Chapter 2166 High-Level Consultation 2

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 Liu Miqiao did not continue to read, someone came in.

He stood up to say hello, and two experts from the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University arrived. Their combined age was four times that of Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao is now the president of the Hospital Association. Compared with the past, he must be more mature.

The so-called maturity mainly means showing a mature look to others. As for whether you are mature or not, this is not something you can decide.

Liu Muqiao, Professor Meng and Professor Lin shook hands warmly and said "Long time admiration" to each other. This is a sign of maturity.

The word "Jiu Yang" is actually more than just a polite word. The people who came for consultation today are all very famous people, or in other words, top figures in geriatric medicine and critical care medicine.

As the host, Wu Anhua jumped up and down and went out to receive guests again.

Huaxi’s has arrived.

Old acquaintance.

Liu Muqiao originally met Professor Tao in West China.

Professor Tao almost became an academician of critical care medicine.

At that time, both he and the director of the anesthesiology department had hopes of being elected as academicians, but it was unlikely that the same unit would be elected to two academicians at the same time. The boss of the anesthesiology department was elected, so he naturally failed.

In this life, many times it’s like catching a bus. If you miss this one, the next one may not come as scheduled.

That's how Professor Tao missed this bus. He is still a second-level professor and enjoys a relatively high reputation in West China Hospital, but it is different from the one in the anesthesiology department. He is the leader of the hospital.

Treasure, but Professor Tao still has a hard life. For example, during today's consultation, he had to catch a plane alone.

Of course, it’s not impossible for him to bring students to carry bags, but it costs money. Who pays for it? And it’s not allowed to come from scientific research funds?

This is what makes people so angry. Professor Tao’s annual scientific research funding is only a few hundred thousand, but the academician of the Department of Anesthesiology at West China Hospital can still donate. A few days ago, he personally donated 100 million.

When a doctor donates 100 million, many people dare not think about where the money will come from?

It is indeed impossible for a doctor to donate 100 million, and he will not earn 100 million in a few lifetimes. Instead, the academician’s scientific research results are transformed into products, and he has income, and his income is not small!

Professor Tao spends hundreds of thousands of dollars in scientific research funding a year. He counts on his fingers and scrimps on food and expenses. After a year, his life is very tight. How can he have money to buy air tickets for his students?

The director of the anesthesiology department earns tens of millions of scientific research funds a year. Not only can he spend a lot of money, he can also produce great results!

This is the difference between heaven and earth.

Life is like this, it’s useless for you to be angry, it’s destiny.

At that time, Liu Miqiao and Professor Tao had a dispute. Several assistants and senior assistants under Professor Tao were poached by Liu Miqiao. Professor Tao had a problem with Liu Miqiao.

At that time, he was applying for academicianship.

Now I have no objection, because the academician has not succeeded, he himself is very decadent, and he has great opinions on the leadership of the hospital.

If he hadn't been in his 60s, he would have jumped to Antai Hospital long ago.

After his former assistant arrived at Antai Hospital, not counting scientific research funding, but only salary performance, which was much higher than Professor Tao's.

Professor Tao's annual salary is more than 400,000 yuan, plus lecture fees. His assistant's salary at Antai Hospital is more than three times that of him.

He has no chance to change jobs.

Because there is Li Yi in the Intensive Care Department of Antai Hospital, and Professor Tao is here and there is no director’s chair.

Can a professor who almost becomes an academician still be able to become a deputy director? It is obviously impossible.

"Mr. Tao, we haven't seen you for a long time. How are you? Are you feeling well?" Liu Miqiao also began to speak politely, "I invite you here today. As students, you should study hard."

Liu Muqiao himself felt nauseous.

But Professor Tao was used to it. He smiled and said: "Whose student are you? I can't be your teacher. You are a famous professor, president of the Hospital Association, Peking University, and Peking University. I have to learn from you."

He was also polite.

Professor Tao didn't know Liu Miqiao's accomplishments in critical care medicine, and he was just being polite.

Seven experts in critical care medicine participated in the consultation today, which can be said to be the top critical care medicine experts today.

Li Yi didn't go in?

Medicine does not coddle the nouveau riche.

Li Yi only burst out recently, who knows if he has real talent or learning?

At least, it will depend on the scientific research results, the quantity and quality of papers within 3 years. Li Yi’s talent appeared not long ago, and it will not take more than 1 year for others to know Li Yi’s name.

Therefore, it is very simple. It is impossible for him to participate in today's consultation. In other words, he has not been included among the top experts in the country.

Consultation experts came in one after another.

Liu Muqiao said hello one by one.

This is mainly because he is now the president and cannot be said to be arrogant or arrogant. He must give others a modest and prudent image.

It is true that there are very, very few top doctors in top hospitals in the country who don’t know about Liu Muqiao. Generally speaking, the more top experts are, the more they pay attention to medical trends. This medical trend not only refers to medical progress, but also includes other

News, how could the top experts not know about the emergence of people like Liu Muqiao?

Today, everyone also got to know Liu Miqiao by the way.

It was lively for a while, and the leader of the department asked everyone to read the information and that they would have a consultation later.

This kind of consultation is not a formality, so you need to be familiar with the information and don’t have enough time.

This time must be given enough, enough for them to memorize the medical records, and they must come up with their own plan, a unique plan.

Liu Muqiao couldn't be careless, he also read the information carefully.

His memory is better than anyone else. After reading it once, he completely understood the patient's condition. This does not mean that Liu Maqiao is smarter than others, everyone else is smart, and it is impossible for unsmart people to participate in the consultation.

His particularly good memory is related to Liu Miqiao's several special functions. His "sub-hibernation" is very nourishing for the brain. It can be said that his sub-hibernation has greatly improved his IQ, memory, clarity of thinking, and calculation.

The steps are much higher than ordinary people.

Before the Chinese New Year, Liu Muqiao and Li Yi played five games of chess. Li Yi lost them all, 0 to 5. He never dared to play with Liu Muqiao again.

He completely gave up.

In fact, the reason why Liu Muqiao defeated Li Yi was mainly because Liu Muqiao's memory was stronger. He could calculate dozens of moves in Go, while Li Yi could only count a dozen moves. After Liu Muqiao mastered the basic laws of Go, Li Yi was no longer him.


In other words, Liu Miqiao’s algorithm is very powerful.

Others need an hour to digest the patient's condition, but Liu Miqiao only needs 15 minutes. There is no other way, this is the advantage.

However, Liu Muqiao did not turn this advantage into an actual treatment plan. He did not find an ideal method.

This is a difficult problem.

Liu Muqiao does not yet have the skills in geriatric medicine, so he can only consider treatment options from the perspective of critical care medicine.

This chapter has been completed!
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