Chapter 1192 Upgrade

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 Zhang Tuohai looked at his experience level. It was now lv26 (692/2600). In just a short time, he had completed more than a quarter of the upgrade goal. If all the polluters in this city were wiped out, maybe

You can go up a level and get another skill point.

This is a huge temptation for Zhang Tuohai, who is currently having difficulty upgrading.

Zhang Tuohai thought for a moment and summoned a Viking dragon ship, and twenty Viking heroes appeared in front of him.

"Blow the horn to attract all the polluters and kill them."

Zhang Tuohai said.

Twenty Viking heroes all raised their horns and blew the horns.


The low and long sound of the horn spread throughout the Candy City.

This huge sound is undoubtedly a provocation to the irrational first-order polluters.

Following their instincts, these polluters came out of their hiding places and rushed towards the direction where the horn sound came from.

Bang bang bang!

Seeing a group of first-level polluters rushing towards them, the Viking hero took out the throwing ax, throwing spear and other weapons from his waist, and greeted those first-level polluters.

Under the sea of ​​garbage from the Viking heroes, those first-level polluters were chopped into pieces before they even got close.

Then, those Viking heroes continued to blow their horns to attract the next batch of polluters.

Under the constant attraction of the Viking Heroic Spirits, those first-order polluters came out of their hiding places in batches, and were then killed by the Viking Heroic Spirits.

Later, the corpses piled up into a mountain, and the polluters continued to climb towards the mountain of corpses.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai adjusted the demon's roar to the pyroblast mode and fired six shots at the mountain of corpses. The huge fireball ignited the mountain of corpses, and the raging fire began to burn, burning the corpses and polluters.
After burning the mountain of corpses, Zhang Tuohai found that he had actually been upgraded.

The current experience has become lv27 (6/2700), and there is one more skill point.

Zhang Tuohai looked at his skill list and focused on the skill of summoning a ghost ship.

Summon ghost ship (lv5): skill effect, number of summoned ghost ships is 1, skill lasts for 10 minutes.

"Huh?" Zhang Tuohai's eyes widened.

He originally thought that level 5 would summon some kind of battleship, but he didn't expect that it would actually be an enhancement of the previous skill.

The number of summoned ghost ships is 1, which means that you can summon two ghost ships at once, and the power is directly doubled.

In addition, the duration of the effect is increased, which means that the duration of the battle is increased, which can save more magic power and increase the strength in disguise.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Tuohai discovered that when he clicked the summon ghost ship to level five, the word "maximum level" did not appear.

"Could it be said that this skill can continue to be upgraded? Can its power be increased?"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Tuohai couldn't sit still.

He now urgently needs a skill point to try it out.

The easiest way is to continue killing polluters and increase your level.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai looked at the city. There were still a large number of polluters hiding there. This was all based on experience!

Be sure to get them all.

Zhang Tuohai tried the new skill, and as expected, he summoned two Viking dragon ships at once, and forty Viking spirits were at his command.

"Keep blowing the horn and hunt down the polluters."

Zhang Tuohai commands the Viking heroes.


The dull horn sounded again in the sky above Candy City.

Zhang Tuohai led his men to kill from noon to dusk.

After waiting for half an hour, no new polluters were found.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that these first-level polluters may have been killed, and even if there were any left, they must be stuck in strange locations. What Zhang Tuohai had to do was to pick out these polluters one by one and kill them.
Of course, there may be second-level polluters hiding, and Zhang Tuohai needs to be careful about this.

Zhang Tuohai led 40 Viking heroes along the long street to search and clean up.

Not to mention, Zhang Tuohai actually discovered five or six polluters.

These polluters are all stuck in strange places, some in cabinets, some in cellars, and some connected together like human centipedes.

These polluters were picked out by Viking heroes and killed one by one.

When Zhang Tuohai arrived in front of the Governor's Mansion, he finally succeeded in reaching level 28 and successfully obtained a skill point.

Zhang Tuohai tried to put his hand on the summoning ghost ship.

The skill flashed and the level became lv6.

"It can indeed be upgraded!"

Zhang Tuohai took a look at the effect of level 6 summoned ghost ship: Armor 1, summon quantity 1, summon duration 10 minutes.

Zhang Tuohai dispersed the Viking spirits and then chose to summon them again.

Three Viking dragon ships rushed out of the void and stopped in front of Zhang Tuohai. 60 Viking heroes stood there waiting for orders.

Originally, the Viking heroes wore breastplates and horned helmets, with only linen clothes covering the rest. Now they have arm guards, hand guards, shin guards and other parts, and a layer of leather armor inside, which significantly improves their defense capabilities.

A level up.

"Not bad." Zhang Tuohai nodded with satisfaction.

The Viking Heroic Spirit can summon 60 people. If he is a bounty hunter, he can summon 300 people at one go. The number has reached the level of a squadron. With the Daruma doll, he can also make an army of one person.


Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai looked at the Governor's Palace on Candy Island.

"Now that we are here, it would be a pity not to go in and take a look."

Zhang Tuohai stared at the Governor's Mansion for a moment, then waved his hand and shouted to the Viking heroes in front of him: "Charge into the Governor's Mansion and kill all those who dare to resist."

"Roar!" The Viking hero roared, holding up his shield and rushing into the Governor's Mansion.

Bang bang puff!

There were bursts of fighting sounds from inside. Did Zhang Tuohai see a line in front of his eyes? He killed the polluter and gained experience tips.

"As expected, the Governor's Mansion has also been polluted, so let me help you clean up the pollution."

Zhang Tuohai walked into the Governor's Mansion.

At this time, the Viking heroes have already cleared the first floor and are fighting their way up the stairs.

There are many lobster soldiers stationed inside the Governor's Mansion, and coupled with the advantage of being at a commanding height, under normal circumstances, it may cause some losses to the Viking heroes.

But they have been polluted at this time and can only use instincts and cannot use firearms. If they want to use these to fight against the Viking heroes, they are simply seeking death.

Soon, these contaminated lobster soldiers were cleaned up.

Everyone rushed all the way to the third floor.

On the third floor is a huge bronze door that is so strong that not even a Viking spirit can break it open.

"The door can't be opened, right? Then just break through the wall!"

Zhang Tuohai summoned the Coconut.

Three coconut ships rushed out of the void and hit the wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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