Chapter 310 Brother Long

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 Several interns laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Brother Long shouted.

He cannot tolerate other people's ridicule towards him.

Even though people like Brother Long walk with arrogance, deep down deep down they are very weak and have low self-esteem, especially in front of this group of doctors from Antai Hospital.

Brother Long has not been able to study since he was a child. It’s not that he doesn’t want to study well. In the class, the most looked down upon and the ones criticized the most by teachers are those with poor grades.

He dreams of becoming a top student.

However, no one has taken care of him since he was a child. One of his parents is an alcoholic and the other is a mahjong professional.

My father was drunk all day long, beat his wife when he came home, and worked in factories to steal things. In addition to his poor work performance, he worked in many factories, and one factory took him in for half a year at most.

My mother is addicted to mahjong every day. Although the game is very small, only 50 cents per hand - she can only play 50 cents. I have a 100 yuan bill in my hand, so she is considered a rich woman, and she enjoys it all the year round.

In such an environment, even if Brother Long is good at reading, let alone having bad genes, it is impossible for him to achieve anything.

After graduating from junior high school, he wandered the streets all day long. Fortunately, he did not inherit his father's habit of stealing, but he became a famous gangster in the neighborhood.

He is very ruthless and fights bravely. He is injured many times and has many scars on his body, some of which are in fatal places.

If he can survive to this day, he is lucky.

Now, being laughed at by several students from Qingjiang University School of Medicine has affected his self-esteem, and he is about to have a seizure when his boss hurries on.

"Brother Long, calm down, he is Dr. Liu Maqiao Liu!"

"What? Please make it clear."

"He is Liu Muqiao."

"Ah? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dr. Liu, I, Long Shi, am blind and didn't know you were here! Boss Lin, don't accept their money!" Brother Long quickly stood in front of Liu Miqiao, nodding and bowing.

Liu Muqiao stared at Long Shi for a long time, and Long Shi felt uncomfortable all over.

"Boss, are you still angry?" Long Shi asked tentatively.

"Who is your boss?" Liu Maqiao said sharply.

"You, you Dr. Liu are our boss!"

"Nonsense! When did I become your boss?"

"Although you didn't say it, we admit it! The boss has told us that we must respect you as the boss."

"Who is your boss?"

"We have several bosses, Commander Liang. You should know this person, right?"

Liu Muqiao understood.

He didn't want to ask more questions. This group of people was very complicated, and he didn't want to know too much. He waved his hand and said, "Sit back. This boss is my friend. You will have to pay when you come to eat fried noodles in the future. Just now

, you took his money, please return it to him. From now on, if anyone bullies him, I don’t care if it’s you or not, I’m only looking for trouble for you!”

"Yes yes yes!"

Long Shi quickly took out his mobile phone, scanned the QR code, returned the money, and handed over all the rice noodle money tonight.

He also wanted to establish friendship with Liu Muqiao, but Liu Muqiao waved his hand and said, "If you understand, you should stay away!"

The dragon stone was really interesting, and I didn’t even eat the rice noodles. In the blink of an eye, several people disappeared.

"Thank you, Dr. Liu." Boss Lin came over quickly to thank him.

"How long have they been bullying you?"

"Hey, I've long been used to this. In the past, a man named Brother Shi brought people to collect money. A year ago, he became Brother Long. In fact, it wasn't much. It used to be 30 or 50, but later it went up.

, it has recently increased to 300. But there is also an advantage. There are fewer freeloaders. They are not in the same group, so they dare not come." Boss Lin said.

"From now on, you can do business with peace of mind." Liu Muqiao smiled. He did not expect that someone among the gangsters would recognize him.

However, soon, he stopped laughing.

This is nothing to show off.

Didn’t he repeatedly ask Ye Zhonghao to change the atmosphere of the world? Don’t fall into this pit yourself.

I’m a little scared just thinking about it.

Is this Military Master Liang really a serious businessman as he said?

Judging from tonight’s performance, I’m afraid that may not be the case.

You should stay away from this group of people in the future.

After eating the pot noodles, everyone felt very tired, so they didn’t chat anymore and went home.

The next day, Liu Muqiao arrived at the Department of Neurology at 7 o'clock on time. No one knew that he only slept for 4 hours last night.

He was still energetic, with a slight smile on his face. At the morning shift meeting, he briefly summarized the situation of the past few days, affirmed and encouraged everyone's achievements, and also pointed out some shortcomings, even the shortcomings in nursing,

He pointed them out one by one.

After finishing his shift, he asked the doctor to stay and analyze the rabies case that was consulted yesterday. Finally, he went on a ward round with the second treatment team.

The second treatment group has 60 patients and only 6 doctors. Each person manages 10 patients on average. The doctors include residents, attending doctors and a deputy chief doctor who has just been promoted.

The three-level ward round system, 6 doctors, 60 patients, is very difficult.

Generally speaking, there is a treatment group and a deputy chief doctor, who has to take care of all 60 patients. Next, there are two attending doctors, each of whom is in charge of 30 patients. The last level is the resident doctor, three of them, on average

Managed 20 patients.

Just writing medical records makes the resident doctor's hands cramp.

Therefore, a treatment group of 60 patients is quite hard.

Of course, the most tiring person is Liu Muqiao, who theoretically manages 300 patients.

Today is the second group.

The deputy chief physician was transferred from the Department of Respiratory Medicine. From now on, he will change his career to study internal medicine.

He was happy to switch from the Department of Respiratory Medicine to the Department of Neurology.

Last month, he found Zhao Yilin for a long chat over tea, and a week later, he came over here.

Liu Muqiao led them to look at the patients one by one.

Even if there are very minor patients, Liu Miqiao will not miss them. He will see every patient once, and he will stay a few minutes longer for new patients.

"Lao Fang, is the pain better?" Liu Maqiao asked the patient.

"It's much better. The medicine you prescribed is really effective." The patient came in yesterday with vascular headache. The pain was very severe.

Liu Muqiao prescribed ergometrine, the strongest painkiller, for him. It would be strange if it didn't stop the pain.

This medicine is not very useful. It strongly constricts blood vessels and has many side effects. Most people dare not use it.

Others dare not, but Liu Muqiao dares. He is an expert and knows how to use medicine.

"Your disease is quite difficult. It will relapse after you go back. You have to take care of yourself. When you are discharged from the hospital, you come to see me again and I will tell you how to take the medicine."

Came to another bed again.

"Old Song, is your dizziness better?"

"Hey, Dr. Liu, do you still remember my name? Thank you so much, I'm feeling much better." The patient came in three days ago.

Since Liu Muqiao obtained "Junior Hospital Management", his memory of people's names suddenly became much stronger.

Remembering people’s names is also an important part of management.

"Your dizziness is related to your cervical spine problem. Wait a moment. After my ward rounds, I will help you do a cervical spine massage. I will give you a diaphragm injection in a day or two, and you will be discharged from the hospital."

Liu Muqiao smiled and talked to the patients.

The patients he saw were all beaming with joy, and they all said that Dr. Liu was not only highly skilled in medicine, but also a really nice person.

This chapter has been completed!
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