Chapter 952 Waiting for the results

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 The assistants working with Liu Muqiao were very tired and had no choice. Most of the surgeries had to be performed under a microscope, so they had no choice but to be patient.

Liu Muqiao didn't have a chance to look at the clock on the wall and asked: "What time is it now?"

"It's 11 o'clock. Do you want a midnight snack?" the nurse asked.

"No, is Jiang Wei here?" Liu Miqiao asked while operating.

"No, are you looking for Director Jiang Wei? Do you want to make a call?"

"Uh, no, if Jiang Wei comes in, just tell me."

Liu Muqiao is thinking about Willow Ye.

Now, the results should be out. It's 11 o'clock, how can it be possible that the results haven't been out yet?

At this time, Jiang Wei was standing by the TV, and the live TV broadcast was advertising. This advertisement was relatively long. Whenever there was a live broadcast, it suddenly turned into an advertisement, and this advertisement lasted for more than half an hour.

I still had a conscience. Half an hour later, the commercials stopped and the awards didn't start. The TV started replaying the previous games.

The replay part is obviously biased, and the games on No. 7, No. 9, and No. 15 are repeatedly played.

Willow Leaf No. 18, her shadow is rarely seen.

Jiang Wei knew there was no chance.

However, she doesn't know why the results of the competition haven't been announced yet.

Anyone who has watched model performances will know that something is wrong.

In the report card, there are people who should not appear in the top list. This is a taboo and a violation of the rules. In fact, the champion, runner-up, and the top six have all been determined in the previous competitions.<


If the results are not available today, someone must have broken into the top six.

In the model competition, the top six are signed by big companies and eat meat and fish; the rest are small companies who get some soup.

Naturally, Liu Ye broke into the top six.

The organizing committee is negotiating nervously.

Someone lost their temper.

Losing temper, people often lose their temper in this kind of finals.

There were quite a few protests.

In the past, protests were usually about unfair refereeing and objections to the referee's scoring.

Today it was the other way around, protesting that the grading was too fair.

How can you push willow leaves to their highest peak?

Sponsors protest.

The referee was also unjust.

Can you blame us?

Liuye is so outstanding! She has stepped into another realm of the modeling world. With her performance today, she can be ranked first in the world!

Of course, there is water in this sentence.

Asians suffer when they are models and beauty pageants. It is more difficult for East Asians at least to win the championship.

It is impossible for Liu Ye to win the world championship, but she is certain to win the domestic championship. If we lower her score today, we are worried that there will be no ratings in the future model competitions.

The referee representatives are also very proud, and they have reason to give Liuye high scores.

They have seen too many beauties. Today, with the dizzying beauty of Liu Ye, she cannot be the first, but who can be the first?

There was a heated argument between the sponsor and the referee, and the organizer was caught in the middle, which was very troublesome.

"At least, the top three cannot move and must follow the original agreement."

The sponsor proposed a compromise plan. The top three will follow the pre-match arrangement, and Willow Leaf can take fourth place.

Who knows, the referee disagreed.

The organizers were also afraid of upsetting people, so they asked, "Is this okay? The first and second runner-up will not move, and Willow Leaf will get the third runner-up."

Neither the sponsor nor the referee agreed.

The sponsor has always insisted that Liuye can get fourth place.

The referee insisted that Liuye ranked first, and the rest of the rankings were deduced by analogy.

Since several parties insisted on their own interests, the discussion was inconclusive.

Finally, the sponsor proposed that Liu Ye is now a free agent and has not yet signed a contract. Whoever vacates the quota for the top three originally scheduled will have priority to sign with Liu Ye.

Therefore, the originally scheduled champion and runner-up successively negotiated with Liu Ye.

The result of the negotiation was not ideal, and she rejected everyone.

This is embarrassing.

The commercials on the TV rolled several times, and later the game clips had to be shown repeatedly.

The TV station's phone kept ringing, and some particularly persistent viewers were asking why they always played clips from No. 7, No. 9, and No. 15, but why the best No. 18 had no footage.

Taili reported this situation to the organizing committee.

Finally, the organizer made the decision.

They came up with the final solution.

Most Photogenic Award: Willow Leaf!

Audience Favorite Award: Willow Leaf!

The winner of this competition: Willow Ye!

Three grand prizes were won by Willow Leaf.

Willow Ye burst into tears after winning the award.

Jiang Wei rushed into the operating room, hurriedly put on visiting clothes, stepped open the door of the operating room, "Champion!"

Liu Muqiao was stunned.

Fortunately, he was still steady, his hands did not shake, and no medical accident was caused.

"Well, not bad, it's a bit unexpected." Liu Maqiao said.

"I asked Liuye to reject all signings. Before this," Jiang Wei reported.

"Well, that's right, but now we can let her sign the contract." Liu Maqiao still didn't leave the microscope, and his hand didn't stop either.

Jiang Wei is out.

She made a call to Liuye.

"Someone is looking for you to sign a contract. You can sign it now. That's what Liu Miqiao said." Jiang Wei said.

"Thank you. There are now 7 companies that want to sign contracts with me. Sister Jiang Wei, please help me as a consultant." Liu Ye said excitedly.

Liuye explained the general situation.

Jiang Wei gave up the idea of ​​becoming a consultant because she really couldn't tell which company was good. They were all very powerful companies.

The key is that she doesn't want to interfere with Liuye's decision-making. Now that she is the champion, her contract must be heavy.

Liu Ye weighed it up and said to the representative sent by Huacheng TV: "I want to sign a contract with you."

The bosses present were all surprised. Huacheng TV is a state-owned institution, and signing a contract with them would be a big disadvantage.

Indeed, everyone present was a big company, and the contract remuneration was very generous. Liu Ye glanced at it casually, and saw that the annual salary was more than 3 million, while at Huacheng TV, her remuneration was only 600,000.

The difference is 4 times. Many people think that Liu Ye is crazy.

Is Liuye’s brain flooded?

Liu Ye smiled mysteriously, she naturally had her own ideas.

Working in a private enterprise will definitely bring you high remuneration, but it will also be very stressful. The key is that once you work in a private enterprise, it is unlikely that you will get married before the age of 35.

The entertainment industry is very glamorous. Yes, there will be many fans and high income, but this is not the job Liu Ye wants. She prefers to be quiet.

She wants a job that is stable, comfortable, and profitable. The key is that she wants to be a member of the system like Liu Miqiao.

There is a difference between being inside the system and outside the system. Outside the system, you may make more money, but you may also get nothing. Instability is the biggest characteristic.

Within the system, it will always be tied to the great destiny of the country. It can be said that comfort and security are the biggest advantages of the system.

Liu Ye is not a whimsical person. At Huacheng TV Station, she is comfortable, stable, and can make money. Why didn’t she choose?

The core problem is that there is another reason. Someone told her how she won the championship. In order to repay Huacheng TV, she signed a three-year agreement.

This chapter has been completed!
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