Chapter 241 Something from the bottom of my heart

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 Although marriage is the order of parents and the words of matchmakers, Ming Qinxue's status and reputation among the ladies of the capital are extraordinary, and she is smart and talented. Chu Chengye also has to show some sincerity and some grace.

, it is best to let Ming Qinxue fall in love with him wholeheartedly, so that she can become his truly virtuous wife!

Therefore, to show his sincerity, he will personally express his feelings to Ming Qinxue today!

There are only two private rooms on the third floor of Sihai Building.

It is spacious and bright, where you can climb up to enjoy the scenery, or take a rest and relax.

Because it is spacious enough, even if there are more than ten people together, it will not feel crowded.

Because it is quiet enough, it is the most suitable place for heart-to-heart conversations.

The people who come are either rich or noble, and people without this status cannot afford such fees.

At this time, a carriage stopped at the gate of Sihai Tower.

Although there is no emblem on this carriage, it is elegant and extraordinary, and naturally attracts the attention of many people.

The coachman has already set up the dismounting stool and is waiting respectfully.

At the car curtain, a white hand stretched out and opened it.

Everyone thought, with such beautiful hands, people still don’t know what kind of beauty it is. As everyone guessed and looked expectantly, the owner of the hand revealed her head. It turned out to be a beautiful and iconic woman with smooth and delicate skin.

She is soft and tender, and looks pretty and pleasant. The clothes on her body are also made of fine silk and brocade with excellent texture.

Such a piece of clothing must be worth one or two hundred taels of silver no matter how you wear it, right?

However, someone soon discovered that something was wrong. This woman wore her hair in a maid's bun, and she stayed aside after getting off the carriage. Obviously, she was not the real owner.

As expected, another woman appeared in the carriage. She was wearing a light yellow palace dress. Her face was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away. Her skin was so fragile that she had just the right facial lines.

One part is too much, and one part less is too little. A pair of water-like eyes seems to carry the endless mist of spring, as if it is clear and illusory, as if it is in the nine heavens, free from dust, and floating with fairy spirit.

So beautiful!

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also graceful and luxurious! But it does not make people feel condescending and oppressive. It just feels bright and unparalleled.

Fairies in the sky, nothing more than that, right?

People can't help but feel that they can only worship from a distance and dare not get closer to take a closer look, for fear that a closer look would be blasphemy.

For a moment, the entire atmosphere at the door seemed to be quiet.

Ming Qinxue had something on her mind. Of course, if she went out, this phenomenon would be normal, so she didn't care.

At the door, two impressive guards quickly walked up to her and said respectfully: "Miss Ming, my young master has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ming Qinxue nodded slightly and said: "Lead the way!"

The two guards immediately responded respectfully: "Yes!" Bendang led the way.

However, they did not dare to walk in front of Ming Qinxue.

When they reached the third floor, they separated on the right side and stood solemnly, obviously guarding and not letting others come over. The name of the Yantai Pavilion on the right was written by everyone, with an iron hook and a silver hook, and it was upright.

Ming Qinxue glanced at the word and walked to the door.

The maid knocked on the door.

There will occasionally be private meetings between your noble master and the ladies, but they will never meet alone! For example, now, Chu Chengye has guards behind him, and Ming Qinxue also brings her maid.

Things like Qin Xuran and Mu Manqi driving away maids and servants would generally not happen.

Chu Chengye came to open the door in person.

His eyes fell on Ming Qinxue's face, showing a gentle and elegant smile, and said: "Ms. Ming is here to welcome you, and you are welcome from afar!"

Ming Qinxue bowed and said: "Your Highness is welcome, Qinxue has met Your Highness!"

Chu Chengye helped him with help: "No need to be polite, come in and talk. The tea is ready, the place is elegant, you can enjoy the street view, and it is quite quiet. I think you will like it!"

Although he has gradually gained momentum with the help of Prime Minister Ming, he and Ming Qinxue really don't have many opportunities to meet. Even if they do, it is probably only from a relatively far distance and nodding at a place within sight.

That’s all.

At this time, Ming Qinxue's fairy-like appearance, dignified and elegant appearance, Yong Hua's calm temperament, and her well-cultivated behavior made him feel even more satisfied.

The two of them sat down to enjoy tea in front of the window. As long as they looked slightly sideways, they could see the street view outside the window.

White Jade Tea House, diagonally opposite.

Ming Qinxue glanced at the middle of the street with a dark look. On the bustling street, everything was in order. So today, it must have been in vain again.

Chu Chengye made tea with his own hands, and his movements were dignified and beautiful. With his good education, natural nobility, and handsome face, even the movements of making tea were pleasing to the eye.

However, Ming Qinxue seemed a little worried.

After dividing the cups, he pushed them in front of Ming Qinxue with his own hands, and said gently with a smile: "Ms. Ming, have a try!"

Ming Qinxue smiled lightly, raised her glass, covered her lips with her long sleeves, and took a sip.

The tea is very good and the brewed tea is also very fragrant.

Chu Chengye was very confident and said: "How?"

Ming Qinxue nodded politely and said: "Very good!"

Is it just these two words? I think the tea is very good. With Miss Ming's talent, shouldn't I say a few words? For example, the fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, or the color is clear, the taste is mellow, etc., or even write a poem on the spot, right?

It’s not difficult for her, right?

However, he also felt that Miss Ming's reaction was normal. For a reserved and dignified lady, it was normal for her to be so reserved. Could it be that she was like Kong Zhiyou?

Chu Chengye was even more satisfied. He had wanted to be in that position since he was a child, so his knowledge was not bad. As a prince, he received better education than ordinary people, and he was excellent in all aspects.

He wanted to continue chatting and find more topics.

He found that no matter what he was talking about, whether it was poetry, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, or interesting things, anecdotes about the capital, Ming Qinxue could pick up the topic.

As expected, he is a sweet boy with Bingxue's cleverness and Lan Xinhuizhi. Now, he was even more satisfied.

Just when he was about to express his feelings, suddenly, Ming Qinxue's eyes fell on the street, her eyes were slightly focused, and her expression changed slightly.

What Chu Chengye was about to say stuck in his mouth. He followed her gaze and saw that it was the door of Sihai Tower. A man in green shirt got off the carriage and walked towards the door.

Chu Chengye asked curiously: "What is Miss Ming looking at?"

Ming Qinxue looked back with a faint smile on her face: "I didn't see anything!"

But her smile was obviously different from the polite and distant smile just now. She was a little excited and happy, and said: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

This thank you was a bit inexplicable. Chu Chengye was stunned for a moment before reacting. Was Miss Ming thanking him for complimenting her just now?

He also smiled warmly and said: "Miss Ming is too polite. I have something in my heart that I want to say to Miss Ming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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