Chapter 853: Cutting out the appendix by the way

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 Liu Miqiao was very tired of this kind of tacky etiquette, and he didn't like these flattery words even more. He hurriedly went to the operating table.

When he came to the operating room, Liu Maqiao was dumbfounded.

Is this also an operating room?

It’s okay if there is no laminar flow operating room. A window air conditioner surprised Liu Miqiao. The air conditioner used here was not a split air conditioner, but the old brand Chunlan air conditioner!

Forget about the old air conditioner, there are still spider webs on the ceiling.

Without the smell of 84 fluid, you really wouldn’t associate it with the operating room.

An old-fashioned hand-cranked operating table was shipped over by them.

The only thing that surprised Liu Muqiao was that there was also a ventilator, and it was not too backward.

In fact, Liu Muqiao is a bit exaggerated. If there is not even a ventilator, it would not be a hospital. A ventilator is necessary during general anesthesia.

Liu Muqiao washed his hands, disinfected them with complex iodine, and put on a surgical gown.

Su Yajuan has already taken the position of first assistant, and a doctor named Wang is going to be the second assistant. He is also one of the few undergraduates in this hospital and is in charge. It has been almost eleven years since he graduated, so he can be promoted to deputy director.
Since I don’t have a decent paper, I didn’t dare to apply.

"You can write a paper on today's case. If you put my name on it, I guess you will be allowed to pass at the review meeting." Liu Muqiao said.

The attending doctor named Wang got so excited that the hemostatic forceps in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, "Really?"

Liu Muqiao said, "Really, you write the first draft and mail it to me. I'll ask someone to revise it for you. Then, if I tell the editorial department, there should be no problems with your paper. I estimate that the page fee will be enough."

No need."

The doctor surnamed Wang became excited again and burst into tears. There are still such good people in the world!

The operation begins.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Su Yajuan first stated: "Dr. Wang, I am Dr. Liu's new apprentice. This operation is only the fourth one today, and I am still a novice."

Dr. Wang was a little surprised that he was doing first aid after just his fourth surgery?

What a blessing.

When Dr. Wang came here, he did not perform many surgeries. He worked for three years before getting a chance to help. He only performed appendices and hernias in the year he was promoted to attending physician. He has only performed less than ten abdominal organ surgeries so far.

, and it is also a lower abdominal surgery.

He glanced at Su Yajuan. She was young. She should have just graduated from a bachelor's degree. She was really happy to have the opportunity to be Dr. Liu's direct disciple.


Liu Muqiao said softly.

Su Yajuan made a figure-7 incision, while Liu Maqiao basically didn't do anything, just stood aside and watched.

Su Yajuan's understanding is very good. The abdominal dissection is very concise. Although it is not yet mature, it has exceeded imagination. She cuts the skin very coherently and with a little arc. Although it is not done in one stroke, there is no trace of modification.

Then there is the subcutaneous part. She performed the incision very well and did not damage the muscles inside. The subcutaneous part is just subcutaneous.

The blood vessel ligation was also done promptly.

Dr. Wang is conscientious in his role as second assistant, and he is not bad. The second assistant is still competent.

In addition to the three of them, as well as the anesthesiologist, instrument technician, and circulating nurse, there are several people standing further away. They applied to observe and learn, including Section Chief Li, Vice President Jiang, and the Director of Surgery.

Su Yajuan hesitated for a moment when cutting off her abdominal muscles. It was up to Liu Muqiao to decide whether to stretch them or cut them off.

For a true laparotomy, the field of view needs to be wide and it needs to be cut off. For targeted surgery, Liu Miqiao can also choose to use small field of view surgery.

Today we need a wide field of view for a very simple reason. The quality of the CT scans is too poor, and he doesn’t dare to judge whether there is any damage to other organs.

So he said, "Cut."

Su Yajuan decisively took the knife.

After opening the abdominal cavity, the rest of the work is mainly Liu Miqiao's.

He briefly inspected the surfaces of several exposed organs, and then went to the injured liver.

Sure enough, the liver was damaged, bleeding, and wrapped in a membrane.

The swelling is so severe, how could the patient not have abdominal pain?

There will be no pain in internal organs, cuts, or fires, but there will be pain in the envelopes of the organs.

Liu Muqiao opened the capsule, Su Yajuan quickly sucked up the blood, and Dr. Wang could only do the work of pulling the hook.

There could have been one more person, but Liu Muqiao considered that the quality of the doctors here was too poor and they were tired of waiting for two, so he did not allow the third assistant.

Without the third assistant, the second assistant's workload will be relatively heavy, pulling hooks without even a moment's rest.

The liver repaired quickly, followed by the spleen.

Liu Miqiao seldom performs spleen surgery. However, the spleen is easy to deal with. If the damage is severe and cannot be repaired, it can be removed.

It doesn’t matter if people don’t have a spleen.

After Liu Muqiao observed the spleen, he found that there were several injuries that were difficult to repair, so he simply cut them off!

"Su Yajuan, do you have the guts to cut the spleen?" Liu Maqiao is also a novice at cutting the spleen, so why not give this job to Su Yajuan?

Removing the spleen is not a very difficult operation. Once you master its anatomical structure, you can do it.

Su Yajuan's anatomy knowledge is pretty good. An anatomical diagram of the spleen quickly appeared in her mind. It would not be difficult to remove it.

Isn’t it just a matter of cutting off the ligaments and fascia, ligating the blood vessels, and then removing the splenic pedicle?

"Okay, I'll cut it."

Su Yajuan is a little excited.

Dr. Wang swallowed hard.

He has been working for eleven years and has only cut dozens of appendixes.

Liu Muqiao gave up the position of surgeon to Su Yajuan, and she continued step by step. Liu Muqiao also watched her technique closely.

It took more than ten minutes for Su Yajuan to cut off the entire spleen.

Liu Miqiao returned to the surgeon's position and examined all the organs in the abdominal cavity. He saw the appendix and swallowed.

By the way, how about trying something new yourself and cutting out an appendix?

Liu Miqiao had his first appendectomy, and he did a purse-string suture for the first time, which was great! Yes, it was successful, and it was very beautiful, and he didn’t look like a novice.

In fact, Liu Muqiao should have been able to perform appendix surgery long ago, but he just didn't do it for the first time. From now on, it will be a very simple matter to perform appendix surgery again.

Surgical skills are here, as long as you understand the surgical steps, there will be no problems.

"It's time to close the abdomen." Liu Muqiao tried his best to let Su Yajuan do it, and left all the work of closing the abdomen to her.

Su Yajuan began to close her abdomen.

While Dr. Wang was cooperating, he asked Liu Muqiao, "I don't know what to write about this surgery paper?" Because the surgery is not difficult.

Liu Miqiao said: "The main thing is to write about the diagnosis. First of all, haven't you had many case discussions? Analyzing the case from the perspective of diagnosis will help others improve their diagnosis. As for surgery, you can just understate it and leave it alone."

"Oh, I understand. The difficulty in this case is the diagnosis. The operation is not difficult, right?"

"That's right."

Su Yajuan is serious about closing her belly.

This chapter has been completed!
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