Chapter 65 Another victory in the first battle

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"Wei Jun is coming."

A young general next to Guo Wei looked a little nervous as he looked at Wei Bing getting closer and closer on the pontoon.

"No rush."

"Let them get closer."

Guo Wei glanced at the distance of the Wei army. The Wei army at the front was still fifty or sixty meters away from landing.

The Wei army on the pontoon looked calm, like a victorious army returning from victory. They looked at the soldiers lined up neatly on the shore, their heads held high.

This is not surprising.

In their eyes, these people are just useless county soldiers. They are the elites of the Wei Dynasty led by the emperor, and they are about to go to the battlefield.


Their sense of pride did not last long, and they all suddenly panicked.

"Fire the arrow!"

A crisp sound sounded, and the Pubanjin defenders who were originally welcoming the elite of the Wei Dynasty suddenly drew their bows and fired arrows.

And the arrows they shot were already lit rockets.

After Guo Wei gave the order, hundreds of feather arrows shot out of the string instantly, shooting like raindrops at the Wei soldiers who were about to cross the pontoon bridge.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Boo hoo hoo.

The arrows were as dense as rain and landed on the pontoon bridge accurately. Then the pontoon bridge was quickly set on fire. The Wei army that followed was completely unprepared.

And at this time——

On the gate tower of Pubanjin, the big flag with the word "Wei" was suddenly brought down, but a big flag with the word "Han" fluttered in the wind.

"It's the Shu army!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"Quick, quick!"

But it’s not too late now. The nearly 30-meter pontoon bridge in front was laid by Guo Wei’s people. Guo Wei had originally done some tricks on these planks.

The wooden board has been poured with tung oil. When the tung oil encounters these incoming rockets, it will burn easily.

Nearly two hundred meters of pontoons are closely connected. Once the fire breaks out, there is no way to control it. Wei Jun who is walking in front wants to retreat, but the people behind him have not reacted yet.

The floating bridge soon became overcrowded, and the Wei soldiers kept roaring and pushing each other, trying to quickly escape from the raging fire that was about to burn in front of them.

The pontoon bridge, which was not very wide, soon became crowded and pushed, causing many people to accidentally fall into the Yellow River. The further back they went, the more Wei soldiers fell into the water.

The feathered arrows of the Han army continued to greet them.

Suddenly there was a raging gas fire on the pontoon, and Cao Rui and others on the other side were stunned.

"Fell into a trap!"

"Get back quickly!"

Cao Rui shouted loudly in panic. The people who just got on the pontoon were not turned around and pushed back to the shore by the people in front of them, not because they heard Cao Rui's shouts.

Those Wei soldiers who had fallen into the water took a few mouthfuls of river water and wanted to swim to the shore quickly. However, the Han soldiers fired their rockets and then their arrows flew randomly.

Almost no one in the Wei army who was closer to the water had to escape, and was quickly killed by random arrows.

And the pontoon bridge has been burned into a wall of fire, spanning the Yellow River.


"It's not that easy to cross the river."

The pontoon bridge was burned down, and all the Wei troops retreated to the east bank. Guo Wei looked at the corpses of Wei troops floating on the river and laughed loudly.

The Wei troops on the other side of the river all had livid faces and full of anger.

The first battle failed, and the Wei army lost nearly 2,000 people.

This is a big blow.

In fact, most of the Wei soldiers who lost their lives were not burned to death, but pushed each other and fell into the river and drowned, or were shot by arrows from the Shu army on the other side.

What to do?

Pubanjin has been occupied by the Han army, and the civilian ships recruited from nearby have been basically burned.

Now that the Wei army has no ships, if they want to cross the Yellow River again, they may consider swimming across.

Cao Rui stared at the Puban Jinguan Tower on the other side, his teeth chattering. He still underestimated the Shu army and Zhuge Liang.

At the same time, Cao Rui could also think that Pubanjin was occupied by the Shu army, so what about Wuguan and Tongguan?

It should also have been captured by the Shu army.

