Chapter 1872 Too much love

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 The office director was secretly arrested.

The real information about Dürr's main barrel has not been leaked at all. During this period, competitors have done a lot of publicity work, and Dürr's original stall has become a mess.

The public's response was strong, and they were commemorating Duer's achievements.

The polls are out.

The poll said that if Duer returns safely, he will compete with his competitors. The result is obvious. Most people will choose Duer.

They sent several letters from home asking about Duer's condition, and the ambassador also came over.

The answer is very official.

"Everything is as expected regarding the Dürr barrel situation."

The real information is completely blocked.

Duer was still recuperating in secret and would be involved in the election every day. Suddenly one day, he said, "I want to return to China!"

"You want to go back?" Liu Miqiao smiled coldly, "You want to eat the meat before it's rotten? Can't you wait for another fire?"

Duer's face was full of anger and said: "I can't wait any longer. He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he said, he even accused me of having a lifestyle problem!"

Liu Muqiao said: "Is this important? Do you choose the chief barrel or the saint?"

Duer said: "But we can't let others slander us."

Liu Muqiao smiled, "It's not that people haven't noticed that you are ahead, and it's not that they don't know that there is nothing wrong with your health. They know that if you don't come out for a day, their vote rate will drop by one point. This is forcing you to come out.

Duer was silent.

It is true that it is difficult to bear without a little bit of concentration. People are talking bad about you every day, and you don’t even have a chance to defend yourself.

The 15 days finally came to an end. Liu Miqiao checked Duer's body and found that he was recovering well with almost no sequelae.

By almost, I mean that from a professional perspective, there are still sequelae, but laymen cannot see them.

"Can I go to the ground to do some activities?"

Duer rested in bed for 15 days, which was the longest sleep he had ever had in his life. Only this time did he realize that sleep was only needed when needed, and it would become painful if it was slept too much.

Maybe, the same is true for other things.

Duer was very rebellious when he was a child. Now that he thinks about it, it has something to do with him being overly pampered. His grandmother loved him to the utmost. He was very disgusted and always felt that she had a desire to control him.

Aren’t many children like this now? They are annoying their parents and their relatives.

Du'er's ancestors were fishermen in Fuzhou Province, mainland China, and Du'er's generation is already the 7th generation. Starting from the 4th generation, the Du family became prosperous and entered the wealthy class. By the 5th generation, they began to enter politics, and finally

In the 7th generation, the first master bucket was released.

Duer was doted on by his grandmother when he was a child. Perhaps it was this doting that created his rebellious character. At the age of 15, he rarely went home, studied, studied abroad, and joined politics.

Now he is competing with his mortal political enemy. Duer must win and cannot afford to lose. If he loses, he is likely to be imprisoned.

Duer must work for another five years. He has to train his nephew. He only has one daughter, and her daughter has no political ambition or political wisdom at all.

The nephew is different. He was very active in college. He was the president of the student union and led the students to drive away the principal.

After completing his doctorate in law, he joined the faction led by Duer and served as the organization's director-general.

He is 46 years old this year. In five years, when he is over 50, he will officially enter his political golden age.

In the same way, Duer's nephew received too much love when he was a child. He left home at the age of 13 and went to a private school in the capital. After leaving, he did not return home for several years.

Therefore, too much of something is sometimes toxic.

Duer stayed in bed for 15 days this time and felt the urge to never sleep again.

He walked slowly on the ground, and the health official supported him. He walked for 5 minutes. When he was tired, he sat on the sofa to rest. He would rather sit on the sofa than go to bed.

"We publish news every day that your body is undergoing treatment. This kind of false and true news is testing your people. You still have to remain calm and stay in the hospital for 15 days."

Liu Muqiao explained the plan again.

"However, I don't want to stay in bed anymore. I would rather use a substitute." Duer was allergic to beds. "Also, my opponent said that I am useless. Do you really think it's okay?"

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "Have you noticed that the attacks your opponents make against you are all trivial and do not cause substantial damage to you. You should be lucky that they do not elect smart decision-makers."

After hearing this, Duer felt nervous. My election strategy was planned by you, a person under 30 years old?

Is this normal?

To be honest, the best age to formulate strategies is definitely not under 40. It must be someone who has accumulated time, so that decisions will be more secure. However, older is not always better. If you are too old, you will be too conservative.

Therefore, the best candidate for the campaign team is someone who is around 50 years old, or slightly younger. 45 years old is better. If you are younger than 45 years old, you will be impulsive and your strategies will be extreme.

Liu Muqiao is a good doctor, and yes, Duer has already stood up. Facts have proved that his skills are amazing, but the election has nothing to do with medicine.

If I listen to him, will it make things worse?

Duer suddenly became suspicious.

Liu Muqiao noticed, "Lao Du, don't worry, just be patient for half a month. If you show up suddenly only 10 days before the election, you can get a high number of votes."

Liu Muqiao called Lao Du, which was correct. Duer's name still inherited the surname of his ancestor.

"However, inside the office, they are selecting replacements." Duer's concern is that he is worried about divisions within the office.

"Don't worry, you haven't announced your withdrawal from the election. If you haven't died, there is no way to elect a replacement. The election is still the same. There are 5 candidates, and you are still among the 5." Liu Muqiao explained.

"There is another question. Election campaign building, speeches, and publicity are all indispensable, but I happen to do nothing. Even when my enemies abuse, slander, and spread rumors, I cannot retaliate. Does this comply with the three rules of electioneering? Dr. Liu

, you are a good doctor, yes, a miracle doctor, but, you said you can help me win the election, am I a bit...what?"

Liu Miqiao laughed, "A bit naive, right? No, Mr. Du Er, don't worry, your support rate is getting higher day by day. Isn't this just building momentum? As for the speech, you have been using it silently for 5 years.

It’s time to give a speech, do you still need to give it? As for publicity, it can be said that staying here and not showing up is the best publicity.”

Duer thought for a long time and felt that the current situation was good. He endured it and stayed for another 15 days.

For Dürr, 15 days is equivalent to 15 years, which is very long.

He did not return to the main ward, nor did he meet with other people, because Liu Miqiao said that he was not sure that there was no second office director. What if the family had double insurance?

This chapter has been completed!
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