Turn off the lights
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Chapter 48 Accident

A bunch of light.

Through the hole in the tower, we reached the interior of the wizard tower.

There seem to be spores of unknown creatures in the air.

Because this beam of light left significant traces in the sky, it showed several representative Tyndall effects.

The end of the beam.

Or there are pitted stone bricks, or crumbling pillars.

Only vines and other plants don't like these bright things.

Therefore, the end of the light can be used as a temporary foothold.

But the main thing is to use barnacle flowers.

Because only with the help of its unique field.

Only the two of them, Xifa, could calmly deal with those assassins who were extremely threatening.

Da—a figure stepped across the light.

Under the exertion, spider web-like traces were left on the already broken stone pillars.

"Xifa! Don't pick the flowers there!"

Against the strong wind, Alice had to bury her head behind Xifa and speak in a muffled voice.

The scene in front of Xifa's eyes has always been two barnacle flowers.

Hear what Alice said.

Xifa knew without any hesitation that it was the flower at the end of his sight.

Otherwise, there is no need for Alice to use it, why not just say stop?

Decisively, he cut off the flower in front of him along with the stone bricks below.

Aiming at the last barnacle flower in sight, he kicked it over like a football.

Then Xifa didn't stop for long and pushed his legs hard.

Then he came to the flower in Alice's mouth.


Barnacle flowers with soil and rocks hit the wall and fell to the ground along with smoke and dust.

Even though the barnacle flowers are withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the vines below still quickly made room for him.

This fully demonstrates that the interference and deterrence of barnacle flowers is very strong.


Half of Gryffindor's sword was easily inserted into the wall. West Fa and Alice stepped on the other half, using the sword as a pedal to stand on the wall.

"Xifa, over there..."

Following Alice's finger, Xifa cast his gaze over.

Ouch! A nest of bird eggs.

unexpected result.

Now, Newt and Cassandra have small gifts.

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

The two of them successfully reached the top of the tower.

After reaching the top of the tower, Alice motioned to Xifa to put her down.

"Those vines are shade-loving plants, they will not appear under strong light."

"Those birds just think that we will compete with them for territory or provoke them. After all, our actions... are a bit violent."

"Take a rest, I'll repair the portal!"

In the center of the top of the tower, there is a brass-colored upside-down lotus-shaped device.

Unfortunately, it was destroyed, with broken parts scattered all over the floor, and its surface was covered with a thick layer of rust and dust.

This thing... has been damaged to the point where the Restoration Curse will never restore it!

This is what Alice calls the portal.

Since Alice said so.

Then there is a high probability that there is no danger here.

But why do I still feel a little uneasy in my heart?

While calming down the restless blood.

Xifa looked around while looking around.

The tower is very empty.

There's nothing messy about it.

Except for the teleportation array in the middle, the rest are broken and scratched fiery red stones.

Is it outside the tower?

Xifa looked around.

There is no sun in the sky.

What provides the light source here are orange-red ribbon-shaped clouds.

Compared with point light sources, this flood light source makes the light somewhat softer.

However, under the orange-red hue.

There is always a sense of the end of the world.

Especially, whether it is the plain near the tower or the mountains in the distance.

They are all disorderly towering trees and wildly growing shrubs.

As far as the eye can see, the scenery is full of sunset.

In addition, there are no birds flying in the sky, and there are no animals in the forest to serve as dynamic backgrounds.

It seemed extremely dead.

As the saying goes, the calm before the storm and the tip of the iceberg are both so difficult to attract people's attention.

You can't see where the danger actually comes from.

Feeling uneasy, Xifa looked around even more diligently.


From the corner of my eye, I seemed to see a group of buildings in the sky.

But according to Sifa's reaction, when he focused his sight on the sky.

There was nothing left.

This is not an illusion...

But now I can't do anything but be on guard...

This feeling of powerlessness made Xifa even more eager to break the seal.

Just when Xifa gradually clenched his fists.

Alice's time-travel magic was also activated.

Those broken parts appeared out of thin air in a way that was difficult for Westerners to understand.

Slowly insert it upside down into the collapsed portal where it should have been.

The rust stains on the surface of the machine gradually converged until they disappeared, and the dust was scattered by the invisible wind.

Xifa estimated the time, about half an hour.

Only then can the defects on the portal be filled.

This time, Alice stood inside, with a calm face, posing in a praying posture and performing magic.

From this point of view, the last time Alice was asked to solve the problem within ten minutes, it was really difficult for her.

Half an hour flies by.

When Alice opens her eyes.

A brand new portal appeared in front of Xifa.

"The magic created this time has plenty of time and can last for a long time."

"This is just an application of magic tools. When we arrive at the Dragon Temple, I will go find information about those magic tools for you."

Without Alice calling her, Xifa walked to the portal, surrounded it, and observed its complex and subtle structure.

After hearing Alice's words, Xifa reluctantly looked back.

This large-scale product of precision machinery and magic is hard not to attract the attention of men.

At Alice's greeting, Xifa stepped onto the platform of the portal.

I don't know how Alice operates it.

I saw her stamping here and there on the complicated lines under her feet.

The lotus-shaped top on the head began to rotate gradually at a faster speed.

around the machine.

Rays of light also rose from under the feet and penetrated into the sky.

Xifa couldn't help but look up at the sky.


In the sky, that's where I vaguely saw a cluster of buildings.

There was actually a column, attacking at the place where the two of them were at supersonic speed.

Xifa felt that even if Alice took him away.

Once the machine here is hit, it is difficult to guarantee that you can reach the other side safely.

After all, this is called a teleportation gate, not a teleportation array.

Without any time to explain, Xifa put her arms around Alice's waist.

Leave the portal as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Xifa also took out a magic shield that was enough to cover his whole body.

The moment he landed, he stuck it on the ground, covering Alice behind him.

Xifa pressed hard against the shield.


The air currents are vertical and horizontal, dust is flying, and gravel is flying.

The powerful impact caused the entire top of the tower to shake.

Wait until all movement disappears.

There was a deep scratch on Xifa's body.

Those are the marks left by the shield being repulsed.

what happened?

After coming back to her senses, Alice looked at Xifa who was standing in front of her with a blank look on her face.

Although he only has half a face, his expression is solemn.

It's something I've never really encountered.

The key is.

This is really the first time I have encountered this situation!

This chapter has been completed!
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