it a secret.

Compared with narcotics, Mazuimu is more likely to be used by bad people, so the less people know about this secret, the better.

The dog did not wake up as expected. After the anesthetic wore off, it slept soundly.

Liu Muqiao finally untangled the blood vessel and then performed radical surgery for pancreatic cancer.

It is not difficult to simply perform a radical resection. Three masters - four masters. The anesthesiologist cannot deny their contribution. It took 1 hour and 25 minutes to finally complete the dog's pancreatic cancer surgery. For the sake of caution, two drainage tubes were left.

, and a urinary catheter and a gastric tube.

I am also planning to give Chinese medicine to the dog, so I modified Keliu No. 3 a little bit, then made the medicine into powder and mixed it with the dog food.

Liu Muqiao glanced at Du Xiaoping and Meng Feiyun and smiled bitterly.

Liu Miqiao's feeling is that he has never been so nervous or conservative when performing surgery on people. On the contrary, when performing surgery on a dog, he was very cautious and used the most powerful combination in the world.

Du Xiaoping also smiled bitterly. He claimed to be the best assistant in the world, but he didn't expect that he couldn't cooperate with Liu Miqiao at all. This was a collapse of faith and a denial of himself.

In the past, his evaluation of himself, or his pride, came from two points. First, apart from Liu Maqiao, he was actually the world's most powerful pancreatic cancer surgery expert, and second, he was the best assistant in the world.

Now he begins to doubt.

Of course, what he suspected was nothing else. The second reason was that there was no best assistant in the world, and no one was qualified to be Liu Miqiao's assistant.

He felt a little sad and had a chill in his heart.

It turns out that I am not that powerful!

Meng Yunfei's mentality is different. She discovered a secret today. It turns out that Du Xiaoping is not as powerful as she imagined.

In the past, Du Xiaoping always regarded himself as the first choice for Liu Muqiao's assistant, but now it seems that he cannot cooperate at all.

Meng Feiyun thought that the gap between him and Du Xiaoping was very big, but today he discovered a secret: they are actually evenly matched.

She was secretly happy.

In fact, the gap between Meng Feiyun and Du Xiaoping is not very obvious. They actually belong to the same level, but they have different reputations outside.

Fame is unreliable. For example, Professor Long was extremely famous before Liu Miqiao debuted, ranking first in the country.

After Liu Muqiao debuted, his ranking dropped rapidly. Even at the First Hospital of Peking University, Professor Long's pancreatic cancer surgery skills have fallen to the 7th or 8th place.

Meng Feiyun is responsible for the post-operative management of this dog. She takes Jiang Weiwei to check it 2 to 3 times a day, and the nursing department arranges special care.

There are also two people guarding the yellow dog, one is a veterinary expert and the other is the dog's breeder.

The breeder of this dog is a veteran and is 53 years old this year.

Don't think that he belongs to the category of old squad leader. In fact, he is an out-and-out king of soldiers. He is a person who can "understand" canine language.

This is not just a casual talk, he can really understand it.

Not only this military dog, but all the military dogs he has raised, he can understand. Moreover, he can communicate with them accurately.

These dogs are not ordinary police dogs. They are much higher level than ordinary police dogs. They are not retired and will be cremated after death.

This is mainly to prevent others from obtaining the genetic genes.

This military king is likely to work until he is 65 to 70 years old. He is a rare talent. His salary is regular, and he can get 28,000 per month, as well as special allowances and housing subsidies.

On the first day of the operation, Liu Muqiao came over twice to check the drainage bag and drainage tube. There was not much drainage fluid, about 10 ml of plasma.

Liu Muqiao gave it another dose of horsetail resin to let it sleep through the pain period.

In fact, this is unnecessary. With the King of Soldiers here, he can soothe the military dogs very well, and the military dogs will be very quiet under the comfort of the King of Soldiers.

However, reducing pain is not a bad thing. This military dog ​​is already very old. Compared with humans, it is equivalent to a 90-year-old person.

Normally, this military dog ​​is well-maintained, has a strong body, eats exquisite food, and has no underlying diseases.

The military very much hopes that this military dog ​​can live for another five years. After five years, it will have a successor dog.

After Liu Muqiao completed the examination, he exchanged opinions with the veterinary experts.

"On my side, the surgery has met expectations. So far, there are no abnormalities. The drainage tube can be pulled out the day after tomorrow."

Liu Muqiao introduced the situation of surgery.

The veterinary expert said: "I'm still not optimistic. Its blood pressure is slightly high, its blood sugar is high, and its breathing is fast. This is not a good sign for an older dog."

Liu Muqiao was slightly startled and said oh.

The veterinary expert continued: "In the past, it did not have these conditions, and its blood pressure and blood sugar have always been normal."

"Stress response?" Analysis by Liu Muqiao.

"It can only be explained by stress reaction," the veterinary expert said.

"I don't understand the basic physiology and pathology of animals. It's up to you to decide on the basic treatment." Liu Maqiao didn't dare to do anything he wanted to do.

"High blood pressure and diabetes are not common in dogs. We can only refer to human treatment." Veterinary experts really have no good solution.

"We only have human insulin, can it be used in dogs?" Liu Miqiao said.

"Insulin should be universal, we can do a skin test first." For the sake of caution, the veterinarian actually said that the possibility of insulin allergy is very low.

The two communicated for a while, and Liu Miqiao left the ward.

There are military guards at the door of the ward. People who don't know it think there are important figures in the military community.

Liu Miqiao came out of the ward and happened to meet Xi Yu. She said, "I want to see the military dogs. Can you take me in?"

Liu Muqiao said seriously: "Why are you going to see it?"

Xiyu said: "I like dogs and cats the most."

Liu Muqiao said: "Don't make trouble! Do you want it as a pet? It is a national treasure! Most people are not allowed to get close to it. Its security level is military level."

Xiyu said: "So, I want you to take me in."

Liu Muqiao pondered for a moment, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Hey, you, I really can't help it. Okay, you pretend to be my apprentice and don't talk nonsense."

Xiyu said: "I was originally your disciple!"

This chapter has been completed!
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