Chapter 243 Vampire Monster

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 After receiving the news, Chu Yuncheng wanted to watch Chu Chengye courteous to Miss Ming's family with Chu Xinyuan. However, Chu Xinyuan, who was the commander of the Gyeonggi Guard and the Western Guard, was personally involved in a case in the capital.

Went to the scene.

Ordinary cases are handled by Jing Zhaoyin, but this case was very difficult and Jing Zhaoyin's detectives couldn't handle it, so they submitted a request for assistance from the Gyeonggi Guard.

Although the commander of the Gyeonggi Guard was born as a general and had made outstanding achievements, he was brave but not resourceful. In addition, Chu Xinyuan took the initiative to ask for military service, so he was naturally happy and free.

At this time, Chu Xinyuan was half squatting on the ground. In front of him, several corpses were lying irregularly.

There were scratches on the corpses, but the fatal injury was the tooth mark on the neck. The corpse was shriveled, as if all the blood had been sucked out of the body.

This place is called Xiaotun Village, a village on the outskirts of Beijing. In the past two months, more than a dozen incidents have occurred.

It is said that the first deceased was a woodcutter who went into the mountains to cut firewood. When his body was found, he had been dead for three days, lying in the grass on the roadside with the firewood still on the roadside.

The villagers in Xiaotun Village immediately reported it to the county, and the county sent detectives to search, but no clues were found.

A few days later, when a herbalist passed by this road, he never returned. The body he found also had all the blood drained from his body.

Among them was a young man, the only son of a wealthy businessman, whose father privately offered a reward of ten thousand taels of silver for the murderer's head.

Every five or six days, someone dies tragically.

Family members of the victims have successively offered rewards to avenge their dead relatives, and the reward has been increased to 18,000 taels. This is already a large amount of money.

There are also bounty hunters who come to try their luck.

But those highly skilled and confident bounty hunters either failed to find even a single clue, or simply lost their lives here and were sucked into mummies, and they were not spared!

As time went by, rumors spread that Xiaotun Village was haunted, so that almost no one dared to take this road unless necessary. But it is a must-pass road to and from Beijing, so those who know the inside story are all in Japan.

Walking together while the head is still there seems to be a good method, and we stopped for a while.

Unexpectedly, something happened while traveling together. Three days ago, a caravan of eight people carried horses and goods, and it was daytime, but they were still not spared. The people and horses turned into shriveled corpses.

The county government sent five detectives here. The blood-sucking monsters and the shriveled corpses are really scary. The tragic cases have not been solved so far. The county magistrate's hair is turning gray.

As a result, the five-person team of police officers never came back. The county hurriedly reported to Jing Zhaoyin, who urgently asked for help from the Gyeonggi Guards.

Those in front of Chu Xinyuan were them.

Chu Xinyuan examined the body and also saw the body of the eight-man caravan still parked in the county government village.

Those scars were not many, more like scratches during the struggle. Everyone died in horror. The blood-sucking monster has the same teeth as humans. It bites the blood vessels in the neck and sucks blood. It can suck five to eight people at a time.

He has a lot of blood and obviously has a big appetite. What kind of monster could it be?

The traces around are very confusing, and the footprints are very mixed. After comparing them one by one, only those of the deceased are not suspicious.

The Gyeonggi guards he brought clenched the weapons in their hands, but they still felt chills on their bodies. The frightened look of the deceased before they died was really scary.

However, their leader just frowned and looked through them one by one, which made them gradually become convinced despite being scared.

They thought he was a pampered prince who came here to gain military power and seniority, but everything he did since he took office made them look down upon him at first, and now they respect and fear him.

Chu Xinyuan ignored the frightened and awed looks of these Gyeonggi guards. He memorized the wounds of the deceased, the positions where they fell to the ground, and the entire terrain, and deduced the process in his mind.

Finally, he said to Jing Zhaoyin's deputy You Fufeng Cao Yan: "Looking at the wounds, the murderer looks like a human being but not a human being. He did not come from the mountain, but from the village. It is also possible that he came from somewhere else and took a certain place in the village as his foothold."

.It needs to suck blood for a period of time, but after sucking blood, it will be silent for a period of time."

This inference is tenable, because there are also uninformed people from other places who pass through the village without incident. It is probably when the monster is resting and does not need to suck blood.

Cao Yan looked at the corpses and said with lingering fear: "Your Highness, what kind of monster is this? Can you catch it?"

Chu Xinyuan said: "There are currently no witnesses, so we can't determine what the monster is."

He pondered for a while and then said: "I didn't see the monster's footprints. Although I can't rule out that these footprints disappeared due to the wind or over time. But I can't rule out that the monster moved quickly or was light or small.

, jump directly to people and attack."

As he described it, everyone imagined the scene in their minds, and they were suddenly frightened.

Cao Yan said: "Your Highness, as for the monster now, I am limited to your speculation. Can the monster be caught?"

"Not yet!" Chu Xinyuan shook his head and said: "Currently we are just guessing that there is such a monster. But we don't know its habits, where it is, or when it appears!"

Cao Yan was a little embarrassed: "Your Highness, what should we do? Do we have to stay here all the time?"

It's scary to be here. Think about it, that weird thing that comes and goes without a trace, and you don't know what it looks like, may appear next to you at any time. Maybe if you don't pay attention, you will lose your life.


Chu Xinyuan shook his head and said: "You don't have to stay here!"

Cao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Based on His Highness's speculation, when will we come again?"

Chu Xinyuan's eyes were still on the mummies, and he responded casually: "I will stay here until the monster shows up. You wait until I inform you to come back!"

Cao Yan and the others couldn't help but narrow their eyes, His Highness Prince Liang wants to stay here?

Who knows when the monster will appear?

Since it is a monster, how can manpower deal with it?

His Highness Prince Liang is just joking with his own life?

Cao Yan quickly advised: "Your Highness, why do you need to do this yourself? It's too dangerous, so let others handle it!"

Chu Xinyuan glanced at him lightly: "Leave it to whom? Or to you?"

Cao Yan was startled and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, I am a scholar and I don't have the strength to tie a chicken. I have more than enough ambition but not enough strength!"

He just has good intentions and doesn't want to involve himself in it.

Chu Xinyuan said: "Okay, you can take the people and leave. Transport these corpses back to the government office and put them in Yizhuang first. I will inform you of any news."

At this time, Cao Yan did not dare to persuade him anymore, so he quickly took Jing Zhaoyin and the people from the county government to collect the mummies on the ground and left.

Chu Xinyuan asked the people from the Gyeonggi Guard to leave as well.

This chapter has been completed!
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