Chapter 512 Eliminating the Elites

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Xiao Jiang saw the blood flowing down the old man's throat. He snorted and groped in the other man's arms for a while. He took out a silver-white tube and a box. He opened them and checked them. Inside the silver tube was a test tube. Inside was a test tube.

It was filled with green liquid, and the box contained something like a contact lens.


Xiao Jiang put away the two things with a smirk on his face, and then walked to the right side of the life-support cabin to activate the emergency wake-up button on it.

The wake-up mechanism of the life support cabin takes a few minutes. Xiao Jiang walked to the middle of the hall, where there was a console. He carefully looked at all the control keys on it, and finally chose to open a glass cover and click on a red button.


Amidst a rapid siren sound, except for the life-support cabin that was in the wake-up mechanism, the power supply to all the life-sustainment cabins in the hall was suddenly cut off. The men and women sealed inside began to have shortness of breath while sleeping. After a while, these people were all exhausted due to the extremely high speed of oxygen.

After being lowered and waking up, they were struggling in the small survival cabins, but the quality of these survival cabins was extremely good. No matter how they banged their heads, the hatch covers made of tempered glass did not have any cracks.

The sounds of struggling and banging became less and less, and eventually there was no life left at all. Xiao Jiang touched his chin and smiled evilly. At this moment, amidst a burst of clattering sounds, a tired and deep voice came from the side:

"You killed Isaac and these thousands of elites but released me, why?"

Xiao Jiang looked back, and saw an old woman with a faded face and a tired face sitting in an electric wheelchair two meters away. A pair of cloudy and sad eyes looked at Xiao Jiang with helplessness and curiosity.

Looking at this lonely old woman, Xiao Jiang punched the bamboo stick on the ground and said:

"Because I want you to help me with something. Once it's done, you can live freely. Anyway, Isaac who is a threat to you has been killed by me. If I can't do it, then I won't do anything to you."

The old woman was stunned for a moment and said:

"what would you like?"

"I think……"

Xiao Jiang originally planned to ask the woman in front of him, Alicia from Biochemistry No. 6, to help control the Red Queen, but when he changed his mind, a sense of ambition arose in his heart.

The last time Xiao Jiang went to the Yue Nu Sword World, his main goal was to learn the swordsmanship passed down to Ah Qing by the ape. After a year of hard training, he achieved some success, so he turned around and left without caring about other things in the world.

But this is the world of Resident Evil, where crises and opportunities coexist. Although there are many dangers outside, if you think about it carefully, there are more benefits in this world. As long as you follow the plot, it is not a problem to make a fortune.

Of course, Xiao Jiang has not considered taking away all the guaranteed wealth in this world, because the space of his bracelet is only so large. Even if he wants to make a fortune, he can only make a small fortune and leave.

Xiao Jiang considered other things, that is, the existence of the woman in front of him, Alicia, and the Red Queen. If Isaac is still alive, Alicia cannot escape control, but now Alicia is theoretically the only boss of Umbrella

, the Red Queen must obey her orders, and the Umbrella Group is also very good in various military technologies in addition to biochemical technology.

Xiao Jiang originally planned to acquire some technological equipment and techniques. He had not considered any virus evolution, but getting some technological weapons and protective equipment would be a huge help to him.

"Issac is dead, are you the only boss of Umbrella?"

Xiao Jiang looked at Alicia and asked, Alicia nodded and said:

"Yes, theoretically I am the only boss of Umbrella now, but Umbrella Group also has countless investments and cooperative enterprises, which can only be decided by the major shareholders."

Xiao Jiang was stunned for a moment. It seemed like that was what happened in the movie. The umbrella bosses were Isaac and Alicia. But in the movie, he often saw many shareholders appearing in the memories of major bases. Even Wesker couldn't command them.

It seems that there are more things hidden in this movie.

Xiao Jiang was silent for a moment and said:

"Is that so? Then let me tell you my request, help me control the Red Queen, because I need an artificial intelligence to assist with many things.

The second thing is that I need some technological equipment and some rare precious metals.

As long as you help me do it, I won't interfere with your affairs as you wish."

Alicia suddenly laughed, coughed twice and said:

"If you want these things, it can be done for you by controlling the Red Queen. Why do you need to ask for anything special? You know, even if I want to control the Umbrella Company, it will have to be arranged by the Red Queen."

Old God Xiao Jiang shook his head and said:

"Because I don't want to control the Umbrella Company. I only want the artificial intelligence of the Red Queen and those things, and I don't have time to mess with it."

Xiao Jiang planned to get the things and leave. He had no intention of controlling the Umbrella Group, let alone spending more than ten years here to get the Red Queen and equipment. He planned to take advantage of the chaos in Raccoon City in Biochemical 2 to make a fortune and then

Just leave, so he will put forward the request and let Alicia help.

Alicia looked back at Isaac's body lying in front of the life-sustaining warehouse and frowned. After a while, she looked back at Xiao Jiang and said:

“You have everything on Isaac’s body, right?”

Xiao Jiang took out the silver tube and box containing the T-virus antidote and said:

"Yes, inside the box is the personal combat assistance system he developed. It is of some use to me. I will take it away. As for the T-virus antidote, I can give it to you. If you think it is feasible to release it to avoid disaster,

Then it's up to you, at worst I won't make a fortune by killing people."

As he spoke, Xiao Jiang handed Alicia the most important antidote in Resident Evil. As he said, if Alicia wants to use the T-virus antidote now, at worst, he will not have the chance to enter Raccoon City and make a fortune. As long as Alicia

With the Red Queen and technological equipment in hand, he can go to other dimensions to make a fortune. After reading too many movies, TV shows and novels, he knows that there are many places where he can make a fortune, and he doesn't care about such an opportunity to make a fortune.

Just take the antidote and throw it to the ground, and the biological crisis caused by the T virus can be declared over. No biochemical two or six will appear. Looking at the antidote in Xiao Jiang's hand, Alicia did not stretch out her hand.

Instead, he looked at him with bright eyes and said:

"You know about the T-virus antidote, so you should know that this thing is far more important than the wealth on the entire earth, but you are willing to take it out. This shows that you do not want to get involved in the virus crisis, and you have not thought about using the solution.

Medicine threatens everyone, so I think putting this antidote in your hands is better for mankind than the antidote I am using now."

This chapter has been completed!
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