Chapter 850 Liu Maqiao was despised

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 In spinal surgery, the most difficult part is of course the cervical spine.

If the fifth-level cervical spine surgery can be performed, the entire spine surgery will no longer be difficult. It is just a familiar process, and you can achieve proficiency after doing a few operations.

Professor He unexpectedly discovered that Liu Muqiao arranged for Su Yajuan to be his second assistant today.

"Are you training full-time assistants?" Professor He said.

Some big doctors, those super bosses, like to bring their own second assistants, and sometimes they even have a dedicated first assistant.

There are not many full-time first assistants, because when super experts perform surgeries, they rarely perform surgeries for the sake of surgery. Most of them are for teaching purposes, and they will temporarily arrange first assistants in the subject.

The second assistant is different, they like to lead.

The second assistant is equivalent to the working secretary of the super boss. He is responsible for organizing the surgical field. This role is very important. In the eyes of the super boss, the first assistant is easy to find, but the second assistant is difficult to find.

If Liu Muqiao trains Su Yajuan to be a specialized second assistant, he will be very qualified based on his current level. If he is not qualified, there will not be many qualified people.

Liu Muqiao said: "No, Su Yajuan is planning to open a special wound specialty. I will familiarize her with various surgeries, and then train her surgical skills."

Professor He said: "That's right. In fact, Dr. Liu, you can find someone from young people or attending doctors to train as your full-time assistant. In this way, you can greatly improve your surgical level, and,

You also have an extra life assistant."

Liu Muqiao smiled and asked, "Does your hospital have such a doctor?"

"Yes, our hospital has several super bosses, all of whom have full-time second assistants. They only need three to five years of training. However, our hospital has a rule that those with this qualification must at least be Yangtze River scholars."

Liu Muqiao shook his head and said: "I am not yet a Yangtze River scholar, so I dare not have a full-time second assistant."

"You may have a higher level than the super boss in our hospital." Professor He said.

"Don't put a high hat on me, spinal surgery. I know my shortcomings. I can't perform surgeries creatively. This is my shortcoming."

"The last surgery wasn't groundbreaking? The one you and Zhu Yaguang did."

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "This doesn't count."

We all put on gloves and stood in front of the operating table.

"Let's start, Su Yajuan, open your mouth." Liu Maqiao will let Su Yajuan take action whenever he gets the chance.

Professor He is also very knowledgeable. He does not rush to do things, but gives it to Su Yajuan as much as possible when he has the opportunity.

Today's first surgery is not too difficult. It is a simple surgery for Liu Miqiao. For Professor He, it is about level two to three of cervical spine surgery, and it is not difficult either.

Liu Muqiao gave Professor He a large number of surgical procedures. He directed him to do it while correcting his shortcomings. This was equivalent to teaching him step by step.

Professor He is very grateful.

Such an opportunity is really hard to find. At the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University, he would not have such an opportunity. He would not be taught like this if he accidentally became the assistant of a big boss, at most at critical times.

, a reminder or two.

It’s great to do surgeries with Liu Muqiao, because every time you do an operation, you will see obvious progress. For a person who has reached a relatively high level, this kind of opportunity is really rare and an unexpected surprise.

While teaching Professor He and Su Yajuan at the same time, before I knew it, the operation was over.

Su Yajuan is full of gains again.

The second patient no longer had the role of Professor He. Liu Miqiao brought Su Yajuan to the ward. The second patient's surgery required preoperative discussions.

No doctor from our hospital performed the surgery just now because Sucheng No. 1 Hospital does not perform spinal surgery and does not even have doctors in this field, so there was no formal case discussion.

This operation is different now. It is an exploratory laparotomy, and doctors from our hospital will be on stage.

Originally, exploratory laparotomy was not Liu Miqiao's strong point. However, among the abdominal organs, Liu Miqiao was already a top expert at the most important organ, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

The pre-operative discussion was organized by the chief of the medical department. It is said that their business director has reception duties and will not come to preside over the consultation.

Liu Muqiao didn't care. He also knew that many hospital directors had a strong sense of personalism and were only concerned about the superiors, not the inferiors. When superior leaders came, they were very solemn.

Today, a deputy department-level cadre came to inspect, and all the leaders of the hospital were there to greet him.

Liu Miqiao had never seen the appearance of the leader of their hospital. A somewhat arrogant medical section chief in his mid-thirties came to the surgeon's office.

Their surgical system here is very rough. It is divided into two departments: orthopedics and general surgery. General surgery includes liver, gallbladder, pancreas, large intestine, stomach, urology, lung, brain, thyroid, chest, etc., all under one surgery.


A very backward hospital.

As soon as the medical section chief entered the door, he shouted, "Quick, my time is limited, have all the people who should arrive arrived? Has the expert sent from above arrived?"

"Here we are, Nuo, look at the medical records over there." A doctor pointed at Liu Miqiao.

"Damn it, you are so young, are you kidding me? Do you really think we have no one?" said the medical section chief.

"Boss, please keep your voice down, it's not good for others to hear you." The doctor reminded.

"What's the big deal? He can't understand the dialect here. Besides, what if he hears it? Isn't it? He's too young. Isn't this looking down on us?" The medical section chief was angry.

This did not happen in the first operation, mainly because Professor He was over forty years old and looked like an expert. In addition, he went directly to the operating table without discussing the case.

Now, when the medical section chief saw that Liu Miqiao was about the same age as the resident doctor, he felt insulted and very unhappy.

In his mind, the leaders above looked down on them and thought their level was very low, so they sent experts, including a young doctor at random.

I heard the introduction was Dr. Liu, is it amazing to be a doctor?

For Sucheng, a doctor is really amazing, because there has never been a doctor in the entire Sucheng since ancient times.

Well, I heard that doctorates at the regional level are packed in baskets. You just got a doctorate and became an expert at Sucheng People's Hospital?

This is really unreasonable!

"Hurry up and gather people together! The consultation should be simple and the operation should be done as soon as possible. Er, are you Dr. Liu?" For the last sentence, he asked Liu Miqiao in Sucheng Mandarin.

In fact, Liu Muqiao heard it all. He was not angry and was not prepared to care about it, because it is a normal reaction for people to have an inferiority complex.

It feels very uncomfortable to be looked down upon by others, not to mention that this is a county-level hospital!

There are not many county-level hospitals that have this kind of surgical department under one roof. There are only a few counties such as Sucheng that have four or five departments under the general surgery department.

Their inferiority complex is quite strong.

This chapter has been completed!
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