Chapter 528 Hurry, hurry up

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 Dean Song has a very good friend, Lao Kuang.

Lao Kuang is an entrepreneur. In his early years, he was engaged in administration. Later, he went to work and became a Malay. He got 10 million from nowhere and returned to his hometown to start a business as a foreign investor. Within a few years, he became a native of Huncheng.

Famous people.

He is engaged in the manufacturing and exporting of fireworks. He is the largest fireworks export enterprise in Jiangdong Province, with nearly 1 billion U.S. dollars of fireworks sold abroad every year.

In addition to the fireworks industry, there are also petroleum, ceramics, hotels, transportation and real estate.

It is a typical diversified enterprise.

Just when his career was at its peak, his health gradually failed.

First, my hands trembled, then my mouth also trembled, making it difficult to speak. Later, my walking became mechanical, and now I sit in a wheelchair most of the time.

In the company, he is still nominally the chairman, and his nephew Kuang Hui is actually in charge. In fact, he is completely ignored.

He cannot take care of himself completely.

I am very depressed about my career.

In the past two years, Lao Kuang swallowed a large amount of sleeping pills twice. After thinking about it for a long time, unexpectedly, he did not die. He was discovered by the nursing staff and sent to the hospital to save him.

Dean Song and Lao Kuang have known each other for 30 years.

He made a phone call to Lao Kuang.

"Old Kuang, there is help, there is help. I have a great professor here, an old professor, who specializes in treating Parkinson's disease. It is a radical cure. The effect is immediate. After the operation, you will be completely healed immediately. Get up and come to the hospital quickly.

, I will go to the operating room now to meet this old professor."

In Dean Song's mind, a powerful doctor is equal to a great professor, and a great professor is equal to an old professor. Therefore, now, the Liu Maqiao in his mind should be an old professor. If not 70 years old, he should be 60 years old, no matter how young he is.

Over 55 years old.

He himself is 55 years old.

He believes that capable experts should be older than him.

Although Dean Song is the head of the hospital, he insists on attending outpatient clinics for half a day every week. His specialty is respiratory medicine, and the treatment of old chronic bronchitis is his specialty.

He believes that professors should be experienced, and experience must be accumulated over time.

Dean Song put on visiting clothes and entered the operating room.

I was stunned as soon as I stepped in.

What is this for?

A young man, not just an intern from some school, what is he doing for patients?

"Director Ma, this..."

Director Ma turned to look at the dean and made a gesture, "Shh!"

Liu Muqiao said that he could not speak during the puncture.

Soon, Liu Miqiao's puncture was completed, and with a soft "click" sound, the pacemaker was left in the subthalamic nucleus.

The puncture needle is withdrawn for just one second.

"Dean, are you here too?" Seeing success, Director Ma turned around and greeted the dean politely.

"What are you..." the dean asked with confusion on his face.

"Do radical surgery for Parkinson's disease."

"Where's the old professor? You're talking about Professor Liu, why doesn't he do it? How can you let interns do it!" Dean Song was angry.

You can't blame him, anyone who sees this scene will be angry.

Can Parkinson’s surgery be performed by interns?

"Dean, please listen to my explanation..."

"Don't explain! Stop it quickly, you! Which school are you from? That's unreasonable! Intern, no, Director Ma, how can you agree to let him do it?" Dean Song's eyes were on fire.

Are there still few medical disputes now?

In the hospital office building, medical disputes occur almost every day. A small dispute occurs every day, a medium dispute occurs every three days, and a major dispute occurs every seven days.

Well now, you actually secretly let the interns practice.

"Dean, please listen to my explanation, this is not an intern..."

Before Director Ma started explaining, Dean Song yelled over: "Not even the new doctors can do it, not even Liu Miqiao's graduate student."

"He is Dr. Liu Muqiao Liu." Director Ma said loudly.

"..." Dean Song was silent. He felt that he must have heard wrongly.

"He is Dr. Liu. Minimally invasive puncture treatment of epilepsy is his specialty. The treatment of Parkinson's disease is much simpler than the method in big hospitals. It can be done in 10 minutes."

Seizing this opportunity, Director Ma simply explained it in one breath.

This time, it was Dean Song's turn to be stunned again.

I have seen strange people and strange things in my life, but I have never seen such strange people as I am now.

You said that acrobats and martial arts practitioners can perform amazingly well at a young age, but they have been trained since childhood.

And the guy in front of me is in medicine and is doing the most advanced neurosurgery. This is incredible.

But, don’t believe it, I just saw a lot of patients in the ward, they were all walking, they had just come off the operating table.

"Dr. Liu, please don't be angry. I misunderstood."

Apologize quickly. Dean Song is not a stubborn person. If you are wrong, admit your mistake quickly. Besides, I will ask him to help Lao Kuang perform the surgery later.

"It's okay. I've seen this situation many times." Liu Miqiao smiled.

"Next!" Dr. Zou shouted outside.

"Dr. Liu, I have a good friend, please help him do it." Dean Song said.

The three people glanced at the electronic clock on the wall at the same time.

It’s 4:20 minutes.

At the latest, Liu Muqiao and the others will go to the airport and set off at 5:30.

There are still 5 patients, so hurry up, it seems very urgent.

What's more, it's not just Liu Muqiao who has to hurry up, he also needs the MRI results to come out soon.

Liu Muqiao asked Director Ma to send a message, not to send a report from the MRI room. He only wanted the film and the report from the imaging doctor, and he didn't even take a look at it.

Now Dean Song suddenly wants to add another person, which is really embarrassing. He has to wait until 11 o'clock to change the flight, and he has gone two-thirds of the way in one day.

Don’t agree? I’m the master and the dean, so that’s not good, okay?

"Can your friend arrive within 40 minutes? We must leave at 5:30, and the flight will be at 7:00," said Liu Muqiao.

"Yes, yes, I will go down and pick him up." Dean Song quickly agreed.

He left the operating room and made a phone call, "Lao Kuang, where have you been?"

"Washing my face."

"Ah! Stop washing and rush to the hospital as quickly as possible. If you are late, it will be too late. The professor will go to the airport."

"This, I'm so nervous, I, I haven't prepared anything for hospitalization."

"What kind of hospital are you staying in? Go home after you finish your work! Go back to the company after you finish your work and take back your leadership!"


"Did you hear that? Hurry! I give you 20 minutes to arrive."

"I'll fly in 20 minutes! Impossible."

"I don't care about you. If you can't make it in 20 minutes, I won't care about you."

Dean Song was furious. After making the phone call, he came to the MRI room and told them not to turn off the phone. There was another patient, so come in and do it.

After giving the instructions, Dean Song rubbed his hands and stamped his feet and stood at the gate waiting for his friend Mr. Kuang.

Come on, come on.

Such an opportunity is rare, and it is not easy for a great professor to come out.

This chapter has been completed!
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