Chapter 245 Impossible

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 The village chief said: "Why are you not afraid? So these days, few people in our village go out."

"Is it okay if you don't go out?"

The village chief said mysteriously: "Don't look at the poverty in our village. It is blessed by the mountain god. As long as you don't go out in the village, there will be no danger. We have done well here for so many years!"<


Finally, with the enthusiasm of the village chief, the three of them chose an empty house on the other side. Because they gave the village chief another piece of silver, the village chief asked his wife to kill a chicken for soup and also offered to donate the family's bed.

Quilt, but was declined.

They don't dare to ask for those things that are patched and patched.

After dinner, the village chief personally led the people to the empty house over there and helped clean it before leaving.

The house has been vacant for a long time, and people can barely live in it. However, there are no beds or bunks. Fortunately, the weather is not cold now, so I can make do with it at night.

The three of them are not here to enjoy themselves. Chu Xinyuan doesn't care about these details, and Yuexi Xingnan certainly doesn't care either.

Yue Xi scratched his head: "It seems that people in the village also know these situations, but they say that there is a mountain god in the village to bless them. Why is this so strange?"

Xing Nan said: "What's so strange about this? If that monster really exists, if there is a monster, there will be a mountain god!"

The two bickered for a while, but when they saw that Chu Xinyuan didn't say anything, they stopped talking.

Xing Nan said: "Master, where are we going to visit at night?"

Chu Xinyuan said: "What to explore? Sleep!"

Xing Nan: "..."


How do you sleep here?

Besides, aren’t they staying here to catch the murderer?

However, the master had spoken, and he did not dare to say more. He immediately started with Yue Xi and cleaned the couch. Although there was no bedding, at least sitting on it would not make him covered in ashes.

Chu Xinyuan sat on the couch, but didn't sleep. He couldn't sleep.

It's not that I dislike the simplicity of this place. When I first went to the battlefield, I was so tired on the cold ground among the mountains of corpses that I could fall asleep. When I heard the slightest movement, I immediately raised my sword and fought the enemy again.

It’s already very good here.

He is thinking about the whole process.

The incident first occurred two months ago. Even if there was a time lag between the discovery of the missing person and the report, the deviation would not exceed two days.

The second time, ten days apart, the third time, seven days apart, the fourth time, six days apart, the fifth time, six days apart, the sixth time, four days apart, the seventh time, seven days apart...

In other words, there is no pattern at all, but the shortest interval is four days, and the longest interval is ten days.

During this period, if it cannot be found, there may be another or even several victims.

The village chief said that the village is protected by a mountain god. There is no basis for this statement. Their "mountain god" has not shown any spiritual power. Therefore, if no one appears on that road at that time, maybe the monster will target the villagers.


Or, are there no witnesses, or are there witnesses who are too afraid to speak out after seeing it?

Is the perpetrator a monster, an animal, or a human?

How could a person leave no footprints?

It seems that people can leave no footprints. For example, if they reach a first-class high-level master, they can truly walk on the snow without leaving a trace. Is he such a master? That is impossible. Who would drink human blood?


Yuexi and Xingnan didn't dare to disturb them. They each found a small stool on one side and closed their eyes to take a nap, but they could hear all kinds of noises in their ears.

The three of them really stayed in this small shabby room all night, or rather sat there all night.

Hearing what his prince said, he would continue to live here unless the case was solved. The two looked at each other in confusion. The prince did not want to waste more lives on this road, so he was determined to solve the case as soon as possible.

Of course they couldn't leave if the prince didn't leave, so they finally decided to let Xing Nan go back to Beijing to buy some necessary food and accommodation.

You can't just sit like this all night!

Chu Xinyuan acquiesced to Xing Nan's proposal.

The next day, Chu Xinyuan walked around like a normal person. He was handsome and noble, and he stood out from the crowd in the village. But he spoke very gently, neither condescending nor cold, especially Yue Xi.

A good hand to liven up the atmosphere.

When Xing Nan came back, he was surprised to find that his master and Yue Xi had become friends of the villagers in Xiaotun Village.

The villagers were not living a well-off life, but one of them carried eggs, another held a hen, and some carried white noodles or steamed buns to deliver to their huts.

Yuexi cheerfully gave money to everyone.

Xing Nan: "..."

Did they turn this place into a grocery store?

Do you still need the rice and noodles he bought?

Facts have proved that it is neither necessary nor necessary.

None of the three grown men knew how to cook, so the rice and noodles they bought were just for decoration.

Yue Xi sighed: "It would be great if the princess were here!"

Chu Xinyuan was originally thinking about the case and carefully analyzing the conditions of the villagers he saw and heard with Yue Xi today, but at this time he narrowed his eyes: "Can she cook?"

Yue Xi looked at his master and there seemed to be something wrong in his eyes. He couldn't help but cover his mouth in horror. What was he saying just now? Even if the princess is here, he can't let the princess cook for them, right? It's more like cooking for the prince.


Xing Nan looked at Yue Xi's cowardly appearance and said in support: "The princess has lived alone in Zhumiao Courtyard for so long without a maid or a mother-in-law, so she must have cooked and eaten by herself."

Chu Xinyuan: "..."

You have neither a maid nor a mother-in-law, so you can cook and eat by yourself?

It seems a bit excessive!

Is this the reason why she doesn’t want to see her now? Is this the reason why she strongly demands to move out? Because when she moves out, she can hire her own cook, buy a maid to take care of her, and buy someone to do the menial work in the yard.<


It's because he didn't think carefully.

However, he was angry and angry at the time when he was plotted, but he could only bear it. How could he possibly consider her situation?

After I go back...

Chu Xinyuan shook himself awake. What will happen after he goes back? Are he going to apologize? That is impossible!

He said: "Ask the village chief to find a woman who can cook. Give her money!"

Yue Xi just said the wrong thing, and after hearing it, he ran away like a rabbit.

Xing Nan sorted the things sent by the villagers. My dear, the food almost filled a room. They were all given in money, and I don’t know how much money was given.

No wonder those villagers were so generous. They felt that his master and that idiot Yuexi were taken advantage of, right?

Yue Xi quickly came over with the village chief's wife.

Of course, this good thing of getting money for just cooking a meal cannot be taken advantage of by others. The village chief has already told his wife to take good care of these Gods of Wealth.

After a while, the food was served. There were chicken, egg white noodles, steamed buns (from the villagers), meat and cooked food (bought by Xing Nan).

This chapter has been completed!
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