Chapter 530 Vilishi simplified version

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 Liu Muqiao stayed at home for a day and then flew to the capital.

"Hi!" A crisp voice greeted.

Liu Muqiao looked up and saw, what a coincidence, it was Yue Sai stewardess again.

"Why are you alone today?"

"This time I am going for a re-examination, not for surgery."

"Hey, you are already a great expert, and you are still a graduate student?"

"Yes, in this world, besides ability, diplomas are also very important."

There was no talkative Zou Qingxiang today, and there were not many people in the first class cabin. In the end, Yue Sai sat on the left side of Liu Muqiao and chatted a lot along the way.

Yue-sai originally studied hotel management, and was recruited into China Southern Airlines for a one-year internship. In the second year, she was directly promoted to a first-class cabin job.

She is a leader among flight attendants. In one year, she has completed the journey that an average flight attendant takes in five years.

Flight attendants have very high requirements. In addition to appearance, there are many assessment indicators. Among them, human geography, customs, mechanical principles, and emergency response are all required courses.

This time Yue-Sai had a preliminary understanding of Liu Miqiao.

What amazed her was that the little brother in front of her always went out to help others perform surgeries.

Yue-Sai has seen professors who come out of the capital to do flying knives, but rarely see those who go to the capital for surgery.

He is very capable at a young age, so he has to be treated differently.

Of course, Liu Miqiao didn't brag about himself, and Yu Xi's understanding was limited. If she knew that the surgeries Liu Miqiao pioneered were among the best in the world, she didn't know how she would admire him.

Yu-Sai only knew that Liu Muqiao had gone to Beijing for surgery, but she didn’t know that he was undergoing the most difficult surgery.

The plane landed at the Beijing Airport, and Professor Long's apprentice was waiting outside.

Professor Long’s classic car is rarely used by others.

Today, his apprentice drove Professor Long's Cadillac to pick up Liu Miqiao.

In the eyes of Professor Long, this student Liu Miqiao is not an ordinary student.

This person is both a disciple and a master.

Professor Long asked his apprentice to drive his car and pick up Liu Muqiao himself.

Tomorrow is the interview.

There will be no problems during the interview.

The five-person evaluation team all knew that Professor Long had to recruit Liu Muqiao.

Several assessment teachers have heard of the legend of Liu Miqiao, but they have not seen it with their own eyes.

I have the honor to evaluate Liu Miqiao in person tomorrow, and several professors are a little excited.

The re-examination consists of a written examination and an interview.

Liu Muqiao didn't prepare any special preparations. Although it had been a few months since he last reviewed it, he still remembered clearly what he read last time.

Very good memory.

Liu Muqiao was slightly worried that the exam would be too easy.

If he were to study for a postgraduate degree in neurology, he would have no worries.

However, this time he took the postgraduate entrance examination for Professor Long's graduate student, general surgery, or hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery. Liu Maqiao had blind spots, many blind spots, and the knowledge he mastered was fragmented and unsystematic.

Liu Miqiao, who cannot even perform appendix surgery, still has a lot of unknown knowledge in the discipline of "surgery".

If he was asked about a hernia surgery test, which even an ordinary intern would do, he would be dumbfounded. He has never seen a hernia surgery.

It’s difficult, no problem.

No matter how difficult it is for the pancreas, he will have no problem; the same goes for colon cancer.

Of course, what reassures Liu Muqiao is that the postgraduate re-examination is different from the ordinary college entrance examination and is more flexible.

You know, Liu Muqiao's desire to study for graduate school is not very strong. His purpose of studying for graduate school is not to improve his own level, but to get a diploma.

The person who hopes Liu Muqiao will go to graduate school more is Professor Long, he is more eager than anyone else.

Therefore, even if Liu Muqiao does poorly in the re-examination, Professor Long will recruit him.

Several interviewers from Peking University School of Medicine also envied Professor Long. They were so lucky to have found such a good student.

As professors, they earnestly hope to recruit excellent students, especially some big professors, who hope that someone will inherit their mantle.

Just like Kumamotoji who brought dozens of students, he never found a good successor, which became a lifelong regret for him.

Professor Long has always lamented that there is no very satisfied student, let alone a person who can push forward the waves of the Yangtze River to inherit his mantle.

He discovered Liu Muqiao, and naturally he would not let go of such an opportunity easily.

After working several jobs, Liu Muqiao finally agreed to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and he was naturally very proud of himself.

Early in the morning, he had greeted the recruitment officials and interview teachers, making sure that Liu Muqiao passed the test.

Besides, Liu Muqiao has also appeared in several hospitals at Peking University, especially the First Hospital of Peking University. They all already know Liu Muqiao's name.

In fact, several of the interviewers are also professors with students. They also have students to recruit this year. Seeing that Professor Long has already chosen a proud student, they are also very envious.

The car drove to the Pancreatic Surgery Department of Peking University First Hospital, and Professor Long welcomed him out.

"The interview will be tomorrow. I can't let you idle tonight. There is an operation. You can help me bring some students. They want to learn the simplified version of Vilishi from you. Is that okay?"

Professor Long had already made arrangements for tonight's surgery before Liu Muqiao could sit down.

The simplified version of Vilishi is a surgery that Liu Miqiao has performed more frequently at Antai Hospital recently. This simplified version is easier to popularize, and Hu Bolong has almost learned it.

Although this surgery is not as good as the authentic Vilishi surgery, the difference is not too obvious, so some relatively early-stage patients can consider this simplified version.

Jiang Weiwei published a paper in the journal "Pancreatic Surgery", which attracted widespread attention in the medical community.

The reason is very simple. It is too difficult to promote the Vilishi technique in ordinary hospitals. Only the elite among the elite can be self-taught. Some surgical geniuses suffer from no one to teach them. Learning the Vilishi technique is just a wish.

However, the simplified version of Vilishi does not require step-by-step instructions and can be implemented clinically by slowly exploring it. Therefore, Jiang Weiwei's paper attracted many people to study it.

Professor Long also praised it greatly after reading it. After recommending it to his students, many of them were ready to try it out during surgery.

Professor Long’s students have the most convenient conditions. When Liu Muqiao comes to graduate school, he can teach him step by step.

After learning the simplified version of Vilishi, and then sublimating it, if you work hard, you might master the Vilishi technique one day!

In the past, when I heard that Teng Ce would meet Vilishi, everyone regarded Teng Ce as a god. This kind of expectation is really not ordinary.

Tonight, they selected a patient who was more suitable for the simplified version of Vilishi. As soon as Liu Maqiao arrived, they surrounded him on the operating table.

Among these students, Meng Feiyun is Professor Long’s only female disciple. She is 36 years old, chief doctor and professor.

Peking University, one of the top universities in China.

A 36-year-old professor is not too unusual. This is a training ground for talents. Even a 30-year-old professor is not surprising.

This chapter has been completed!
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