Chapter 311 Dead

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 Liu Muqiao has seen 60 patients and received a lot of praise.

However, I didn’t get any of the expected primary treasure box rewards, which was a bit unexpected.

It seems that in order to get the reward of the treasure box, there is a gratitude threshold, which must be higher than this threshold to obtain it. Moreover, this threshold seems to be increasing, much higher than in the past.

Liu Miqiao's mood was not affected by not receiving the treasure box reward. He strictly monitored 60 patients, and the quality of medical treatment was guaranteed.

After the ward check, the doctor's orders were revised, and then he went to the intensive care unit to see the patient.

He is directly in charge of the patients in the intensive care unit. Lu Lu, Wen Xingyu and Dr. Zou are his subordinates. There is also Zhao Yilin in name. There is still a blank space in the medical record, waiting for him to come back and sign.

In the end, the person in charge is Zhao Yilin.

At this time, 3,000 kilometers away, deep in the mountains, a prayer ceremony was being held in a village. The old prince had suffered a stroke and was unconscious.

For the Mixi people who live deep in the mountains all year round, this is a disaster. Their respected and beloved prince is their spiritual support.

The Mixi people firmly believe that the king is the bridge between man and God. When the king is ill, the communication with God is cut off, which is a very terrible thing.

Wang must get better as soon as possible.

They promised that whoever could revive the king would get a large piece of land west of the mountain, including the residents there and all the animals in the mountain.

This reward is very tempting. The land west of the mountains is equivalent to one-third of the Mixi people's land. Obtaining the land there is equivalent to another Mixi king.

Although it is very tempting, no doctor dares to take the risk, because if he succeeds, it will be good, and he will become the king of the mountain commanding hundreds of thousands of people. If he fails, then he should not think too much about the water prison of the Mixi people.

I shudder just thinking about it.

Anyone who survives from the water prison of the Mixi people will have long-term ulcers from the waist down. There is no cure, and life is worse than death.

On this day, someone finally signed up.

The person who signed up was a six-fingered man from outside the northwest area where the Mixi people live. He was accompanied by a tall man in a robe, in his 50s, with a ravaged face and a very haggard appearance.

The man in the robe is Dr. Zhao, who has recently become famous near Yinshanjiao. Behind him, there is a middle-aged man with a ponytail.

The six-fingered man said that he sacrificed himself as a doctor just to get the land west of the mountains. If the disease was not cured, he would be willing to stay in a water prison for the rest of his life.

The middle-aged man with a ponytail rarely speaks, and his sharp eyes make even the six-fingered man feel timid.

He is an active local figure and an expert at communicating with the outside world.

The three of them arrived at the palace.

The palace is actually a small village, with the same building style, two floors, and the first floor is empty. Common people raise cattle and horses, while the palace has rockeries and flowers.

The second floor is where housing and offices are located.

One of the buildings has carved beams and painted beams, the pillars are covered with bright red mountain paint, and the roof is made of precious wood and mulberry grass.

Three people were invited to the second floor.

Saw the patient.

Dr. Zhao, who looked pale, nodded and hummed a few times, but said nothing.

He stared at a Mixi man, blinked, and pursed his lips.


A few days later, Liu Muqiao finally received a call from Military Advisor Liang.

"The situation has changed. Zhao Yilin is missing and the kidnappers have issued a kill order."

Liu Muqiao's feet went weak and he sat on the stool and didn't get up for a long time.

I'm missing in the vast Yinshan corner, where can I find it?

For an unfamiliar person, there is little hope of getting out of such a mountain.

He doesn't want to talk about this matter with others, it's painful, and it will be even more painful if he talks about it one more time.

He decided to hide it in his heart.

"Dr. Liu, there is a new patient here. Please take a look." An attending physician said.

"What kind of patient is this?"


"Okay, I'll come. Which bed?"

"198 beds."


Liu Muqiao said yes, but his feet did not move. He wanted to ask Xie Min's mother how the situation was over there.

Xie Min’s mother didn’t answer the phone.

It's strange that she rarely doesn't answer the phone.

Liu Muqiao got up to see the patient.

Only when seeing patients does Liu Miqiao forget his worries.

After listening to the patient's description of his condition and conducting an examination, Liu Maqiao nodded and said, "Is there a ringing in your ears?"


"Scream or whisper?"

"Screaming is almost like the sound of a whistle."

"Consider Meniere's disease. Use medicine to dilate blood vessels and nourish nerves."

"Doctor, I heard that you have a very famous Dr. Liu here. I would like to ask him to take a look." The patient suddenly suggested.

"I am Dr. Liu."

"Are you Dr. Liu so young?"

"That's right. I'm only 22 years old this year."

"You are 22 years old, how come your medical skills are so good?"

Liu Muqiao was not modest and said: "It's hard to explain. Don't worry, the disease itself is not a big problem, it's just a little troublesome, and medicine can't have an immediate effect."

"Can't even a miracle doctor like you cure me right away?"

"I am not a miracle doctor. There is really no cure for some diseases. Medicine is not very developed yet. For many diseases, you have to rely on your body to slowly repair itself."

As I was watching, I suddenly heard someone shouting from outside, "Doctor, come quickly, bed 55 is dead."

Liu Muqiao reacted quickly, rushed to bed 55, looked at the patient, and felt the carotid artery.

Breathing and heartbeat are gone.

Liu Miqiao performed manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but to no avail. The nurse brought in a defibrillator, but except for a few times, there was no sign of resurrection.

This patient is a 68-year-old patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Without checking, it was obvious that he was bleeding again.

This is normal. The mortality rate for the first bleeding is 30%. The mortality rate for the second bleeding is 60%. After the third bleeding, few people can survive.

This has been made clear to the family members.

After half an hour, rescue efforts were given up.

Liu Muqiao said to his family: "I'm sorry, I have no choice but to give up."

The patient's family immediately burst into tears.

Liu Jianxin's expression changed.

The head nurse Xiang Lifang quickly collected the valuable and fragile items, and the atmosphere in the department suddenly became tense.

The strange thing is that Liu Miqiao was not nervous and returned to the office calmly.

He was not sure whether a dispute would occur.

There will definitely be doubts.

He sits in the office just to be questioned.

He is prepared to face it himself.

Soon, a family member came over.

"Can we not transfer it to the morgue for now? Our family members are on the way."

"Yes, but please try to remain restrained and keep your crying volume low so as not to disturb other patients."


Not long after, members of the patient's family came. There were quite a few, more than 20 people. They were discussing something. Finally, they recommended three people and found Liu Miqiao.

These three people are all tough men.

"Excuse me, who is Dr. Liu?"


"You? We want to ask you a few questions."


This chapter has been completed!
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