This time the Shu army mobilized troops to move north, and their purpose was very clear. They wanted to capture the entire Guanzhong.

Naturally, Cao Rui would not agree to losing Guanzhong.

Of course, Cao Rui would not be resigned to the failure of the first battle. He then ordered his soldiers to cut down trees nearby, make rafts, and then cross the Yellow River.

Because Guanzhong is a very important strategic location for the Wei Dynasty.

As long as Guanzhong is still in the hands of the Wei Dynasty, the Shu Han regime can continue to be suppressed south of the Qinling Mountains, and Liangzhou is the horse-producing area of ​​the Wei Dynasty.

In any case, Guanzhong cannot be lost easily.

Like Cao Rui, Zhang He, who was defeated by Liu Chan with lime powder in the first battle, temporarily stopped attacking Tongguan, but he was not idle either.

Because Tongguan must be captured.

After handling the wounded, Zhang He began to think about countermeasures.

Although lime is powerful, it will not directly kill soldiers. Although more than 3,000 people were blinded in the first battle, more than 2,000 people were injured.

The 50,000-strong army led by Zhang He has been reduced by nearly a quarter, but they have not even touched the city wall of Tongguan.

This is a great shame and humiliation for a famous general.

However, Zhang He carefully studied the reason for the failure of the first battle. It was not that the Wei army was incompetent or that his command was wrong, but that the Shu army suddenly used lime to attack, catching them off guard.

Now he already knows that the lime attack used by the Shu army is very powerful, but it only hurts the soldiers' eyes and has no other characteristics.

March 26, early morning.

"The Wei army is attacking the city!"

"Quick, quick!"

"The Wei army attacked the city again!"

Liu Chan originally thought that after yesterday's battle, Zhang He would not attack Tongguan again for a while.

But when the war drums suddenly sounded and Liu Chan hurried to the tower, he realized that he was overthinking.

The Five Sons of Good Generals are not just blown away.

Thousands of Wei soldiers once again lined up neatly at the foot of Tongguan City. What was different from yesterday was that every Wei soldier had an extra decoration on his head.


It is better to say that it is a hood than a wide hat. The workmanship is very simple, just shine the worn clothes on the top of the head.

"As expected of Zhang He."

"My brain is quite good," Liu Chan looked at Wei Jun in strange attire and couldn't help but praise: "If our army uses lime again, the effect will not be as obvious as yesterday."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Wei Yan said loudly: "I, Wei Yan, are here to ensure that Tongguan is safe. Your Majesty, please go back to the city and rest first."

"Okay," Liu Chan responded: "General Wei Wei is responsible for guarding the pass."

After yesterday's battle, Zhang He has armed his soldiers again today. Liu Chanchu is here. Not only can he not help Wei Yan, but he may interfere with Wei Yan's command.

So after watching the battlefield, Liu Chan turned around and walked down the tower. In addition to a few guards, he was followed by Guo Huai.

Guo Huai has not yet officially surrendered, and they still have a bet, so Guo Huai is still Cao Wei's general.

By letting him accompany him all the time, Liu Chan also wanted him to understand him better, so that if the bet was fulfilled, he would be able to surrender to the big man with all his heart.

The current Han Dynasty is definitely not the Han Dynasty you Cao Wei knew, and I, the Emperor of Han Dynasty, am not the fatuous and incompetent person Cao Wei Cao Wei calls me.

At least in history, Adou never went to the battlefield in person after he ascended the throne, but now Liu Chan not only went to the battlefield in person, but also led a surprise attack on Guanzhong.

Guo Huai has long admired Liu Adou in front of him.

Yesterday, they used lime to repel Zhang He, and the Wei army lost several thousand men and horses in one battle, but the Han army was unscathed.

The bet is for three days.

Today is already the second day. If Liu Chan can really hold off Zhang He for three days, Guo Huai will have to fulfill his promise and surrender to Liu Chan's men.




***The author has something to say***

On the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year, good health to your family, and good luck in everything!

This chapter has been completed!
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