Chapter 2207 Bad News

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 Wang Yi quickly replaced Liu Muchiao. She held the needle and Liu Muchiao used his bare hands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.



Lu Lu ran over with a defibrillator in his hand.


Liu Muqiao stood up straight.

"Fortunately, there was no danger."

After another half hour, both patients were successful.

Next is the issue of medication.

Wang Yi returned to being a nurse.

In the intensive care unit, the two nurses were very busy and almost never stopped.

"How's it going outside?"

Outside, I mean that dispute has been going on for almost a day.

Another nurse said: "Didn't you hear just now? The head nurse is here."

"I didn't hear or notice her coming in," Wang Yi said.

Just half an hour ago, the head nurse Xiang Lifang came in. Seeing that they were all very busy, she did not disturb them and only said a few words.

"The disputes outside are getting bigger and bigger. Don't go out. It has alarmed the city." Then, she left.

"I didn't expect to be so unreasonable." Lu Lu muttered and said, "My son, I am determined not to let him study medicine."

Just as he was talking, the door opened.

Dr. Zou floated in.

"You go home and rest." Wang Yi said.

"I'm here to see if I need help." Dr. Zou said.

"Just let it go!" Lu Lu said loudly, "As long as it doesn't do any harm."

"You? Are you saying that I am helping but not helping? Who do you think is the boss? You don't know that I, Liu Miqiao, am the core of the team." Dr. Zou stammered.


Suddenly, Dr. Zou burst into tears.

A few people look at me and I look at you, and they don’t know what to do.

Liu Muqiao was still calm and said loudly: "Zou Qingxiang! Stop crying! At the critical moment, not only can you not help, you will also cause trouble! If you want to cry, go back and cry!"

"The director is in danger. Just now, I got a message that the director's arm has been removed."

"What? Say it again!" Liu Maqiao was shocked.

Dr. Zou spoke again, word by word.

"Is this news reliable?"

"Should, reliable."

Liu Muqiao's feet went weak and he sat on the ground.

After a long time, his thoughts came back and he muttered: "Liu Zhongquan, I will make you die badly!"

"What? Did Liu Zhongquan do it?" Lu Lu asked loudly.

"It's him." Liu Maqiao said weakly.

Lu Lu rushed out of the door of the custody room.

Half an hour later, Liu Zhongquan was taken away.

Another half an hour later, news came. Liu Zhongquan admitted that the news about removing one of Zhao Yilin's arms was accurate.

This incident quickly spread throughout Antai Hospital.

Filled with righteous indignation.

Liu Muqiao is sitting in Director Zhao Yilin's office.

He cried.

He regretted it deeply.

Why do you have to handle it yourself?

Why not tell the police about your suspicion earlier?

He regretted that he was right to stop Ye Zhonghao from using gangster tactics, but later on, why did he jump into this pit again?

It’s too late to regret everything.

However, the police also told the hospital that Liu Zhongquan had no control over his godson's ability. He only met them once at the Green Rhyme Tea Bar, and he knew nothing about what happened next.

In particular, he doesn't even know which country his godson is in.

The police know which country it is.

But just know.

That place is called Silver Mountain Corner, a management blind spot of the other country, a place where even the armed forces cannot be managed.

Very bad.

Liu Muqiao was in a terrible mood.

Now, I can’t find anyone to discuss it with.

And Liu Zhongquan has been detained, and there is no chance to vent his anger to him.

There is no news, no one to discuss, no one to even speak.

Liu Muqiao took the No. 31 bus back to Erma Road.

He confided in Xie Min.

Xie Min listened carefully.

Liu Muqiao told the whole story.

She nodded and was silent for a while.

"Qiao'er, I understand how you feel. Zhao Yilin is your old friend and can be considered your elder. I agree to save him. However, it is difficult. Yinshan Cape is more complicated and dangerous than Jinshan Cape. Entering

Very few people come out alive."

After speaking, there was another moment of silence.

"Is this okay? I have an acquaintance who may be able to help. I want him to inquire about the situation first and try to ensure Zhao Yilin's life safety. The second step will be to talk about rescue."

"Do you have such an acquaintance? Tell me quickly!"

"No! I'm here. Don't get involved. Don't even ask. Just wait for the news."

When Liu Muqiao saw Xie Min's perseverance and determination, he did not dare to say anything.

He just doubts, can you do it? How could you have such friends?

Liu Muqiao had no expectations for Xie Min, so he got up early the next day and returned to the hospital.

He made rounds in the neurology department, revised medical orders, and inquired about the progress of the dispute from time to time.

This dispute was really tough, and the strategies adopted by the family left Sun Tao speechless.

They follow the hospital's commuting hours. When they go to work, they come, and when they get off work, they go home. They don't break things, let alone beat people. They just cry and demand an explanation.

Liu Jianxin can only devote himself to this matter, and for department work, he can only rely on Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao has a hard time talking about it.

When he was asked to attend a consultation with an encephalitis patient, he almost collapsed.

"I don't know anything, you just have to figure it out."

"You can't let go of your burden! We can only count on you."

"I really don't know how. If you have a stroke, come to me. If you have other illnesses, don't come to me. For other illnesses, I am a rookie, a rookie among rookies."

Everyone was stunned.

There is no backbone anymore.

"Liu Miqiao, you have to cheer up!" Head nurse Xiang Lifang pulled Liu Miqiao aside and whispered, "Our department is equivalent to 4 or 5 departments and 300 patients. It is about the same size as an average secondary hospital. You must

Cheer up and take up the burden."

"Head nurse, I really only know some diseases. I haven't seen many diseases yet." Liu Maqiao said painfully.

"Is this really the case? I don't care if you are real or fake. You must hold on. Even if you are pretending, you must still play the role of a savior. Do you understand? We can't let everyone feel that there is no backbone. Once people's hearts are dispersed, it will be easy.

If something happens, we must not let it happen again. If something happens again, we will be paralyzed and collapse."


Pretending to know everything?

That’s okay.

Since Liu Muqiao has a solid grasp of certain diseases, it should be possible to apply them to other diseases.

The medical principles are the same.

Besides, won’t I listen to other people’s opinions with an open mind?

"Okay, head nurse, don't worry, I will cheer up. Although I don't understand many diseases, I have ways to try to prevent further disputes."

Unexpectedly, with such a simple sentence, Xiang Lifang suddenly rushed towards her, hugged Liu Muchiao and cried loudly.

"Don't cry, it will be fine, it will be fine soon."

"Wow wow..."

"Believe me! Head nurse, I am responsible for the medical aspect, and you are responsible for the nursing aspect. If we work together, we will overcome the difficulties."

This chapter has been completed!
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