Chapter 64 The troops arrive at Pubanjin

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It's so quiet.

Pubanjin Ferry is a passage across the Yellow River into Guanzhong. The Wei Dynasty also set up a barrier here and stationed troops all year round.

Although this is also the hinterland of Cao Wei.

But 20,000 troops came from the other side. Didn’t the sergeants guarding the ferry notice it?

"Chen Aiqing!" Cao Rui called: "Send someone over to take a look tonight."

"No!" Chen Qun responded.

Now that the war between Han and Wei has begun, the state of Pu Banjin is indeed a bit abnormal.

Although Cao Rui was lucky, he hoped that Zhuge Liang would not take care of this, but he had to make Zhuge Liang's plan to capture Pubanjin in advance.

It’s ten minutes after dark.

Two Wei soldiers sneaked across the Yellow River at night and arrived at Pubanjin City.

"Your Majesty is too careful."

"What Shu army is here?"

A Wei soldier approached the base of the city wall, peeked at the guards in the gatehouse, shook his head and said, while another slightly older Wei soldier lowered his voice and said: "Don't talk nonsense, this is a war. If the ferry is occupied by the Shu army, I will be afraid." It won’t be easy for Wei’s 20,000 soldiers and horses to cross the Yellow River.”

The younger man is tired and not talking.

On the tower of Pubanjin Ferry, the flag of the Wei Dynasty was still flying, and several soldiers dressed in Wei army uniforms were drinking wine and chatting in the gatehouse.

This defense is too loose.

Two Wei soldiers who had sneaked in bypassed the concierge while others were not paying attention.

If the defense at the gate is loose, the situation inside the pass will be even worse.

It was late at night, and in the entire Pubanjin Ferry, only a few guards in the gatehouse were on duty. Everyone else seemed to have fallen asleep at this time.

The two guards easily strolled around Pubanjin Ferry for a while before returning to the east bank.

"Your Majesty!"

The older soldier confirmed: "There is no Shu army in Pubanjin. The two of us checked carefully inside the pass and found nothing unusual."

Cao Rui had a gloomy face after hearing this.

If they are telling the truth, the first thing he will do when he crosses the Yellow River is to kill someone.

The defense of such an important pass as Pubanjin is so lax. Fortunately, these two are our own people. If they were Shu troops, Pubanjin would have been captured by their opponents very quickly.

Thinking of this, Cao Ruidun felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

There are still many things that need to change in Dawei.

The next morning——

Cao Rui, Chen Qun and others stood at the Yellow River ferry. They did not immediately order the army to lay a pontoon bridge. He could not completely believe the news that two soldiers inquired yesterday.

Because Cao Rui always feels that something is wrong.

Maybe things have changed on the other side.

"Your Majesty!"

Chen Qun glanced at the calm other side and frowned slightly: "I think it is better not to forcefully cross the river for the time being. We need to send people across the river again to check."

"Yes!" Cao Rui nodded: "What Aiqing said is exactly what I meant."

"Aiqing can send a few people to pretend to be common people," Cao Rui lowered his voice and said to Chen Qun: "Check the status of the ferry guards again."


Chen Qun agreed. He thought this was a good idea. Last night, two Wei soldiers sneaked across the river. Maybe what they saw was not the real situation.

Then a few soldiers put on common people's clothes, then drove a sheepskin raft and appeared in the Yellow River carrying several bags of grain.

The 20,000-strong army led by Cao Rui remained stationary and camped on the east bank.

The sheepskin raft crossed the Yellow River and arrived at Pubanjin Ferry.


Two soldiers dressed as Wei soldiers suddenly stepped forward and stopped several civilians: "Who are you?"

"Return to the army!" One hundred people stepped forward and said with a smile: "We are the people on the other side."

"Common people?"

The soldier looked around and said, "Why don't you look like common people to me, but like robbers? What's on the boat?"

"The military master is joking," the common man said calmly: "We are really the common people on the other side, transporting food for the master's family." As he said that, he took out a bunch of money from his arms and handed it to the soldier's hand. : "The military masters have worked hard, and this is how we honor the military masters."

The soldier looked at the string of money in his hand and his tone suddenly softened: "In that case, leave quickly and don't stay here for a long time."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Master Jun."

After receiving the soldiers' permission, several people hurriedly boarded the boat, carried the food and went ashore. Then, under the watchful eyes of Pubanjin guards, they walked around the edge of the city wall.

This ferry is an important military area, and there are no civilians in the pass.

But fifty miles west of the ferry, there is a small county town - Yao County.

Of course, the destination of these people was not to go to Yao County. They circled around the base of Pubanjin city wall before detouring to the west of Pubanjin.

In a remote place, they hid several bags of grain, and then secretly observed Pu Banjin's every move. It was not until noon that they pretended to return the same way.

As they passed the ferry, they met the soldiers who had checked them in the morning.

However, these soldiers did not make things difficult for them anymore. They just chatted with them for a few words and then let them cross the river.

Several soldiers disguised as common people returned to the Wei army camp and reported to Cao Rui what they saw along the way. Cao Rui finally relaxed.

"Send the order!" Cao Rui said loudly: "Early tomorrow morning, the entire army will cross the river."


After the generals agreed, they each returned to prepare.

March 26, early morning.

Twenty thousand Wei troops were ready to go, and all gathered at the Yellow River ferry. After a night of preparation, they mobilized more than a hundred civilian boats from nearby. The civilian boats lay across the middle of the Yellow River, and then they were paved with wooden planks. A pontoon bridge was about to be built in the city.

Cao Rui was in high spirits and led all the civil and military personnel to the edge of the Yellow River.

There are still five or six boats on the pontoon, and the planks have not yet been laid.

The soldiers were running forward carrying wooden planks, waiting for the last section of the journey to be completed so that the army could pass through the pontoon bridge and then enter Pusakajin Ferry.

It was just when the soldiers were riding the last section.

Suddenly the city gate opened at Pubanjin Ferry, and a group of thousands of sergeants suddenly rushed out from the pass, and then lined up neatly at the ferry. This shocked the Wei army who was about to lay planks.

But looking at their outfits, they are all dressed like Wei Jun.

Moreover, after they left the customs, they did not attack them, but lined up neatly at the ferry. It seemed that the generals guarding the customs were leaving the customs to welcome the army.

The leader of this army is Guo Wei.

"Brothers!" Guo Wei suddenly shouted to the soldiers laying the planks: "Thank you for your hard work. Leave this section to us. You can quickly return to the other side and let everyone cross the river quickly. The Shu army in Guanzhong has occupied Many cities are waiting for your rescue."

As Guo Wei waved his hand, he saw hundreds of soldiers rushing out from Pubanjin Pass. They ran over carrying long wooden boards, and then put the wooden boards on the wooden boats.

Someone helped build the bridge. The soldiers who had been busy all night were naturally happy. They didn't think too much. They put the planks in their hands on the wooden boat and turned back to report to Cao Rui.

"Your Majesty!"

"The floating bridge has been built!"

After hearing the soldiers' report, Cao Rui was very satisfied and immediately ordered the army to cross the river.



This chapter has been completed!
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