Chapter 531 Flying

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 Professor Long’s pancreatic surgery department, in addition to being a big boss in the country, also has five top-notch surgeons under his command.

They are all big-name experts who can independently build science.

Two of them were Professor Long's early students. They are now the same age as Hu Bolong and have long since become famous.

They often go to various parts of the country to do private work, and occasionally go abroad for surgery. The consultation fee is about the same as Professor Long's, which is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan at home, 70,000 to 80,000 yuan abroad, and sometimes more than 100,000 yuan.

Of course, the 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for a flying knife is not what they fancy. Generally speaking, the people who ask them to perform surgeries are rich people or people with relatively high status, and they often give a red envelope.<


Professor Long has no objection, and he also takes on private work.

There is an advantage to taking on private work. It can promote your own brand. Anyway, if you don't take it, others will take it. It's better to let go and make money while advertising your own hospital and department. There is really no harm in it.


In addition to these five big guys, there is also a group of young and middle-aged people who are also very strong and have a lot of room for growth. Many of them are students of Professor Long.

Among them, Meng Feiyun is Professor Long's only female disciple. He loves her very much and wants to teach her his skills.

Meng Feiyun is 36 years old and has just been promoted to chief physician and professor. He is quite outstanding among his students.

There are two other apprentices, Qin Mu and Lu Liang, who are also Professor Long’s beloved apprentices.

Qin Mu is 34 years old and Lu Liang is 32 years old. They were both deputy chief physicians and associate professors when they were still learning their skills.

Professor Long's deputy chief doctor is different from other hospitals. Due to the large number of patient resources, they can basically perform the primary surgery for pancreatic body cancer and have already done the first surgery for pancreatic head cancer.

Since Meng Feiyun is a professor, she is already the chief surgeon for pancreatic head cancer.

In other hospitals, it may be difficult to become a professor or chief physician at the age of 36, but Peking University Affiliated Hospital is a training ground for talents. Meng Feiyun is not the first to become a professor at the age of 36. Before her, the youngest

There are people who were promoted to professors at the age of 32.

Meng Feiyun was promoted to professor at the age of 36 based on her strength. After completing her undergraduate degree at Peking University, she was admitted to Professor Long's graduate school and studied together for a master's degree and a Ph.D.

Since Professor Long is a great professor himself, he has rich medical resources, many opportunities for clinical practice, and it is also very convenient to do scientific research. Shortly after graduation, Meng Feiyun published more than ten SCI papers.

In addition, under the guidance of Professor Long, she discovered some characteristics of pancreatic cancer metastasis and won the second prize of the Basic Medical Science and Technology Progress Award.

So, a few years later, she made an exception and became a professor.

Today, she, Qin Mu, and Lu Liang surrounded Liu Miqiao and asked him to perform a teaching operation. Naturally, Liu Miqiao had a hard time refusing.

When he came to the operating room, Liu Muqiao asked for a pre-operative discussion. He wanted to see the medical records. He read page by page, and at several points, he couldn't help but frown.

Professor Long’s students also have many shortcomings. In the analysis of pancreatic cancer, there are many undue errors.

Finally, look at the MRI film.

He watched it for 10 minutes, which made Meng Feiyun and others feel scared.

Did he discover a new problem?

Liu Muqiao's ability to watch movies is naturally unparalleled. His purpose of watching movies for so long is very clear, which is to remember whether there is cancer infiltration in every place. When he performs the operation later, he will have an idea in mind, and he will be more confident in the rhythm of the operation.

It will be soon too.

Sharpening the knife will keep you from chopping wood.

"Let's start the discussion."

Let’s follow the rules, starting with Lu Liang, who is the most junior, and finally it’s Meng Feiyun’s turn. After they finish speaking, Liu Muqiao will make a summary.

"Okay, what you said is good. I have no objections. Next, I will perform teaching surgery. Note that I am using the latest improved method, the simplified version of Vilishi, which is somewhat different from the paper published by Jiang Weiwei. It is simpler and more practical.

