Chapter 97 Suspecting the Vice Principal

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 "According to what you said, the Ministry of Magic's affairs are not worth mentioning. Maybe the professor needs to come, but it is another matter." Xifa said to Luna with a solemn face.

"Elise, please take a look at this note about the end of all curses first. Luna and I will study another matter."

"What are you talking about behind my back?" Luna quickly comforted her, and when the two of them returned to the room and lay on the bed, she would answer whatever she asked.

After hearing this, Elise took Xifa's position with satisfaction. She sat at the desk and began to study the notes on All Curses Are Ending.

Xifa shrugged and pulled Luna, who looked dissatisfied, to sit beside her bed.

"I'm afraid she will think of the scary things." As she walked, using the sound brought by her walking, Xifa whispered close to Luna's ear.

Luna nodded, indicating that she understood.

She used Legilimency on Xifa with ease, and the communication was successful. Their consciousnesses will communicate in Xifa's mind.

" are also magic waves of this frequency."

Xifa told Luna what was wrong with the picture, and at the same time displayed his observation memory in Hogsmeade Village for comparison.

"Well, I understand..." Luna also had memories of that time, but she was too panicked at the time and did not conduct detailed observations like Xifa.

Moreover, at that time, I did not know how to use the perception of natural forces. If I cast a magic spell, I would definitely be noticed by those creatures.

Soon, Luna took the picture clearly into her mind and stopped Legilimency.

Proficiency is proficiency, but after all, you are cutting tofu with a knife, and you may hit too hard if you are not careful.

When he opened his eyes, in front of him was Luna who was meditating with her eyes closed.

Xifa cast a silencing spell and waited quietly for Luna to come to a conclusion.

He felt uneasy. He was afraid that these Motla rats had artificial traces. In that case, he was likely to be monitored.

Time passed minute by minute, and Xifa felt that time passed extremely long. Finally, Luna opened her eyes.

"The magic power fluctuations are somewhat similar, but the Motara rats are still wild. It should be just a coincidence."

Xifa breathed a sigh of relief. What Luna said was basically certain. However, she only made a firm conclusion about potions.

Relaxing, he said jokingly. "Perhaps a member of the Shadow Empire discarded a defective product and bred a group of people."

"It's very likely. Elise hasn't finished yet. To kill time, I'm going to ask you how to apply your potion theory." Luna smiled at Xifa maliciously.

Alas, Xifa sighed secretly. He originally thought that he only needed to write down the potion knowledge. Unexpectedly, Luna was worried and wanted to see how he could adapt.

However, according to her own observations, Luna is very satisfied with her flexible application...

Speaking of which, when did you start brewing the secret medicine for awakening?

"We will start when we get back to school, and take a mandrake leaf in our mouth. This time, we will definitely succeed! If not, we will change places to spend the day of the full moon!"

It seems that several failures have made Luna have a grudge against Animagus transformation.

It seems that she is angry, and each of Luna's questions is more tricky than the last.

It was naturally very difficult for Xifa to answer. Fortunately, there was no over-the-top and he could find the solution in the knowledge he had learned.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Elise, who was bent over the table and immersed in research, suddenly stood up.

"Finally done!" The tone was brisk, with a little relief.

She spun around on her feet and came to Xifa. Instead of sitting down, she collapsed straight on the bed.

"So fast!" Luna was surprised. She reached out and patted Elise's face, who had her eyes closed to relax.

"Don't shoot! Let me take a rest. The professor's ideas are too clear. I came up with a piece of inspiration while reading, and I built the magic pattern structure in one breath. By the way, I also made some optimizations."

The two of them saw that Elise looked really tired, so they decided to let her take a rest first.

Luna and Xifa came to the table and looked at the magic pattern structure compiled by Elise.

"Elise! The structure of this place and the professor has changed a lot. Will it have a big impact?"

Elise opened one eye and glanced at where Xifa's finger was pointing.

"That place, that structure is to prevent different people's magic from conflicting with each other, and to allow a group to jointly use this magic. This structure is there to sacrifice part of the power and convert it into better compatibility of magic fusion.


"There is no magic conflict between the three of us, so I will omit this part. If the resonance I added can be effective, the power of the magic will be even stronger."

Hearing this, Xifa nodded to express his understanding.

For example, the power of a person's magic is 1, but it conflicts with the magic spells of the people around him and cannot be combined at all.

With this structure, his magic power is about 0.8, but ten people together are 8.

