Chapter 743: The Good Uncle in the World

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 Classmate Le Xiao walked around, but did not wait for Xiao He, who was in another construction team to check the progress, left the engineering team and went on his way.

The young leader of the engineering team knew that the little girl was in a hurry, so he drove an off-road car to the construction site and took the little girl to the county town on the edge of the desert. He also purchased a car of things and brought them back to the construction site.

There is a car delivery, which also saves little Loli more than two minutes of time, taking a train from the edge of the desert to the capital of Province X, and then flying to the capital.

It was still early when we returned to the capital. By the time we took the subway and bus back to the paradise, it was already dark.

The construction engineering team and the ancient cultivators worked hard last year and the beginning of the year to excavate the foundation trench for the guest house on the west side of the paradise. The construction team headed to southern Xinjiang, and the ancient cultivators took over the rest of the work.

The ancient monks laid the foundation at the end of the second month of the lunar calendar. In addition to the large wall, which is already more than three meters high, the foundation of the guest courtyard is also in progress.

Little Loli returned to the paradise. The ancient cultivators had just finished work and were preparing to have dinner.

The little girl came back, and they happened to have dinner together. The owner of Ayu House took the little girl to sit at a table, and while eating, he talked about the progress of the guest house project.

Let’s just say one thing, as long as God doesn’t deliberately make things difficult for people, there will be no problem in completing the project during the summer vacation.

Le Xiaololi was not in a hurry. She gave her a warm compliment first, and then said one thing: I can rest assured that you are doing well!

Master Ayubo: "..." I have never seen such a careless owner! Being a hands-off shopkeeper is so cool.

He wanted to complain and let her serve some snacks, but when he thought about the little girl inviting them to drink when they were done, he swallowed his words silently.

Forget it, if the little girl doesn’t care, don’t care. Anyway, no matter what, they will work hard.

For the sake of good wine, Master Ayubo stopped nagging and was very amiable.

The big-hearted student Le Xiao had dinner, sat with the monks for a while, crawled back to the east courtyard to put his luggage, and then went out again in the helicopter.

It took her about five hours to go out, and she didn't return to the park until two o'clock in the morning. The helicopter was also filled with boxes and bags, and there were several large boxes hanging on the external lifting equipment.

She returned to her own territory without unloading the goods. She put the helicopter aside and went into the east courtyard to meditate in Jiudetang. As a result, she only sat there for less than an hour and heard the whine of birds and the sound of birds flying in the sky.

The sound of eager flapping wings.

Disturbed by the sound, Le Yun opened her slightly closed eyes, listened carefully, and found the source of the sound. The sound of a bird flapping its wings was above the small island in the lake in the northeastern area of ​​the park, and was falling rapidly downwards.<


She got up, took a luminous pearl, left the Jiude Hall, then walked through the corridor to the east side door and opened the door. When she stepped out of the east side door, she heard the sound of birds landing and smelled the smell of blood.

Judging from the smell, the bird that crashed on the island in the middle of the lake must be a crane.

There were stars in the sky that night, not particularly bright, but they made the dark night somewhat hazy and beautiful.

The light of the night pearl is soft and clear.

The plants under the light of night pearls are so gentle and tranquil.

Le Yun held the luminous pearl and walked along the path made of various stones through the garden on the east side of the east courtyard, then crossed the green plant corridor with lush branches and leaves, and arrived at the artificial lake, connecting the small island in the center of the lake from the south.

The round arch bridge leads to the island.

Follow the Liudi Road around the lake on the island in the center of the lake, to the east corner, and then go around to the back of the attic on the east side of the island in the center of the lake facing the lake.

The pavilion on the island in the center of the lake has three floors. At night, the shadows around the pavilion are thick and dark.

Behind the pavilion is a rockery and vegetation.

Leyun jumped onto the rockery pile made of various stones, and soon found a bird nestled between a clump of bone grass and Ophiopogon japonicus.

The bird has long, slender legs, a slender and beautiful long neck, a long beak with a graceful shape and smooth curves, and its feathers are basically white, with only the ends of the wings and the neck near the head having black feathers.

, there is a crown of red meat on the top of the head.

That bird is the red-crowned crane, which is always known for its elegant posture, distinct colors and beautiful metaphors. It is also known as the "Crane" by the public.

The red-crowned crane is a female crane.

Moreover, it was injured.

Visual inspection is that the string of the kite flown by humans is broken or it flies high and hangs on something. The kite is broken, but the string is still there. When the red-crowned crane flies over, the string becomes entangled with it.

The strings of kites are very thin. Some kite strings can cut a person's neck when the kite flies, which is particularly dangerous.

The red-crowned crane was entangled in a ball of kite string. A section of the string was wrapped around its left wing near its body. The string was deeply cut into the flesh of the wing, almost severing the limb.

The kite strings are in a mess. There is a mess of strings still hanging under the wings. There is also a thin iron bar tied to the end of one thread. One of the thread ends is wrapped around the crane's right leg below the knee joint. The threads wrapping the wings and legs are relatively short.

, the thread will be tightened when the crane flies, thus cutting the wings and legs of the red-crowned crane.

The legs of the red-crowned crane have little flesh, and the skin was cut when the thread was tightened, but the bones were not injured.

Because its left wing and right leg were entangled with ropes, it could only stand on its left foot and retracted its right leg to avoid pulling on its left wing, which was unable to droop.

