Chapter 44: Time Taboo Oath

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"What do you mean? Why does it involve the unknown future?"

If you don’t understand, just ask. Besides, the current situation has not yet reached a life-or-death moment.

Xifa could have asked Alice for the truth while hacking to death the spider monsters that were chasing after them secretly... openly.

After all, they are so big that even though their camouflage shells are visually difficult to detect, the sound they make as they sweep through the leaves is just too loud.

"I can't say too much to you, otherwise your soul will no longer be pure when you leave here!"

"Xifa! Promise me, no, swear to me! You will never touch or use time magic!"

Alice's tone was solemn and her eyes were firm.

Seeing that Xifa didn't answer, as if he was hesitating, she stopped and looked directly at him.

"Ah?! I promise you!" He was just stunned, with such a child-like temperament.

Xifa was so angry and funny that he grabbed Alice and threw her forward.

Turn around and swing your sword.

Kill a chasing spider again.

Jumping to avoid the splashing juice, Xifa followed Alice's footsteps and moved forward.

Just now, Xifa was just thinking about what kind of time magic he could come into contact with.

I thought about it for a while, which is a time converter, but the time converter is not very reliable no matter how I look at it.

A small thing can easily travel through time. If so, someone from the Ministry of Magic would have used this thing to try to kill Grindelwald.

"It's not okay to agree verbally!"

Seeing Xifa chasing after her, Alice ordered forcefully.

"When you get to a safe place, you will make a contract with me!"

"Don't worry! It won't come at a cost, but will be good for you. For example, it can remind you whether you have been cast on time magic."

Then, why can't she touch time magic? Also, why does Alice pretend not to hear some things?

Even if you ask yourself, change the subject.

For example, when I tried to ask Alice how she knew how to walk through a deep forest.

The girl just smiled lightly and didn't answer, which made him unable to bear it any longer.

Xifa came to Alice and held her in her arms.

Staring straight at her, he threw all the confusion he had accumulated so far onto the girl.

I thought that Alice would answer me, and even if it didn't work out, she would tell me everything in a safe place.

However, something happened that Xifa didn't expect.

Alice, who was still shy at first, was forced to do so by herself.

She...seemed to be crying...

"Can you please stop asking! Just do one thing and remember one thing. You must sublimate your bloodline! Never touch the magic of time!"

Alice's voice mixed with crying was deafening in her heart.

An electric current surged from the end of my spine to my mind.

I'm sorry for her, I can't let her cry anymore...

This is an instinctive thought transmitted by the body.

But Xifa racked his brains and didn't know where he had met the girl.

The most important thing at the moment was obviously to appease the girl.

Therefore, Xifa repeatedly promised that he would never pursue Alice's behavior to the end again.

This made the girl feel relieved a lot.

"We're almost at the corner, where should we go next?"

Alice wiped the remaining tears from the corners of her eyes, frowned and thought for a moment.

"You intercept these spiders around the corner for a while."

"I'm going to cross the bridge!"

After speaking, Alice motioned to Xifa to put her down.

"I have air boots, which are able to fly in the air..." Xi Faxiang told the girl that even if the gap in the canyon is very wide, he can still go directly through it.

"I know!"

With just one answer, Xifa confirmed an idea.

It's the card that disappears after waking up, and it's related to Alice.

Even the card turned into Alice is not impossible.

Otherwise, how would Alice know what equipment she has?

Since I woke up, I have never used it in front of her.

"It has to go through a bridge, or the bridge after the mechanism is opened."

"Think about the spiral staircase you encountered at the beginning. If you took the shortcut, you would be trapped in an endless staircase loop..."


Xifa took a deep breath in his heart.

It's Penrose's Ladder! It refers to a ladder that always goes up or down but never ends. It can be regarded as a variant of Penrose's triangle. The highest point or the lowest point can never be found on this ladder. (

Don’t know how to serve a mother)

Originally, in the conventional physical world, it was a paradoxical product that would never appear.

But this is a magical world, and fast-moving space magic like Apparition exists.

It is not unbelievable that there is such a twisted space and space magic that creates loops.

"How long do I need to intercept them?"

At the corner, Xifa stood with his back to Alice and asked without looking back.

"Half an hour!"

Alice trusts Xifa very much and will keep talking for a long time.

Hearing this, Xifa grinned.

I looked up at the steep mountain walls on both sides, and then at the spiders that emerged from the woods and climbed up the nearly vertical rock walls.

Xifa silently changed to holding the Sword of Gryffindor in one hand, and his free hand was replaced by a magic pistol.

"Ten minutes! No more!"

Xifa took advantage of the time before the final battle to shout loudly behind him.

Alice didn't answer, and she didn't know if she heard her.

But there is really nothing Western France can do.

Magical weapons cannot support such high-intensity and long-term combat.

Ten minutes is already the limit.

When the words completely disappeared, the sound of heavy objects falling and the collision of rocks continued to appear in the deep mouth of the gourd.

Xifa is struggling to clear out the mobs. What is Alice doing?

She wasn't idle either.

After another encounter with Xifa.

She ran straight to a broken semicircular stone platform.

The stone platform has long been destroyed, and the patterns on it are almost invisible due to natural erosion.

But Alice was not discouraged.

She found a relatively complete foothold on the stone platform.

Then close your eyes, clasp your hands into fists, and clasp them in front of your chest.


A hemispherical red translucent light mask envelops the stone platform and Alice.

Immediately afterwards, Alice's hair flew and her skirt swayed, making a hunting sound.

Subsequently, time in the entire mask quickly flowed backwards.

The broken carvings and gaps on the stone platform gradually emerged and were filled.

Wait until the girl opens her fiery red eyes.

An intact small round altar appeared at the girl's feet.


Alice took a deep breath, with a determined gaze in her eyes, and pressed one of her hands hard on the center of the altar.


The altar began to be activated.

The stones surrounding Alice began to rotate counterclockwise, and with Alice's gritted teeth and persistence, they began to rotate faster and faster.

This chapter has been completed!
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