Chapter 309 You can’t call me Dr. Liu

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 Looking back, Isn’t that the patient named Huang just now?

Just now, he went out to make a phone call and gathered more than thirty strong men, preparing to beat up Liu Maqiao, Jiang Weiwei and others.

Later, his deputy, the accountant of the village committee, disagreed.

"You can have trouble with anyone, but you can't have trouble with doctors. We should also make a few doctor friends so that we can help in emergencies."

"Brother, you don't know how arrogant and infuriating these guys are. If I don't beat them, I really can't let go of this." said the village chief.

"Brother Huang, let me ask you, do you want your legs to be okay?"

"Think about it!"

"If you want your legs to heal, why don't you call a doctor?"

"He has such a bad attitude!"

"You care if a qualified doctor has a bad attitude?"

The person named Huang suddenly realized that I am here to treat illnesses!

He stood at the door. Liu Miqiao glanced at him without saying a word, then turned his head to help the last patient with debridement and suturing.

"I... was wrong."

The patient named Huang said again timidly.

He has really woken up now. He finally got registered and was admitted to the hospital. He finally took anti-inflammatory drugs for a few days. When he finally gave up on the attack today, he will really regret it for several months.

Besides, you have to ask for medical treatment. If they don’t let you see it, no matter how much money you have, it will hit the sky with stones!

Recently, Liu Muqiao has been invited to several places, but he has turned them down because he has no time. They have a lot of money, and they have a lot of money, so why can’t they always invite him?

He stood at the door obediently, waiting for Liu Maqiao to express his stance.

Liu Muqiao was too lazy to pay attention to him. Jiang Weiwei glanced at him and didn't look at him a second time.

Liu Muqiao explained it clearly while explaining it very carefully.

"The debridement ends here, let's start with suturing. The key points of suturing are, first, no dead space. Once there is dead space, the success is likely to fail. Second, it cannot be too tight, as too tight may affect blood circulation.

New necrosis has appeared. Third, it should not be too loose, otherwise another dead space will appear. Remember? This wound is relatively deep, and I am going to do three layers of sutures. This is the safest way."

He was talking and doing it, and he finished the last stitch.

"Ah, today, I can finally rest."

Looking at my phone, it’s already 12:30, and it’s tomorrow.

When the patient named Huang heard this, he knelt down with a plop.


"Look at what time it was?"


"I've already got off work."

"I don't understand."

"My working hours are 8 hours. Now, I am working overtime, do you know? I have been working for 18 hours continuously. What right do you have to ask me to work overtime?"

"Didn't you do the same with them?"

"They are all qualified patients, so I will be a qualified doctor. If you have money, go and hire a senior doctor. I have no obligation to be a qualified doctor in front of you. Get out of the way, I'm going to sleep."

"I...I'll give you money, double it! Triple it!"

"Get out of the way!"


Liu Muqiao stopped, "You also know how to ask for help?"

"Please, for the sake of being a patient, please give me a chance. From now on, I will know how to behave."

"Well, please plead with Dr. Jiang Weiwei."

The patient named Huang quickly turned around and said, "Dr. Jiang, please, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Liu Muqiao said: "Okay, go back to your hospital bed, and we will help you change your dressing."

This layer of festivals has been revealed. As a doctor, he will not really embarrass a patient. It's just that this guy is too arrogant, and Liu Muqiao intends to cure him.

After debridement and suturing, several people walked out of the ward.

Liu Muqiao took three Huiqi pills today, and he is still feeling refreshed.

Today was a good day. It was a full and fulfilling day. There were dozens of patients who passed through his hands. It was not bad, and it was - it was great!

However, his stomach followed him, but he suffered a lot, and now he is growling with hunger.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to the pot noodles!" Liu Maqiao said.

"Where do I need your invitation? I'll invite you."

"I please!"

"I'll do it."

Liu Muqiao laughed, "Don't argue, I can still afford it."

When we arrived outside the back door of the hospital, the boss recognized her from a distance.

"Dr. Liu, are you working overtime again? Two eggs?"

"It's still one egg, six bowls, don't put too much oil. Hey, boss, isn't your oil just gutter oil?" Liu Maqiao said.

The boss didn't say anything, turned around and took out a few oil barrels from the back, "Did you see, Luhua's rapeseed oil, I cheated patients? Gods in the sky are watching! Besides, I have been here for four years, and I rely on this

Only by being disciplined and law-abiding can you support your family for a long time. Dr. Liu, you want to be a doctor and be a good doctor, and I will be a noodle maker and a good noodle maker. This is how you should be as a human being, right?"

Liu Muqiao laughed.

He couldn't help but be in awe of him.

"However, Dr. Liu, it's not good for you to stay up late so often. I'm used to it. The time is reversed and I still can't fall asleep at night."

Liu Muqiao said: "I'm used to it too. I'm used to being able to sleep at any time."

The boss is also very honest and very fond of Liu Muqiao. He is very serious about making pot noodles and adds enough ingredients. When choosing eggs, he specially picked 6 large ones, and two of them were probably double yolk eggs.

He also added more green vegetables.

"Boss, how many bowls can you sell in one night?"

Jiang Weiwei asked.

"Not many, sometimes 6 or 70 bowls, sometimes more than 100 bowls."

Liu Muqiao knew as soon as he heard that he was not telling the truth. In the past, when he asked, he bought a bowl of up to 300 bowls, usually around 150 bowls.

He is afraid that others will come to steal his business.

Liu Muqiao smiled.

The boss made a face at Liu Muqiao.

As soon as the six bowls of stir-fried noodles were finished, four more young people came in. They were covered in tattoos and walked waddlingly. As soon as they came in, they shouted: "Four bowls of stir-fried noodles!"

He spoke savagely and rudely, with his feet on the table.

The boss quickly bowed and said: "Brother Long, long time no see!"

"What a shame!"

"You haven't been here for a week, right?"

"You've come a lot, aren't you afraid of losing money? Have you paid this month's payment? My impression seems to be that you haven't paid, right? You don't always want me to come to your door to remind you, right?"

"Where? I must pay it on time. Last time your men came, didn't I just buy some goods and have no money?"

"Okay, okay, take your phone and scan it."

How dare the boss not take out his mobile phone and quickly beep, and 300 yuan was credited to his account.

Liu Muqiao looked at these people carefully.

"What are you looking at?" The man named Brother Long shouted loudly.

"Have you seen my brother Long? Didn't you come over to say hello? Do you want to loosen the skin?" another gangster yelled.

The boss quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, this is Dr. Liu from Antai Hospital."

Brother Long's expression changed slightly, "Dr. Liu? Do you dare to call me Dr. Liu?"

Liu Muqiao grinned, "Why can't I call you Dr. Liu?"

Jiang Weiwei quickly stopped, "Ignore them."

Brother Long laughed, "Oh! There is a beautiful girl protecting you. Dr. Liu, from now on, your name has been changed, and you are not allowed to be called Dr. Liu."

Liu Muqiao said: "Can you give me a reason?"

"Reason? Only great doctor Liu Muqiao can call him Dr. Liu. Of course you can't call him Dr. Liu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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