Chapter 851 You are a fake doctor

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 Now, they find out that the expert they sent is a doctoral student, and of course they will feel insulted.

Liu Muqiao is not ready to be angry.

"Yes, I am Liu Muqiao."

"Dr. Liu, how old are you this year?"

This is a very rude question.

Liu Muqiao said: "23 years old."

He is still not ready to be angry, because some people have high IQ but not high EQ, so there is no need to care about other people's greetings.

"Oh? You are studying for a PhD at the age of 23?"

"No, I'm studying for a master's degree."

"Oh, so your doctorate is fake?"

This sentence has no emotional intelligence and is even unreasonable.

Su Yajuan got angry and was about to speak when Liu Maqiao waved his hand to stop Su Yajuan from speaking.

He said: "Are you the vice president of the hospital, or..."

"Our dean is very busy. I am responsible for all general consultations. Don't worry, I already have a deputy senior professional title, deputy chief physician."

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly and said: "Then let's start the pre-operative discussion?"

"It seems that you have been arranged to perform the surgery?" the medical section chief said.

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "Yes, I will do the surgery, and then I will choose a few assistants."

"Then let's get started. Who will report the medical records and whose patient it is?"

The medical section chief was about to follow the rules, but then he thought, something is wrong, you, Dr. Liu - no, Master Liu should still be a resident physician. He will speak later. How should we arrange this order?

After thinking about it, since this is the arrangement from above, don't blame me. I will follow the rules and start from the lower level.

The resident physician reported the medical history.

The medical section chief looked at Liu Miqiao and said, it's your turn to speak.

However, Liu Muqiao looked leisurely and was not prepared to speak at all.

"It's your turn." the medical section chief reminded.

"Don't worry, let's listen to everyone's opinions." Liu Muqiao was neither arrogant nor humble, and he was not angry at all.

"It's your turn." The medical section chief reminded again.

"Don't worry, I'll talk about it last." Liu Maqiao said loudly.

The medical section chief was about to say that your professional title is low and it’s your turn to speak up. This is the rule.

Before he could say anything, the attending doctor of our hospital spoke, "Let me say a few words."

Then, he expressed his opinion.

After the attending doctor finished speaking, Deputy Director Jiang, the deputy director of the department and one of the only deputy chief doctors in their hospital, spoke.

He analyzed the condition and believed that the patient's abdominal pain should be chronic appendicitis, which should be treated conservatively and continue to reduce inflammation.

It’s the department director’s turn to speak.

He is a senior doctor, and his professional title is only attending. His education is low, he only has a college degree, so his professional title is considered to be the highest.

But he has the highest qualifications. He is 58 years old. He is the head of the department and no one is dissatisfied.

He said: "Let me tell you, this patient suffered an impact on the abdomen after the earthquake, and then developed abdominal pain. However, CT, B-ultrasound and other examinations, as well as abdominal puncture, ruled out damage to the abdominal organs. However,

We have reason to believe that his abdominal pain should be related to trauma. Therefore, appendicitis cannot be ruled out, and other organ injuries cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to perform an exploratory laparotomy. Of course, this is my personal opinion. Please let us know the final decision.

Medical Section Chief, Section Chief Li, and Dr. Liu who was sent from above, oh no, Master Liu, you decide. I’ve finished my opinions.”

Liu Miqiao and Chief Li of the Medical Department glanced at each other. Very quickly, the preoperative discussion was too simple. It only took ten minutes and it was time to summarize.

"Please!" Liu Muqiao said. Section Chief Li also said it almost at the same time.

"You are an expert, please ask first."

"You are the section chief, please invite me first."

Section Chief Li was a little angry.

It’s true that you were sent here from above, but you are studying for a master’s degree. What qualifications do you have to speak after me?

"Do you understand the rules?"

Liu Muqiao was stunned. Well, have you told me the rules?

"I understand."

"I don't think you understand. Which school did you get your undergraduate degree from? Which hospital do you work in? Where are you studying for your master's degree now?" Section Chief Li asked several questions in succession.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "I am an undergraduate student at the Medical College of Qingjiang University in Jiangdong Province, working at Antai Hospital in Qingjiang City, and studying for a master's degree from Professor Long at the First Hospital of Beijing University."

Section Chief Li said: "What kind of hospital is Antai Hospital? Provincial or municipal hospital?"

Liu Muqiao said: "Municipal hospital."

Section Chief Li said: "I thought it was a very high-level hospital! It turns out that it is a city-level hospital. It's not even the city's first-level hospital, right?"

Liu Muqiao said: "That's right."

Section Chief Li stood up, went out, and made a phone call.

Everyone guessed that he went to call the leader.

Section Chief Li called the business dean and said that the superiors looked down upon our hospital so much that it was really bullying to send a master's student to our hospital as an expert.

The deputy dean said, this is true, are you not mistaken? It said that a very qualified Dr. Liu was sent here, and he was also said to be the chief expert. How could he be a master's student?

Chief Li said, it is absolutely true. I asked them one question after another. As he said, the hospital he works in is actually a regional hospital, not to mention an affiliated hospital, not even a provincial hospital.

The vice president of business pondered for a while and said, just do it as you see fit, don't let him do whatever he wants.

Section Chief Li asked the business dean to come over and deal with it. The business dean said, how can I have time? If he is really a big expert, it is necessary for me to take some time to come over. Now that you say he is still a child, there is no need for me to come over.
Section Chief Li returned to the consultation venue.

The business dean returned to the conference room and told the dean about the incident.

The dean is also a person with a glassy heart. He must be angry because he is being treated like this.

He called the superiors himself.

"Are you kidding!" the leader above said, "We will send experts at will? We are sending first-class experts. I am not talking about you. You can't even hire this expert. He is at Hopkins Hospital.

I have performed several teaching surgeries. Do you know Hopkins Hospital? The largest and most powerful hospital in the United States!"

The leaders above didn't say too much, but just picked out a few key points. He believed that with these few words, they would be less troublesome.

Unexpectedly, the director of a hospital in Sucheng still didn't understand it.

You must have sent the wrong person!

The Dr. Liu you want to send and the Dr. Liu who came to our hospital are two different people!


In the consultation conference room, Liu Muqiao spoke.

He didn't want to continue the stalemate with Section Chief Li, so he spoke first.

He said: "The diagnosis of this patient is actually very clear. Your CT machine is very poor, but if you look carefully, you can still see that two organs are damaged. Of course, the CT report does not have this diagnosis, and the diagnosis is missed.

Yes, B-ultrasound also missed the diagnosis."

He picked up the CT film, pointed to a place with relatively low density on the film and said: "This is under the diaphragm of the liver. There is a crescent-shaped low-density area. This is the liver rupture and bleeding, and it is surrounded by packages."<


Then he pointed to another place and said: "This is the spleen. There is bleeding in the spleen, and it is also wrapped in the capsule. It has not been punctured yet."

Liu Muqiao put the film on the table and said: "So, there is no need to argue, surgery! Directly repair the damage to the liver and spleen."

"The problem is, I don't agree with your diagnosis." Section Chief Li said loudly, "Are the people in the CT room and B-ultrasound room not as good as you?"

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly and said, "Yes, they can't be better than me. In addition, the equipment here is too backward. Really, it is too easy to miss a diagnosis."

This chapter has been completed!
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