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Chapter 95: Meet the ‘Rat’ again

 Chapter 96 Meet the ‘rat’ again

"Take out your wand!"

Seeing this, Xifa thought for a while and directly ordered the two of them to take out their magic wands. Once they find any sign of threatening their own safety, do not hesitate to release the magic spell to protect themselves.

Elise and Luna naturally followed Xifa's instructions without hesitation.

After they took out their wands, Luna quietly asked Xifa what was going on.

"There is no Muggle creature around here that can chew up a strong wild boar so quickly."

He originally planned to retreat directly, but this strange scene happened near his home. Xifa hesitated again and again, and swallowed the decision to retreat. He decided to find the 'murderer' behind the scenes.

What if one day Buck comes here like him? If there is no wild boar to protect him from disaster... Xifa doesn't dare to think about it anymore.

Xifa kept his distance and slowly rotated his position around the wild boar remains.

After taking a few cautious steps, he discovered a bottomless, dark cave exposed behind the wild boar remains.

Xifa stared at the cave and asked without turning his head. "Luna, do you have any potion that explodes when touched?"

"No, I can make it temporarily if necessary!" Luna naturally would not carry explosive potions with her, but for her who is proficient in potions, she can temporarily use the magic power conflict between potions to prepare a bottle that satisfies Westerners.

The required potion is not a difficult task.

"One bottle, it's probably as powerful as an explosion curse plus a fire curse!"


Not long after, Luna came to Xifa with a bottle of red translucent potion that bubbled with bubbles.

Xifa took the potion bottle that fit in the palm of his hand, and was about to throw it into the hole with his own hands, when he realized that he had already lost his strength, and now he could not accurately control his own power.

"It's up to you." Xifa hesitated and returned the potion bottle to Luna.

When Elise saw the two of them lingering, she also came to Xifa.

"This cave entrance? Could it be!" Seeing the cave entrance, some of the deep-down fear reappeared in Elise's mind. The thing pursued her twice in Hogsmeade Village and the Forbidden Forest.


"Relax." Xifa smiled and patted the stiff Elise. "This is not a magical world. I guess it is a swarm of ants or other types of insects." Xifa forgot that it is winter, and insects are not

They will forage in groups in this environment.

"That's right...Luna, you have the steadiest hand among us, so you must still be on point." Elise didn't know this, she believed Xifa's words, and then she made a fist at Luna to encourage her, and then

Hiding behind Xifa.

After being teased by Elise, Luna rolled her eyes at her and threw the medicine bottle into the hole.


The ground was violently lifted open, and after the explosion, the remaining medicinal effect continued to erupt into flames at the entrance of the cave.

Xifa originally wanted to wait for the flames to disappear before going forward to check if there were any residues, and use the residues to identify what kind of dangerous creatures were hiding in the forest near his home.

Just when he wanted to compliment Luna on her accurate throw, he felt the ground under his feet began to become soft.

Without thinking, Xifa used the hands of the mage to throw Luna and Elise to the tree aside. They also reacted in the air. After standing firm, they quickly used magic to pull Xifa up.

Xifa, who was about to leave the ground, did not forget to pick up Big Tom who was suddenly restless.

Standing firmly on the thick branch, Xifa held the big black dog in his arms, looked at the ground starting to undulate like waves, and said solemnly, "This is not a creature that can exist in the Muggle world."

"Flying broomstick!" Sensing that the tree beneath her feet was beginning to sway, Xifa took out the broomstick from her bag and at the same time told them to get on the broomstick quickly.

Probably when he ascended to heaven for the first time, or when his little master Xifa hugged him, the big black dog stayed motionless in Xifa's hands, but I don't know whether it was afraid or trusting.

Flying in the air, Xifa also completely brought the land under his feet into his sight. At this point, he was sure that the ground was shaking as big as a basketball court.

Seeing that Xifa had released his magic, the two women no longer held back. They released their perception skills one after another.

"Xifa, there are magic reactions under the ground. They look like small animals." Elise flew next to Xifa and said very fast.

"Yeah..." I was a little surprised. I thought it was some kind of insect swarm that could be burned away with a fire.

"Torn apart"

Xifa forcefully released a magic spell at the squirming bulge below. The thick magic spell hitting the ground instantly plowed the soil near the center.

There was some flesh and blood mixed with soil, but an intact creature emerged from the hole created by the curse.

"It's Motla!" Luna knew all kinds of magical creatures that could be used as medicine. She said with certainty after just a cursory look.

How could this be a Motla rat! Xifa was a little unbelievable.

You know, just when he saw the rat-like creature emerging from it, his brain shut down for a while. After hearing Luna's words, Xifa took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief.

