Chapter 1195 Turkey Charge

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 "What? Is this town also polluted?"

Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but take two steps back when he saw those monsters with chicken heads and human bodies.


A monster yelled, and suddenly flew towards Zhang Tuohai with its wings flashing, and its sharp beak struck towards Zhang Tuohai like a hook.

"Fuck you!"

Zhang Tuohai kicked the monster in the chest and kicked it away. At the same time, he shot the monster in the head with his backhand.


The ice bullet shot into the monster's eye and then exploded in the opponent's head.

The monster shook twice, and its body fell to the ground.

[Kill the second-level polluter and gain 20 experience points.]


Another chicken-headed monster pounced from Zhang Tuohai's left side.

He opened his sharp beak and bit Zhang Tuohai's wrist.

Zhang Tuohai thrust the muzzle of the gun into the opponent's mouth with his backhand, pressed it against his throat and pulled the trigger.


The ice bullet shot directly into the opponent's head.

[Kill the second-level polluter and gain 20 experience points.]


At this time, the surrounding monsters had gathered around and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai hurriedly summoned the Viking dragon ship.


Four Viking dragon ships rushed out of the void and crashed into the group of monsters, crushing several monsters blocking the bows into chicken breasts on the spot.

Then, 80 Viking heroes jumped from their ships and rushed towards the monsters waving axes and shields.

Zhang Tuohai kept firing cold guns on the side, killing those monsters.

After a bloody battle, all these monsters were finally killed.

But seven or eight of the Viking heroes around Zhang Tuohai also died.

"Are secondary polluters already so powerful?"

Zhang Tuohai was secretly speechless as he looked at the decorated Viking heroes.

You know, even when facing heavily armed lobster soldiers, the Viking heroes have never suffered losses of this magnitude.

This shows how powerful secondary polluters are.

"It seems that the level of the summoned ghost ship is not high enough. Just facing level two polluters will cause losses. How about facing level four and level five polluters in the future?"

Although the Viking heroes suffered losses, the gains were not small. Zhang Tuohai gained 2300 experience points at this stop, and now his experience value has reached LV28 (2312/2800). He can level up as long as he fights again.

Zhang Tuohai looked at this new monster curiously.

The time for the torrent has come, and the water column suddenly disappears.

The monster was dodged by the sudden disappearance of the water, and was caught off guard and almost fell down. However, the opponent reacted very quickly and flicked the wings on its back several times, and managed to maintain its flying state.

Zhang Tuohai was a little disappointed when he saw that Torrent did not complete the maximum damage.

However, he used his backhand to hit the monster with a grappling hook.

A handful of steel structures quickly flew out of the hand and grabbed the monster.

The monster was unable to dodge, and the bat wing behind it was directly pierced by the grappling hook, and a supporting bone was directly broken. The monster lost its balance and fell from the air.

However, that monster was also a ruthless creature. It actually adjusted its direction in the air and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai, as if it wanted to use Zhang Tuohai as a backstop.

How could Zhang Tuohai play such an extreme one-for-one game with him?

Raise your hand and shoot at the monster a few times. Then, while retreating, release the torrent in front of you, playing the King of Qin's game around the pillar with the monster.

The monster couldn't catch up and fell to the ground, causing a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Are you dead now?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the monster lying motionless on the ground.

At this time, the game prompts are in the screen refresh state again, and it is impossible to confirm whether the opponent is dead or not.

Zhang Tuohai walked around half a circle, rubbed two demon bombs and threw them over.

The bat-like monster was pretending to be dead, trying to trick Zhang Tuohai over and kill him in one fell swoop.

Seeing that Zhang Tuohai didn't fall for the trick and even threw bombs at it, the bat monster couldn't hold it anymore.

The bat monster held its head with both hands, shrunk its body into a big ball, and then rolled towards Zhang Tuohai violently.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Zhang Tuohai used the skill map marker on the monster.

This skill has no other function, except that it can pull the enemy back to the position no seconds ago.

Zhang Tuohai felt that this skill was of little use, so he just clicked it casually and threw it away.

I didn’t expect to use it today.

The bat meat ball, which was getting closer and closer to Zhang Tuohai, returned to the starting position in the blink of an eye, just at the impact point of the bomb.


A cloud of smoke rose.

Chapter 1195

Turkey Charge

This chapter has been completed!
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