Seeing the light coming, the red-crowned crane wanted to leave, but it couldn't fly, so it could only jump and walk. After a few jumps, it jumped into the nine-jointed bone rope, and the thread became entangled with the shrubs, making it unable to walk.

Le Yun stepped forward and placed the luminous pearl on the rockery rocks aside, helped to untie the thread from the bushes, and carefully rescued the bird from the shrubs. Then she took the luminous pearl and walked out of the rockery rocks, leaving the island along the road.

As he walked, he muttered: "You said you don't breed in the swamps in the north. Why are you running around blindly? Do you know where you are now? You came to the city where humans live. Fortunately, you landed here with me. If you had landed in a factory,

In the chimney, it ripens in a blink of an eye, and then sprinkles some pepper, and it appears on the plate so fragrantly."

Cranes migrate from their wintering grounds to their breeding grounds in early to mid-March every year, and begin breeding in early April. Today's season is when red-crowned cranes are working hard to provide for their offspring, and under normal circumstances it is impossible to wander around the capital.

It will fly above big cities, or it will be frightened in its habitat, fly around in a panic, and then get lost, or it will get lost while out playing and fly to a human city.

The red-crowned crane is a national first-level protected animal. Because of its obvious appearance, even country people will recognize it if they see it. They will not hunt it. If it falls somewhere and has its feathers burned off, no one will recognize it.

The red-crowned crane struggled to escape when it first saw light and humans. Later, when humans came to rescue it, it sensed that humans had no ill intentions and were quite honest.

It was held under the armpits of humans, listening to the chattering of humans, and let out a low chirp.

"You're still shouting after I've told you a few words, aren't you? You're so injured and you're still not convinced, how can you handle it? If you're not convinced, just fly to me and see. If you can fly, I'll write you a capital letter of "Fellow."

The big bird stretched out its long neck and continued to call. When Le Yun heard it, she felt that it was dissatisfied and scolded him angrily.

The red-crowned crane called again, of course he was dissatisfied. Human beings like to throw those dangerous things into the sky and fly around. The birds can fly wherever they want. Sometimes they line up in a human figure, and sometimes they line up in a single line. It doesn't matter.

"You really don't accept it, right? If you have the ability, don't hit the rope. How could someone with such great ability fall from the sky by a rope? If I were you, I would definitely run to Siberia to avoid being known by my companions.

It’s a shame.”

"..." The red-crowned crane felt that there was no hope for Hesheng.

The big bird was honest, and Le Yun was also happy: "Stop calling? If you don't agree, call again. I'll give you a good explanation, so that you can understand the dangers of the world..."

Red-crowned Crane: "..." The human world is too complicated, please forgive the birds for not understanding!

Le Yun muttered a few words and silenced the red-crowned crane. She carried it across the garden, returned to the east courtyard, went into the alchemy furnace room and took a small basin, and then returned to Jiude Hall.

The Night Pearl was placed in the Duobao Pavilion, and the red-crowned crane was placed on the ground. Then he went back to the bedroom to pick up a small medicine box, took out a can of clean water and a waterproof pad from the space, and then returned to Jiudetang.

She laid a waterproof mat on the ground, put the crane bird on it, opened the small medicine box, put on gloves, and took out the golden scissors to cut the kite string wrapped around the crane bird.

Most of the threads have been cut off, and the red-crowned crane's right leg can be straightened.

"I'm going to cut the thread on your wings. It may be a little painful. Please bear with it and don't move it. If you move around and your wings are torn off, don't blame me for not being good at studying medicine."

When cutting the thread, the red-crowned crane was very obedient. Le Yun was afraid that the flesh would be pulled when cutting the thread on its wings and it would fly around, so she gave it a friendly vaccination.

The red-crowned crane tilted its head.

The big bird stopped calling, and Le Yun didn't know whether it understood or not, so she just assumed it understood, hugged it in her arms, and helped it cut the threads on its limbs.

She cut off all the messy threads wrapped around the crane's wings, and finally only the threads that were deeply embedded in the muscles were left. For fear of aggravating the bird's injuries, she was very careful, found the right place to cut, and cut the threads.

Use tweezers to grasp the thread and peel it off.

The red-crowned crane screamed twice in pain and struggled slightly.

After peeling off the thread that was tied into the flesh, Le Yun used tweezers to remove the thin feathers stuck to the flesh and blood. Dan Hehe was entangled in the thread for at least three days, and the thread left several marks.

"Your wing is a bit badly injured. I have to cut off some of your feathers to clean the wound. Don't think that I am jealous of your beautiful feathers and want to deliberately cut your hair."

Because the red-crowned crane is a protected animal, Le Yun was worried. She had to help the big bird heal its injuries. She was also worried that it wouldn't be happy and wouldn't do it. She had to talk to it. She didn't understand bird language, and she didn't know if she could understand human speech.


As a bird, the red-crowned crane expressed that it did not want to have its feathers clipped. However, Xiao Le didn’t care whether it liked it or not. She told it, which was equivalent to telling the patient that the patient already knew. If it did not object, it meant that it agreed with the doctor’s treatment.<


So, she changed to a pair of small scissors and neatly cut off the fine feathers around the wound on the crane's limb. Then she washed the wound with clean water and then used special disinfectant to debridement.

After disinfection, we took needles and threads to suture the red-crowned crane, applied medicine and bandaged it, and then wrapped its left wing and body with gauze to prevent it from flapping its wings.

The injuries on the bird's legs cannot be ignored either. Debride them first and then apply medicine and bandage.

This chapter has been completed!
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