Chapter 1865 Jiang Wei’s troubles

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 This topic can only be stopped here. It is impossible for Liu Muqiao not to have children, and Xie Min will not agree to it.

If they don’t have children, there is no doubt that Liu Miqiao loves Jiang Wei.

As for whether he is Xie Min's son, Liu Muqiao did not explain his blood type. This matter cannot be rushed, because many fans have to be answered slowly.

Even Liu Muqiao was a little confused about his identity. How could a good person have his blood type change?

Besides, the blood type cannot determine whether he is Xie Min's son. Even if a genetic test is done, the HLA and HLA on Liu Maqiao's body have disappeared. In the future, it will no longer be possible to identify whether he is Xie Min's son.

Let’s leave this question behind and first figure out why blood types change.

This is a world-class mystery. Apart from me, Liu Miqiao, is there another person like this?

There was nothing to say that night. The people in the orphanage had a lot of fun together. Even Jiang Wei and Liu Miqiao seemed to have completely forgotten what happened just now.

The children all performed their talents.

Xie Min has put in a lot of effort in raising her children. Of the seven aunts, four are teachers and the other three are also talented.

The master of chess, calligraphy and painting can solve the problem internally.

In the past two years, thanks to Liu Catkin's funding, the recruitment of aunts in the orphanage has become a high-standard recruitment, which is more demanding than recruiting teachers in schools.

The salary is not low either, more than 200,000 yuan, five social insurances and one housing fund, and paid annual leave. The only thing is that during holidays, you must stay in an orphanage.

The annual salary of teachers in Qingjiang City is just over 100,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan is needed to recruit orphanage aunts. Of course, there are more people applying. The job is comfortable and stable. With 7 people raising 30 children, the workload is not large at all.

Each child chooses more than one talent to learn, and performs a year-end report performance on New Year’s Eve.

Jiang Wei is responsible for distributing prizes.


What excited the children was that the prize given by Jiang Wei was exactly what they hoped to get.

For the children, it’s really a dream come true!

Xie Min happily played with the children. She also secretly paid attention to Jiang Wei. She is such a good girl. This girl is so sensible.

Can you...

Just when he thought of this, Xie Min shook his head and smiled in his heart, how is this possible?

Hey, it’s a pity that some of this traditional Chinese culture has been lost.

In the orphanage, Jiang Wei has her own room, and the aunts also have separate rooms. Children under 14 years old share a room with two people, and after 14 years old, they have separate rooms.

There are a total of 4 orphanages in Qingjiang City, and Xie Min's is the best.

In recent years, Liuxu has become a regular donor. The donation of 3 million yuan is enough to make the orphanage live a good life. What's more, even if Liuxu stops funding one day, Liu Muqiao can still perform magic tricks to ensure that the orphanage has enough food and clothing.
Xie Min is no longer stubborn. She no longer needs to go out to solicit sponsorship and concentrates on managing the children at home.

Jiang Wei took Huiqi Pills, but when it was time to go to bed, she was not ready yet, so she lay in bed and thought about something on her mind.

Normally, Jiang Wei does not have this time to think about life.

Jiang Wei's illness is that she will fall asleep as soon as the time comes. Today is different, there is still an hour before bedtime.

Liu Muqiao and Xie Min have all fallen asleep.

Jiang Wei lay on the bed, turned off the lights, and slowly thought about some issues without disturbing others.

Today, she knew what Liu Miqiao said without guessing. However, she really could not marry Liu Miqiao. The problem of having children was an obstacle that could not be bypassed. Liu Miqiao must have children of his own. In the future, such a big problem would

How can an estate have no heirs?

My body is obviously not suitable for having children, but either Su Yajuan or Xi Yu is very suitable to marry Liu Miqiao.

So, what should you do?

In fact, Jiang Wei also knew that she could not do without Liu Miqiao, both psychologically and physically.

Psychologically, after spending four years with Liu Muqiao, Jiang Wei can no longer pretend to be anyone else. Besides him, Jiang Wei cannot love anyone else.

Physiologically, only Liu Muqiao has Huiqi Pills. Without him, Jiang Wei can only stay awake for 4 hours a day. What kind of life is this?

If you go to bed at midnight, you won't be able to do any job at all. Even ordinary life is 90% discounted.

Since we can’t live without Liu Muqiao, what should we do in the future?

This is also a very real problem.

Who can tolerate a woman beside her husband?

Su Yajuan, Xi Yu, will they allow it?

It seems like there is no problem now, but what happens after a long time?

Of course, if Liu Muqiao could marry a few, the problem would be solved, but this is unrealistic and impossible.

Love is selfish. Su Yajuan and Xi Yu are also human beings and can be selfish.

After thinking about it for a long time, I really can’t think of a good solution.

At this time, she thought of her parents again, who still lived in Shi County.

It's not that Jiang Wei doesn't want them to stay in Qingjiang City, but she doesn't want her parents to take care of her. They are old and should have their own lives.

If they stay in Qingjiang City, they will circle around Jiang Wei, which makes Jiang Wei feel uneasy.

They came here a few days ago and stayed for almost a month. They guarded Jiang Wei every day.

The house is not big, with one room for Jiang Wei and one room for the nursing staff. Sometimes when Su Yajuan, Xi Yu and others come, they open the sofa in the living room to make a temporary bed.

When her parents came, they changed places with the nursing staff. They lived inside and the nurse lived in the living room.

Jiang Wei's ward, or office, is located on the 19th floor of the Neuropsychiatric Center building. There are three rooms, or two bedrooms and one living room, and the living room is Jiang Wei's office.

Of course Jiang Wei couldn't bear it when her parents waited on Jiang Wei all day long. Besides, Jiang Wei also noticed that his father was not used to it.

My father is a hard-working man all his life, and working in the fields has become a part of his life. In Qingjiang, he felt like he had lost his soul.

This is not because he is unwilling to take care of his daughter, but because his living habits have suddenly changed, and he is not adapting to it both physically and mentally.

Jiang Wei is a smart person, and she has noticed this problem a long time ago.

Jiang Wei bought a villa for her two parents in Shixian County. She also bought an acre of land behind the villa to use as a garden and a vegetable plot. Her father kept the back yard in order.

Jiang Wei's younger brother is an official in Shi County and is now a deputy county level. He is very famous in the local area and is young and promising.

Since their father was not used to living there, Jiang Wei sent them back.

The two old men have long wanted to have a grandson.

Jiang Wei felt a little pain in her heart.

What’s the way forward?

She doesn't know either.

After thinking about it for a while, there was a sound outside the door and the lights turned on. It was Liu Miqiao's footsteps.

Has he gotten up?

He gently opened the door and said, "Jiang Wei, I have to go to the hospital to rescue a critically ill patient. I will come back as soon as possible after I'm done."

"Oh, it's snowing outside, please drive carefully and don't drive too fast," Jiang Wei said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to take the children to build a snowman. I'm leaving." Liu Maqiao tiptoed and went out. The snow outside was so heavy.

This chapter has been completed!
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