Chapter 66 Battle of Tongguan (1)

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Not long after Liu Chan came down from the city, the battle outside the city started quickly. Because the terrain in front of Tongguan Pass was narrow, the Wei army did not invest too many troops.

Three thousand soldiers attacked.

Behind them were the roaring trebuchets. The Han army's side was almost the same as yesterday. When the three thousand Wei troops began to charge, the Han army's trebuchets also began to attack.

It's just that today, the Han army's trebuchets not only fired lime powder, but also fired stone bullets.

When I saw the cloth bag flying out.

The soldiers of the Wei army immediately knew that the Shu army was going to fire lime powder again, so they hurriedly pulled off their hoods to block the falling lime powder, then lowered their heads and continued to run forward.

Although the lime powder is scattered in all directions, the effect is obviously not as obvious as yesterday.



The Wei army was all excited and rushed towards the Tongguan Tower.

The Han army on the tower had already put its bow on the string. Seeing that the Wei army had run within a hundred meters, the Han army's bow and arrow immediately shot out.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Feathered arrows came whistling like raindrops. From time to time, some of the Wei troops rushing in front were hit by arrows and fell to the ground, but the Wei troops behind them did not stop.

They kept dodging, and kept running forward. Many of the soldiers who fell to the ground after being hit by arrows did not actually hit their vital points, but their companions who rushed up from behind kept stepping over them.

Screams and roars resounded over Tongguan.



Wei Yan kept commanding his soldiers. He wished that all the Wei troops would be shot before they could reach the city wall.

Although the Han army's arrows were dense, the Wei army was also an elite in a long-lasting battle formation. After several charges, a large number of Wei army still rushed to the gate of Tongguan City.


"Follow up quickly."

The sergeant who rushed to the front kept urging his companions, and the soldiers who followed immediately put up long ladders on the city wall. This is the most common method of attacking a city.

"Quick, this way!"

"Push them down!"

"Quick, city gate."

The Han army on the city tower was particularly busy, with generals of all sizes commanding their respective teams.

When they saw a long ladder erected on the city wall, a few soldiers would immediately overturn the ladder with wooden forks or with their bare hands.

Other soldiers were busy pointing rolling logs and rocks at the Wei army at the bottom of the city, and smashed them down directly.



"Smash you to death!"

"Smash it for me!"

"Smash them to death!"

Soon, Tongguan City became a hell on earth. Wei troops kept rushing to the city gate, and then they were hit by rolling logs and rocks from the Han army, leaving them with bruises and bloody wounds.

Zhang He looked very nervous in the distance. He wanted to send more troops to suppress the Han army with the advantage of numbers. However, the terrain in front of Tongguan Pass was too narrow. Even if he had more troops, it would be of no avail.
"Bump me!"




Under the three city gates, Wei Jun pushed the ramming cart and kept hitting the city gates, but as a dangerous city gate like Tongguan, it is not so easy to break open.

What's more, the Han troops on the tower cannot be allowed to be so unscrupulous.

"Smash it for me!"

"Smash them to death!"

A general kept urging the soldiers around him, but the Wei troops under the city were rushing forward one after another. The soldiers in front were killed in one wave, and another wave followed.

"Use lime!"

The general suddenly gave an order, and then some soldiers ran to move the lime, and then poured the lime from the top of the city.

When the lime hit the ground, it immediately scattered in all directions. The Wei army who attacked the city gate choked and quickly covered their mouths and noses, but they couldn't cover up the lime dust as it flew everywhere.


"Ah, help!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Continuous screams suddenly sounded at the city gate, and the Han troops upstairs were excited. They knew it was because lime had entered their eyes again.

Although the Wei army all wore hoods, they had already reached the base of the city wall, and the hoods were really in the way.

Moreover, the Han army had not used lime before.

But when frames of lime fell down, they had no time to defend themselves, not to mention that their hoods could not completely block the lime.

The Wei army at the gate of the city had lost its combat effectiveness, and the Han army upstairs would not let go of this good opportunity, and followed them with rocks and wood to greet them.

After finishing this group of Wei troops, the Wei troops from behind came again. The Han troops followed suit and continued to attack them with lime.

In the battle at the city gate, the Wei army was basically always at a disadvantage. As for those Wei soldiers who relied on long ladders to climb the city wall, some people climbed to the top of the city from time to time.

However, there are still relatively few people climbing up the tower.

Basically, as soon as they climbed up, they were hacked to death by the Han army, and then their bodies were thrown out of the city.

There are currently seven or eight thousand Han troops guarding Tongguan City, and the person commanding the battle is Wei Yan, who has experienced hundreds of battles.

After a morning of fierce fighting.

Although the Wei army launched several waves of attacks, they were all pushed back by the Han army. Tongguan is still as solid as a rock.

The fighting was going on outside the city, but Liu Chan was very comfortable inside the city. He started a chess game with Guo Huai.

"General——" Liu Chan said with a smile as soon as the chess piece fell: "General Guo, you lost again."

The two of them played a total of seven games in one morning, six of which were won by Liu Chan. Liu Chan knew that it was not because of his superb chess skills.

In fact, if you really want to compare it seriously, Guo Huai's chess skills are much better than that of Liu Chan.

Did Guo Huai lose on purpose?


It should be said that from the beginning of their first game, Guo Huai almost refused to give in, so it was Guo Huai who finally won the first game.

However, after the first game ended, the fighting outside had reached a fever pitch, with shouts of killing and roars coming and going, making Guo Huai feel a little uneasy.

As for why.

He is also a little confused now.

As a general of the Wei Dynasty and the governor of Yongzhou, it stands to reason that he should hope that Zhang He will win, and then according to his bet with Liu Chan, he can regain his freedom.

But I don’t know what’s going on.

The fiercer the battle outside, the more nervous he became. He was suddenly afraid that Tongguan would be captured by the Wei army.

When playing chess, you need to be calm and calm, because Guo Huai had something on his mind and made mistakes from time to time, which gave Liu Chan a chance.

Liu Chan was able to win six games in a row. In fact, he won because he was very calm at this time, because he believed in Wei Yan's ability, just like he believed in Zhuge Liang in Chengdu before.

Of course, he also saw the changes in Guo Huai.

"Your Majesty's chess skills are superb," ​​Guo Huai put down the chess pieces and said politely: "It's because the foreign minister is not good at chess, so he is willing to be defeated."

"Hahaha!" Liu Chan waved his hands and said with a smile after hearing this: "It's not that the general is not good at chess, it's just that the general let me down on purpose."

"No, no, no!" Guo Huai said: "The foreign minister did not humbly submit to Your Majesty. It is because the foreign minister is not good at chess."

"General Guo doesn't have to be too modest." Liu Chan stood up and said with a smile: "The general is a famous general in the world, and he knows very well about military strategy. In fact, in the first game of the game between the general and me, I already knew that I was definitely not

The opponent of the general."

Guo Huai originally wanted to say a few more polite words, but Liu Chan changed the topic and asked with a smile: "As the saying goes, a chess game is like a battle situation. I wonder how the general views the current battle between Han and Wei?"



***The author has something to say***

On the first day of 2022, I will add another chapter at 9 o'clock tonight. I wish my friends a happy new year, all the best in 2022, and good luck in everything. Finally, I wish you all great fortune and good luck in 2022!

This chapter has been completed!
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