But in his mind, many doubts still arose, but now was not the time to calm down and think carefully.

After observing carefully, Xifa sighed a little, no wonder he didn't recognize it.

According to the textbook, the Motla rat is a dangerous magical animal with a level of XX. They are generally afraid of humans.

Only under special circumstances would a wizard be bitten, and the bitten wizard would only suffer from retching symptoms. The most serious record was that sparks emitted from the patient's anus, lasting up to 48 hours.

And they look similar to mice, with anemone-like growths on their backs. It can also be said that they look like a hedgehog, with tentacles covering their backs.

Moreover, their eyes are black and their skin is brown.

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And these creatures, which Luna calls Motara rats, have red eyes and black skin.

Compared with Charles's rats, they really just look like Motley rats.

"Ice-breaking Flying Blade"

Xifa threw out several ice blades in succession, nailing the red-eyed black-skinned Motla rats that sprang out of the hole to the ground.

"We can't let them leave here. Apart from us, no one around here can stop them from attacking the town!"

Deep in Xifa's memory, there is an article in which the author seems to have rescued a sea turtle, but it resulted in a swarm of sea turtles emerging from their nests, giving predators on the beach a feast.

The scene in front of me now is not much different from the scene described in that article. The number of creatures that emerged is enough to cause an attack of trypophobia.

However, these Motla rats were not the pathfinders who successfully escaped. Instead, they were attacked at the exit of the nest, and a few who went out to test were killed. They decided to flee in all directions to preserve a glimmer of hope for the group.

When more and more Motla rats came out and their escape routes became more and more complicated, Xifa discovered something was wrong. If this continued, the three of them would let one go with just one oversight.

"Luna! Elise! Do you still remember the combination magic we practiced?"

"Of course I remember!" Elise said, and Luna nodded.

"Luna's left, your right, I'll hold on for you for a while! Hurry!"


Xifa exploded violently, scattering large swaths of ice blades, which also caused his magic power to be consumed rapidly. The incident happened so suddenly that he had no time to communicate with the power of nature, and it was purely his own magic power that supported him.

Fortunately, the three of them bought the latest model of brooms, which allowed them to rush to the right place quickly.

Just when Xifa couldn't hold it any longer, the two women gave him feedback that he was in position.

Xifa was refreshed. He put Big Tom on the broom and let him hold the broomstick pitifully with his front feet.

He jumped down, and when he was close to the ground, he used the mage's hands to release his force and landed safely. Then he knelt on one knee and clapped his hands hard on the ground.

Luna and Elise also cooperated with Xifa's magic tacitly.

Looking from above, the three people form the midpoint of the three sides of an equilateral triangle, wrapping the land within it.

Then, frost began to appear on the ground and spread forward.

Everything went well on the side where Luna and Elise were responsible. However, after spreading for a certain distance, the Mortla rats on the surface of Xifa had to be frozen into ice sculptures, while the Mortla rats in the soil were helpless.<


Sensing that Xifa's magic power was somewhat insufficient, Luna and Elise transformed in unison, and then increased the delivery of magic power.

The two quickly completed their tasks, and then helped Xifa fill in the blanks he was responsible for.

Eventually, a triangular frozen soil area was formed, with Motla rats frozen into ice sculptures on it.

After holding on until the magic was over, Xifa breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat down on the dirt and stretched out his trembling hands to summon the broom back. Unexpectedly, the frightened Big Tom suddenly pounced on him as soon as he set his feet on the ground.

As expected, Xifa failed to hold on to Tom's warm embrace and successfully lay down on the dirt floor.

"Xifa! Are you okay?"

Oh, yes, there is also a magic... Xifa gritted his teeth and sat up.

Simply freezing them will not guarantee that these magical beings will be resurrected after melting.

After retaking their positions, the three of them simultaneously cast a variation of the Blade Unsheath magic, shredding the entire frozen soil and the ice sculptures in it.

It's a pity that Xifa's magic power is not enough after all, and he can only play the role of filling the boundary of combined magic.

However, the powerful impact of Elise and Luna also made him complain repeatedly.

When the last ice sculpture in front of him turned into ice particles, Xifa finally couldn't hold on any longer. He closed his eyes and fell into a semi-conscious state. He could feel Elise riding a broomstick on her back in the air, but he couldn't.

I cannot speak to communicate with them.

He was really exhausted, both from rushing and releasing powerful magic...

Since he couldn't speak, Xifa began to think and summarize the matter in his mind. After recalling it, he was a little confused.

Although it is different from Charles’s pet species, its crazy magical properties are almost the same!

? ?An informal side story, Xifa’s Christmas gift and the origin of these mice

? Because the word count is a little too watery

? laugh

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