Chapter 1194 Turkey Town

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 Turkey Town is not far from Candy City, only about half a day’s journey.

Zhang Tuohai controlled the ship and sailed all night, and finally sailed into the port of Turkey Town in the early morning.

Compared to the Candy City with its forest of masts, there are far fewer cargo ships here.

The pier is not big either. Zhang Tuohai controlled the White Bird and quickly found a berth.

Turkey Town is called Town, but it covers a large area, several times larger than Candy Town.

However, this is not because Turkey Town has a large population. On the contrary, the population here is less than one-tenth that of Candy Town.

This place is different from the Candy City where there are many small buildings. Most of the buildings are huge breeding farms. Each family has a large piece of land planted with grass and a large group of turkeys, separated by fences.

It is precisely because of these large farms that Turkey Town occupies such a huge area.

However, the buildings in the port area are similar to those in other cities. Several breakfast stalls have been pushed out, and the aroma is exuding from the big pots.

"What does it smell like? Is it so fragrant?" Zhang Tuohai got off the boat out of curiosity and came to the stall.

"The freshly cooked chicken porridge is sweet and smooth. All the guests who come and go like my porridge. Some people have traveled thousands of miles across the ocean just to have a bowl of porridge from me."

An old woman wearing an apron stirred the soup in the pot with a big spoon.

The soup in the pot is rolling with bubbles, and the white rice grains are as shiny as pearls. Strings of shredded chicken are rolling in the hot soup, exuding aroma. They are dotted with chopped green onions and chopped vegetable leaves, adding to the color of the porridge.<


Seeing the fragrant porridge, Zhang Tuohai felt as if he had returned to the bustling morning market.

"Okay, then bring me a bowl and let me see how your porridge tastes."

Zhang Tuohai pulled up a wooden stool and sat down.

"Wait, it's coming."

The old woman filled a large bowl of porridge in a wooden bowl and placed it in front of Zhang Tuohai. The aroma became even stronger.

Zhang Tuohai felt like he couldn't hold back his saliva. He picked up a wooden spoon, scooped up a little, blew a little, and was about to drink it when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the porridge in the spoon that seemed to have some black spots.

"Is there dust?" Zhang Tuohai poked with his hand, trying to get the dust out.

However, this poke turned a grain of rice over.

Where is the dust? It is the original color of the rice grains.

"Is this rice moldy?" Zhang Tuohai wanted to take out the rice, but when he pushed it, he pushed another grain of rice over.

There will also be a distant black spot on that grain of rice.

"Are they all moldy?" Zhang Tuohai had an ominous premonition. He pushed several grains of rice in succession, and there was a round black spot on the back of each grain of rice, with the same size and shape.

Zhang Tuohai checked the pearl rice in the bowl and found that it looked the same.

Zhang Tuohai picked up a grain of rice with his hands and squeezed it gently. There was a crisp sound, the grain of rice exploded and the juice splashed out.

Zhang Tuohai's hair stood on end.

"What kind of rice is this? This is the eyeball of a chicken!"

At this time, the old woman came over with a smile on her face and asked with a smile: "Drink, why don't you drink? It tastes best when it's hot. Why, do you think you dislike my craftsmanship?"

The old woman asked with a smile.

"I remembered something else, so I stopped drinking." Zhang Tuohai took out a few dinars and threw them on the table, then turned to leave.

At this moment, he heard a strong gust of wind behind his head.

Zhang Tuohai turned around quickly to avoid the strong wind. When he looked back, he saw a kitchen knife hitting the table.

At this time, how can that old woman still look kind and kind?

Her head completely transformed into that of a turkey, with a huge crest, long feathers, a pointed mouth, and a pair of empty eye sockets, with blood constantly flowing out.

One of her hands completely turned into chicken claws, holding a sharp kitchen knife, and she kept shouting: "Drink, why don't you drink? Don't you like the porridge cooked with my eyes the most?"

?Why don’t you drink?”

The half-human, half-chicken monster dropped the knife in his hand, the clothes on his back tore open, and a pair of wings spread out violently.

With a flap of its wings, the half-human, half-chicken monster suddenly rose into the air, and a pair of sharp chicken claws suddenly grabbed Zhang Tuohai.

The chicken claws were shining with the light of steel like steel structures. Zhang Tuohai was sure that if he were caught for a while, he would be injured.

However, how could he face such a monster face to face?

Zhang Tuohai took a step back, and then a torrent rose into the sky in front of him, pushing the monster that had been pounced downwards into the sky again.


The half-human, half-chicken monster screamed and rushed high into the sky. Then the water flow suddenly disappeared and it fell rapidly downwards.

The half-human, half-chicken monster flapped its wings desperately, trying to slow down.

"I forgot you still have wings." Zhang Tuohai narrowed his eyes, pulled out the devil's weapon, and pulled the trigger one after another.

Bang bang bang!

A series of fireballs hit the monster's wings.

The monster's body was very strong, and even though several fireballs hit it, it didn't suffer any obvious injuries.

However, although its skeletal muscles are very strong, the feathers are different.

Its feathers quickly burned when it encountered the fireball, and the monster's entire body was immediately enveloped in flames.

The flame goes as quickly as it comes.

By the time the monster landed, the flames had gone out. Along with the flames, the feathers on the monster's body disappeared.

At this time, the monster was smoked black, like a pig's trotters roasted by a blowtorch.

"I'm going to kill you!" the monster roared angrily.

"Let's go!" Zhang Tuohai used Torrent again.

A torrent surged out from under the monster's feet, pushing the monster into the sky again.


The monster wanted to repeat its old trick, flapping its wings again and reducing its speed.

However, this time there is a little difference from the last time.

Its feathers were burned off.

There were no feathers, so no matter how hard it flapped its wings, it still fell rapidly from a height of 50 meters.


The monster made a deep hole in the ground.

As usual, Zhang Tuohai rubbed seven or eight devil bombs and threw them in.

Boom, boom!

Explosions sounded one after another, and after the explosions stopped, a line of game prompts popped up.

[Kill the third-level polluter and gain 50 experience points.]

"It turns out that every time you kill a third-level polluter, you will definitely gain experience points? It seems that the skill points were gained last time by killing them with Demon Roaring Xiao." Zhang Tuohai glanced at the game prompts and asked about the rules.

Have a deeper understanding.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to take a deep breath, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him.

He raised his head and looked around. At this time, many people had gathered around him. All of them had chicken heads and sharp claws, just like the old woman just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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