, can be used for mid-to-late stage pancreatic head cancer, and sometimes, it can also be used for patients with late-stage pancreatic cancer."

On the basis of Vilishi, Liu Miqiao has never rested on his laurels. As a master-level figure, he will never stop at a certain technique without thinking about progress.

He is constantly exploring.

There are two aspects to exploration.

The first is to explore aspects that are deeper, more difficult, and more effective. This is natural. A 1% improvement is also progress. Science is a great change based on the continuous improvement of 1%.

Liu Miqiao is now exploring a more complex and effective surgical procedure than Vilishi's procedure.

At the same time, Liu Muqiao is also exploring how to simplify the surgery without affecting the efficacy.

There are thousands of patients, and it is impossible to monopolize it in the hands of a few people. It requires the joint efforts of thousands of doctors to complete the treatment of patients.

He is considering simplifying Vilishi.

There are many simplified versions. He has at least 10 plans. Among them, the simplified version taught to Hu Bolong and others is more suitable for promotion and can be mastered by one-third of the pancreatic surgeons in tertiary hospitals.

As a Grandmaster, Liu Muqiao can design surgeries as he pleases, but choosing the best technique is not an easy task.

The difficulty of surgery and the effectiveness of the operation are often contradictory.

If it is simple, the curative effect will be poor; if the curative effect is good, the difficulty will increase.

How to find something that is both effective and relatively easy to do is indeed not a simple matter.

Liu Muqiao has not yet finalized which technique he will promote so far.

The last time he asked for the paper written by Jiang Weiwei, it was just to attract ideas and wanted to hear the opinions of the big guys in the pancreatic field.

Unexpectedly, the response was very good, and even the big bosses strongly agreed.

Today, Liu Muqiao tried to use another technique, which was slightly more difficult than the simplified version reported last time, but he believed that Professor Long's students should be able to accept it.

From the beginning of the abdominal dissection, Liu Muqiao did it himself.

This is a teaching surgery, so it must be standardized, and you must be able to explain the purpose and significance of each cut and step.

Three cuts to open the abdomen.

Not surprisingly, this stunt was both a blow and an inspiration to Meng Feiyun and others.

This kind of dissection gives people a pleasant feeling.

So wonderful, so exquisite.

Next, we entered the abdominal cavity.

Liu Muqiao will dictate the steps, purpose and precautions for each cut.

The operation is extremely fast.

Only at critical steps, slow down, explain in detail, and let everyone see clearly.

Other times, he is just like Fei.

Meng Feiyun is the first assistant, Qin Mu is the second assistant, and Lu Liang is the third assistant.

Led by Liu Muqiao, they also flew.

However, they felt like they were being dragged along.

It’s not fun to say the least.

However, they are very happy to have this kind of understanding.

Just like bungee jumping, it doesn’t feel great, but many people want to try it.

Today, Meng Feiyun and the others feel this way.

To be honest, this is surgery. If the blade is slightly offset or the hand shakes a little, something serious could happen and a major blood vessel may be cut.

Meng Feiyun and the others were frightened.

Liu Muqiao did not go fast just for the sake of going fast, he went at his normal speed.

Now, there are only two people who can be a good assistant to Liu Muqiao, one is Professor Long and the other is Du Xiaoping.

Of course Meng Feiyun and others will feel strenuous as partners with Liu Miqiao, and it would be strange if they don't.

Besides, since this is a teaching surgery, let them experience the realm of surgery.

Surgery has a realm, and realm is very important.

A poorly done operation is no different from killing a pig. It is bloody and messy, and the scene is very embarrassing. A well-done operation is as neat and orderly as a military camp.

Liu Muqiao is going to give these senior sisters and brothers a new surgical concept, which is not only neat, but can also fly.

Let them see Huangshan, then let them see Huashan, and finally, let them see Everest.

This chapter has been completed!
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