Chapter 519 Shirleys Request

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The girl was stunned, her hand naturally covered her heart, her face turned red and she said:

"I, I'm still"

The girl was nervous, but Xiao Jiang's hand reached to her neck and pulled out a necklace. He ignored the girl's surprised look and opened the pendant box, looking at a small glass tube inside. Xiao Jiang took it out and looked inside, which was hard to see with the naked eye.

When a tiny creature arrived, he put it away, closed the box, stuffed it back into the girl's heart and said:

"You're not young anymore, but I'm not that bad. I just have my purpose in saving you. I have to get out of here quickly. You can do whatever you want."

The girl struggled and said:

"That... that thing... you, you just touched me... that, there... you, didn't you..."

Xiao Jiang curled his lips and turned around and ran out of the alley. He had taken the necklace on purpose just now. It was nothing to be addicted to his hands. He would not get entangled with the other party. If something happened due to delay, he would be in trouble.

Xiao Jiang walked out of the alley, looked at his hands and laughed in a low voice:

"It feels really good. It's a pity that I don't have time to study it. Otherwise, I might have made Shirley."

Xiao Jiang is not a gentleman. In real life, when he was studying in college, the brothers in the dormitory were all perverts. Although they were just verbally flirtatious, they were not so healthy in their hearts.

Just now he took the g-virus sample and scratched Shirley's heart. This was also a problem caused by being single for a long time. In reality, he didn't dare to do this because he still had to have a face. Traveling to other places would be very courageous.

He was indifferent even if a person died in front of him, so this trivial matter of eating tofu was just casual.

Shamelessly eating Shirley Tofu, Xiao Jiang walked to the corner of the alley and was about to find a way to leave Raccoon City. Suddenly, a helicopter in the sky was hit by a rocket in the distance and fell rapidly with an explosion of fire.

As soon as Jiang saw it, he immediately ran backwards. Hearing a roar, the helicopter crashed into the wall of a nearby small building, rushed through the alley, and crashed into the back balcony of a nearby police station.

Xiao Jiang looked back and saw that the collapsed building had blocked the alley, and the fuel leaked from the plane burned a flame belt. There was no way to go this way.

"To my surprise, the road here has been blocked. Red Queen, is there any way to leave this area? Is there any way to leave this city?"

Xiao Jiang was in contact with the Red Queen in his mind. At this moment, Shirley had already ran over. She looked at Xiao Jiang with her big eyes and said in a shy voice:

"Sir, my name is Shirley Birkin. Can you do me a favor? I want to go into the police station to find my parents. Can you accompany me in?"

At the same time, the Red Queen had retrieved the current response method. She projected several routes and said:

"According to the time plan, we still have enough. We also have seven armed helicopters and three transport helicopters from the Raccoon City branch nearby. Sir, you have the highest mobilization authority. As long as you give the order, these aircraft will be mobilized quickly. If the danger is serious,

You can evacuate immediately, but your presence will be easily exposed.

If you want to avoid Wesker's eyes and ears, the best way is to find a way, sir. You can go to the edge of the city through the police station. You have C4 and various weapons. It is very convenient to make a hole in the wall to get out.

And you can go back inside the hive, they can't enter you but they can open the wall."

Xiao Jiang analyzed it. When the nuclear explosion occurred when he returned to the hive, he would have to wait until the radiation dropped before he could come out. As for exposing himself and leaving by helicopter, that would be a last resort.

Now there was only one way to go through the police station. He looked at the almost dark sky and the shy but expectant Shirley in front of him. He didn't know how to tell Shirley that her father had turned into a g-monster, and that she

My mother also died soon, and passing away will only increase my sorrow.

"Shirley, there are constant screams coming from the police station, which means there are a lot of zombies inside. Aren't you afraid of going in?"

Xiao Jiang still plans to enter the police station, but he doesn't want to help Shirley. Anyway, according to the plot, she will live until a few years later.

Shirley shook her head and whispered:

"I have to find my parents and escape from Raccoon City. Sir, if you can help me find my parents, I can be your girlfriend."

Shirley's face turned red again. To be honest, in the real world, Xiao Jiang would be tempted to see such a cute foreign girl willing to be his girlfriend, but he had no intention of it here. He glanced at

He frowned at the place where the oil had been stuck and said:

"Both sides of this place are blocked. I have to go through the police station, but you have to rely on yourself to find someone. Let's do this. I'll give you weapons and ammunition. Just be careful when you enter the police station."

As he spoke, Xiao Jiang handed the submachine pistol and three magazines to Shirley. Just when Shirley was about to ask Xiao Jiang what he used as a weapon, Xiao Jiang had already strode to the dead pursuer.

He put on the magazine box on his waist, grabbed the Vulcan cannon, and turned on the electronic control device. There were more than four thousand rounds of ammunition on it. When he picked up the rocket launcher with two rounds left in his left hand and turned around, Shirley's mouth opened in surprise.

He looked at Xiao Jiang.

You must know that this set of weapons is not light. Although Umbrella specially uses a large amount of titanium alloy to make these weapons, several thousand rounds of bullets are enough to crush a strong young man to death. Xiao Jiang actually equipped it on himself. Although it is not that easy, it is not too easy.


After a year of hard training in the Divine Sword sword technique, Xiao Jiang's inner Qi was not very strong, but his physical strength increased several times. Although he did not understand the reason, he guessed that this sword technique was practiced both internally and externally, and was different from those who only focused on inner breath and

The martial arts skills are completely different.

With a strong physique, he can still move like a normal person while carrying this pile of weapons. This is not because Xiao Jiang is pretending, but because he is not good at using the bracelet space in front of Shirley. Also, these two weapons look really cool.


"Let's go, I'll escort you into the police station, and I'll deal with the zombies along the way."

Xiao Jiang said hello and crossed the collapsed backyard gate of the police station. Shirley followed closely. The two of them walked to the original back door of the building, but saw a pile of rocks blocking the back door. Shirley pointed to a roundabout next to it.

Stairs said:

"Let's go to the second floor. We should be able to enter the building from there."

Xiao Jiang nodded and walked up the stairs. When he reached the second floor, he saw a row of flower stands, and the sound of flapping wings came from the other side. He suddenly remembered that there were zombie crows in this place in the game plot. He smiled strangely at the Red Queen.


"Is the zombieization of birds the key to the spread of the virus? There are zombie crows behind this."

Red Queen said:

"Have the birds turned into zombies? It seems that the virus has mutated faster. In this case, the virus has probably spread outside Raccoon City by now. At this natural spread rate, there is no problem for a global virus outbreak within three years."

This chapter has been completed!
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