Chapter 45 The girl pays silently

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When it comes to killing spiders, it's very simple.

Each sword strike was carried out without any heavy breathing.

Even if a group of spiders surround you.

Even with the kiting style, you can survive for several days.

However, this was at the corner of a canyon tens of meters high, stopping a steady stream of spiders as big as cars.

Don't let one pass through here.

Then Xifa would need to go all out to use physical skills, and also use the revolver magic weapon at an ultra-high frequency.

Finally, after ten minutes, marked by the scrapping of the magic guide, a chirp of white smoke announced the end of the Western interception operation.

After Xifa fired the last shot, he found that the magic gun in his hand was on the verge of exploding.

So he used the pistol as a grenade and threw it at a spider that took advantage of the opportunity to circle behind.

Don't care if it causes harm to it.

Xifa kicked a giant spider that was rushing toward him with all his strength.

Kicking the spider's huge head into its chest instantly.

Under this huge force, the dead spider swirled like a giant bowling ball, heading towards the swarm of spiders below.

Unfortunately, year-on-year, the spider that was hit was not a wooden bottle.

After just knocking over a few spiders, the spider, as a bowling ball, lost its momentum to move forward.

In the blink of an eye, he was trampled by the spiders.

And Xifa is taking advantage of this momentum.

Speeding away in the direction where Alice disappeared.

"Alice! Ten minutes! I can't hold on anymore!"

Xifa saw Alice kneeling on the ground from a distance, and shouted loudly.

The voice disappeared, and Xifa also came to Alice's side at the same time.

"It doesn't matter...the bridge is ready..."

He looked at the boy in front of him with a concerned look.

A twisted smile appeared on Alice's pale face and she spoke in a weak tone.


The situation was urgent, Xifa suppressed the concern in his heart and explained the most important things first.

But what he said did not prevent him from helping Alice up from the ground, but unfortunately the girl stopped him.

"Pick me up! Then you'll know!"

After saying that, the girl closed her eyes, and at the same time her arms began to bend, as if she was about to fall to the ground.

Xifa really hates the Riddler...but he finally understood what the girl meant.

Probably because the bridge only appeared for a short time and I couldn't hesitate.

Needless to say, just be ready and take Alice away.

In an instant, Xifa thought a lot.

When he came to his senses, Alice was about to fall to the ground.

With quick hands and quick eyes, Xifa took Alice into her arms with a princess hug.

In the process of straightening up, Xifa's movements were imperceptibly stiff for a moment.

In these short ten minutes, the girl lost at least one kilogram in weight...

But now is not the time to ask.


After Xifa stood up straight.

The stone platform that had previously rotated counterclockwise began to rotate clockwise faster and faster, making a series of stones rubbing sounds.

when the frequency reaches its peak.

On the edge of the cliff, a light bridge paved with light flow suddenly appeared on the edge of the cliff.

This is the right path according to Alice!

No matter where it ends.

Without any hesitation, Xifa jumped towards the bridge.

When Xifa's feet landed heavily on the bridge.

I haven’t had time to appreciate that the bridge deck paved with light is as hard as steel.

A feeling akin to a shoddy door key emerged.

It seemed like there was a hook behind the belly button that swung forward with irresistible momentum, and then his feet lifted off the ground and flew up.

From a third perspective, Xifa and Alice in his arms turned into two rays of light.

Wrapped in the shrinking light bridge, it disappeared on the edge of the cliff.

Soon, a dense swarm of spiders occupied the place, but Xifa and the two had already disappeared.

Because they can only wave their giant pliers angrily to vent their incompetent rage.


"Hey! Wake up!"

After standing still, Xifa glanced around and saw that there was no danger, so he put the girl on the ground, patted the girl's pale cheek, and shouted softly.

However, the girl made no movement in response, and even her lips began to turn purple.

When Xifa saw this, he was confused and quickly tested the girl's breathing with his hands.

Seeing that the girl's breath was steady and strong, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking for a while, "Call the gods to protect you!"

I can no longer use conventional magic to check the girl's physical condition.

But with the help of the weak perception of the Patronus Charm, a simple inspection is still fine.

Mentally…tired, physically…overworked?!

One thing in particular was that Alice's lost weight slowly gained back.

I really want to know what happened to Alice.

But my current means are limited and I cannot conduct a detailed inspection. Naturally, I have no targeted means to help Alice.

I can only hope that Alice can recover on her own.

But doing nothing is really inappropriate.

Xifa rummaged through the storage space in the watch.

Find the gentlest recovery potion.

Talk about flying bottle caps with one hand and one finger.

Lift Alice's head slightly and pour the healing potion into her little by little.

Seeing that the potion did not cause any harm to Alice, the effect produced by it also restored the girl's complexion visibly to the naked eye.

Only then did Xifa let out a deep sigh of relief.

Let Alice lean on him in a more comfortable position, and then he could spare his energy to take in the surrounding environment.

What Xifa didn't know was.

In order to compress the time magic that takes an hour to construct into ten minutes.

In addition to Alice's soul suffering pain comparable to the Cruciatus Curse.

The body also paid a price unknown to Westerners, perhaps an organ was removed or a certain sense was deprived.

But, in the end, it helped the two of them reach the next level.

Xifa looked around and then withdrew his gaze.

This is not the other side of the canyon that I saw.

But at the base of a castle.

Probably because there are no people coming and going all year round.

This place has been dominated by plants.

The vines thicker than thighs have several square meters of colorful leaves growing on them.

Under the leaves, thorns as thick as forearms fill the shadows.

Fluorescent red flowers blooming as large as the washbasin are growing scatteredly in the gaps between the stones on the wall.

No matter how you look at it, every step is a trap...

The clean space that is now half the size of a stadium was temporarily created after the field was cleared under the impact of magic.

Xifa focused on the junction of stone slabs and vines.

All I could see was that the broken roots were spreading.

It is expected that this temporary pure land will be swallowed up in half an hour at most.

Hope Alice can wake up in time.

Xifa remained vigilant and decided to give the girl more time to rest.

Take this opportunity to calm down your restless heart.

After all, ever since I parted ways with Newt, I have been busy...

This chapter has been completed!
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