Elise removed the magic structure and improved it, and the three of them cast this magic together. Elise's structure, Luna's fine control, and Xifa's magic power. If it is successfully released, the power of the magic

It will not be as simple as one plus one plus one.

"Such a good magic, Principal Fergus never taught you?"

After reading Elise's analysis, Xifa compared his notes one by one and found that there was not much difference.

This means that he almost has the power to break the curse. In excitement, Xifa casually mentioned it.

But she never thought that these words made Elise silent for a while, and then she said with a sad and happy voice.

"Xifa, have you seen the silent beast in my body?"

"Of course, you and I defeated it ourselves!" Xifa put down the drawing in his hand and came to sit next to her to comfort her.

"The reason why I didn't master this magic and didn't have the opportunity to come into contact with those powerful destructive magics is because of it."

"It is different from the ordinary Obscurus beast. It has consciousness and part of my memory. If I had learned it before, when the Obscurus beast exploded, it would be difficult for my grandfather and Professor Dumbledore to seal it."

"Sorry, but it's all over, right?" Elise closed her eyes, nodded with a smile, and pushed Xifa aside.

"Look quickly, and if you don't understand the place, ask quickly. Luna and I are going to go back to sleep in a while. Tomorrow we will go to the forest to practice casting spells together. This way it will be safer for us to learn the Fire Spell."

Xifa looked at her in disbelief, and Luna naturally remembered it. She smiled at Xifa and asked Xifa to go and study. Let her do it.

Tsk, I was rejected. I didn’t understand why. Xifa shook his head and pointed out the things he didn’t understand one by one.

It will naturally be released by following the gourd and drawing the scoop, but Xifa wants to understand why. Why should he keep his own doubts and use magic when there is a teacher who can answer every question?


"Elise, don't be angry! Your grandfather is doing it for your own good after all. Think about it, if he and the professor couldn't suppress you, how could you survive until now?"

Elise felt soft when she heard Luna's gentle comforting voice, but she didn't want to admit her unreasonableness in front of her friends, although they didn't mind comforting herself who lost her temper every day.

Feeling tangled in her heart and not knowing what to do with her body, Elise simply pulled Luna onto the bed.

The two of them were playing around on their own bed. Xifa was shaking his head as he watched. Anyway, the spell has been released. Anyway, the warning letter from the Ministry of Magic has not been received yet. It won't be a big problem to release a few cleaning spells... right...
"Elise, you are much luckier than me. You can still see your grandfather in school a few times. Look at my grandfather. Ever since he threw me to Hogwarts to be with you, there has been no news from him. Now

I don’t know whether I’m dead or alive yet!”


Alas - Luna's grandfather is just as unreliable as Elise's grandfather, and lacks much care for his children. At least they have received some care from Dumbledore, and I quite like their character...

"When I go back, I will ask my grandfather. He said that he and your grandfather have been friends for many years. Maybe there is a connection between them."

Even though she was her biological granddaughter, she had no way of contacting her. There was almost no possibility of outsiders contacting her, but Luna still nodded.

"Speaking of which, I only heard my grandfather say that your grandfather was his good friend. I have never seen the two of them eating and drinking tea together!" Elise said with some emotion.

Luna couldn't laugh or cry. Perhaps, this was a lie made up by Principal Fergus in order to make Elise trust him faster.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. Now that I am in love with Elise, even if my grandfather suddenly appears and asks me to stay away from Elise, I will not hesitate to say no to him.

"The two of them have never appeared together?"

Xifa was on the side. He suddenly interrupted.

"I've never seen them drinking afternoon tea together." Elise said in a muffled voice as Luna was pressing her down.

"No, I mean, at any time and on any occasion." Naturally, the two women couldn't see Xifa's trembling hands.

"I don't remember this, but I have never seen them attend any occasion together." Sensing that Xifa's tone was inappropriate, Luna looked at Xifa with a strange expression.

"You don't suspect that they released the Motla rats, do you?"

"Luna, your idea is indeed quite novel. I want to think about it..." Luna was about to get up and punch herself.

Xifa quickly begged for mercy, but when he saw that the two of them were no longer paying attention to him, his hands started to tremble again.

"If...if...Luna and Elise's grandfather are the same person, it is true that he tied Elise with bonds and tried to control the Silent Beast..."

The most terrifying thing is that true and false are mixed together.

Xifa is not sure now whether Beamon's last words were spoken by his father after he got out of control. Which of his words were true and which were false? Whether some of the things he did were to cover up that lie.


This chapter has been completed!
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