Chapter 200 I will protect him

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 Liu Zhongquan was discharged from the hospital.

He has a bandage on his head, his chin is supported by a bandage, his right hand is hanging on his arm, and his left brow is holding a piece of gauze.

My mouth was red and swollen, and I applied purple lotion.

This looks very miserable.

He went out and went to several places.

Several higher-level departments.

He has three tasks.

The first is to rescue his godson, who has been detained.

The second is to accuse Vice President Chen and his son Chen Yuan of intentionally hurting others.

The third is to accuse Liu Muqiao of taking the hospital's scientific research results as his own, and request his superiors to investigate whether any of the current team members are engaged in business or enterprise.

After running around, he felt good about himself and had gained a lot. Everyone comforted him and promised to conduct a strict investigation.

Hey, fight me and see how much energy you have.

I will fight with you till death!

He returned to the hospital with a high profile.

He was the first to find Dean Pi.

"I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to maintaining the hospital, and now it has ended up like this. What do you think we should do with them?"

Dean Pi said: "Who should we deal with?"

"Sun Tao and Chen Ximing. And Chen Yuan."

"Dean Chen, it seems you hit him, right?" Dean Pi reminded him.

"He...he helped Sun Tao! It's reasonable for me to beat him!"

"Okay, don't get excited, sit down."

"If you don't give me an explanation, I'm not finished!" Liu Zhongquan shouted.

"Can you please stop yelling in front of me?"

Dean Pi's voice also became louder. Just now, he had received a call from his superiors and knew that Liu Zhongquan was complaining everywhere.

Liu Zhongquan was still quite afraid of Dean Pi. When he saw Dean Pi getting angry, he suppressed his arrogance a little.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"How do you want me to deal with them?" Dean Pi said patiently.

"Chen Ximing was dismissed, Chen Yuan was fired, Sun Tao warned, and we also checked to see if he had partnered with Liu Maqiao." Liu Zhongquan said loudly.

Dean Pi couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Doesn't what I said make sense?"

"Yes, very much. Don't get excited. Just listen to me. Vice President Chen, I have no right to remove him from his post. He is a municipal cadre, so that has to be decided by the superiors. I have to seriously consider the issue of Chen Yuan's dismissal.

Now, it's not easy to fire an employee. What's more, there is a reason. You beat his father, and he got excited and beat you. Yes, it is definitely wrong, but the situation is excusable. Didn't your godson also invite someone to beat him?


"Yes, my godson was arrested and needs to be released."

"Your son invited a group of people to come to the hospital to beat him, so of course he has to be arrested. As a law student, you should understand."

"But Chen Yuan should also be detained."

"That's not something I can decide, you know."

"Okay, you're not going to fire Chen Yuan, are you?"

"What's going on?"

"Don't you dare to expel me?"

"You threaten me?"

"I...well, let's not discuss Chen Yuan for now, but what about Sun Tao?"

"General Accountant Liu, Zhong Quan, you and Sun Tao are both my subordinates. Let me explain. The backs and palms of your hands are all flesh. I really don't want to get involved in the conflict between you. You should understand this."

"I... grass..."


"I...Okay, if you don't deal with it, fine! I won't force it. I don't believe that a society governed by law can be so lawless."

Dean Pi looked at Liu Zhongquan with sharp eyes, "Say it again!"

Liu Zhong said nothing.

He didn't dare.

Dean Pi's eyes were so lethal that he had no choice but to swallow what he wanted to say.

"You can go."

Dean Pi endured it, there was no need to argue with him, and there was no need to talk to him thoroughly. It was better to say less in front of him.

Those who work in administration are not afraid of bad people, but afraid of villains.

Liu Zhongquan's IQ is relatively low, and his understanding ability is sometimes poor. If Dean Pi talks to him too much, he will understand wrongly.

It’s not that this person just has a problem with his IQ, the key is that he is still a villain.

For example, when he went to the city to file a complaint just now, he also sued Dean Pi.

Dean Pi said he could leave, but he didn't leave. He didn't understand that "you can leave" that Dean Pi said meant you could leave. He thought it was OK or not.

"I'm still sitting here."

When Dean Pi heard this, he wanted to cry.

"Do you have anything else?"

"Yes, it's about Liu Miqiao."

"Liu Muqiao?"

"He cannot monopolize scientific research results!"

"The question is, have you understood the legal provisions?"

"It's clear, it's clearly stipulated!"

"I doubt it."

"What do you suspect?"

"I doubt there is such an express provision."

"If you don't believe it, I'll show it to you!" Liu Zhongquan really found out the clause.

Dean Pi looked at it and shook his head with a wry smile, "What year is this from? It's been over 30 years, and it's still a document from 1984."

"Although some modifications were made later, they are still the same. I haven't found it yet. However, I can tell you clearly that Liu Muxiao is definitely illegal."

Dean Pi waved his hand and said: "Old Liu, listen to me, you should be praised for your dedication to public service. Yes, I also appreciate this. However, I also tell you clearly that from now on, whenever you interact with Liu Maqiao

Regarding relevant questions, please, yes, you heard me clearly, please don’t take it seriously with him, okay?”

"What? I don't understand."

"Okay, let me make it clearer. From now on, even if Liu Muqiao really breaks the law, you have to pretend not to see it. Do you understand?"

"Why?" Liu Zhongquan asked loudly.

"Because, don't say he didn't break the law, even if he broke the law, I still have to protect him. Now, do you understand? I, the dean named Pi, will protect him."


"Yes, it's me. If someone like Liu Muqiao asks me to ride a horse, I will immediately lie down on the ground and do it!"

"You colluded with him! You must also have a joint venture! You also run a business!"

"Okay, whatever you say is fine! You can still file a lawsuit! You can investigate!"


Liu Zhongquan is gone.

Very sad and angry.

This world is so unfair!

Some people are so bold and reckless that they are truly lawless!

He embarked on the journey to appeal again.

Until his godson was released half a month later, he was still wandering around.

That night, his godson had three fingers chopped off in a remote alley.


Liu Zhongquan was filled with indignation and must get to the bottom of things.

"No, you can't sue your godfather."

"Why can't we sue? In a society governed by law, who will test the law by himself?"

"No, godfather, really, I don't dare!"

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, don't ask, I won't tell."

"You must say it!"

"No way! Godfather! And don't sue again. It's useless. People are already laughing at you. If you sue again, your current position will no longer be guaranteed."

When Liu Zhongquan heard this, there was a bang in his head.

Yes, if I don’t be the chief accountant, what else can I do?

He shouted to the sky, God, please open your eyes and look at the world! You are unfair! Liu Muqiao, why don't you cooperate with me!

This chapter has been completed!
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