Chapter 513: Controlling the Protective Umbrella

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Xiao Jiang's hand holding the antidote stopped in mid-air. He looked at Alicia in confusion. According to his view of the movie, Alicia knew about Isaac's conspiracy after her father was killed, and she was also very concerned about the biohazard.

Clearly, the antidote is right in front of him, and Xiao Jiang needs to get the Red Queen. Shouldn't she solve the biological crisis quickly?

Alicia seemed to have read through Xiao Jiang's thoughts. She smiled bitterly and leaned on the wheelchair and whispered:

"Because my life is coming to an end, and there is only one bottle of T-virus antidote, and there are many sources of viruses. If there is not enough virus in the air, the antidote can only take effect in one area, within one or two years.

Without exposure to more viruses, the antidote will disappear.

Once the virus reappears in the future, there will be no antidote available, so it is best to keep the antidote in your hands and wait until the virus spreads fully before using it. Only in this way can the global biochemical crisis be terminated.

I can't hold on much longer. You need the Red Queen and technology. In exchange, I will hand over the Umbrella Company to you, hoping that you can release the antidote after the virus spreads fully."

Xiao Jiang's brows trembled. Alicia's meaning was very clear, that is, the antidote actually relies on the spread of the T-virus saturated in the air. Once there is no virus in the air, the antidote will completely disappear within a year or two. This is true.

A serious problem.

Xiao Jiang frowned and said:

"Can't the antidote be replicated? And is your body really unable to persist?"

Alicia shook her head and smiled bitterly:

"The antidote was secretly researched by Isaac. Even the Red Queen didn't know the situation. It would take seven or eight years to replicate this antidote and gather the world's top virologists together. Do you think this is necessary?

As for the organs in my body that have completely weakened, how long I can survive is a question. Now we go to restart the Red Queen, and I will explain what needs to be explained before we talk."

Alicia turned her wheelchair and headed towards the computer room. Xiao Jiang paused and followed her. When he arrived at the computer room, Xiao Jiang turned off the pulser and installed the motherboard. After a few seconds, the computer restarted, and a red light erupted from the roof amid a whining sound.

The projection of a beautiful girl was cast. She looked at Xiao Jiang and Alicia and said respectfully to Alicia:

"Miss Alicia, what happened? I detected that Dr. Isaac is completely dead. According to the intelligent settings, you are now the only boss of the Umbrella Company."

Alicia coughed and a blush suddenly appeared on her face. She took a few breaths and said:

"Red Queen, you don't need to study other things for now. This gentleman will tell you in the future. Now execute the t0 code, execute the password..., authenticate Alicia Marcus's authority, and transfer all my equity to the gentleman in front of me...

…By the way, what’s your name?”

"Xiao Jiang."

Xiao Jiang responded, and Alicia nodded and continued:

"As the original equity controller of the umbrella, I sincerely transfer my rights to Mr. Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang will be responsible for all future arrangements related to the umbrella."

The Red Queen has the ability to discern human emotions. She analyzed that Alicia was sincerely handing over her rights. She immediately began to adjust the database. After a while, she turned to look at Xiao Jiang and said:

"Mr. Xiao, now you have absolute control over the two major bases and 13 companies under the umbrella. You have the right to speak in 366 joint ventures, 3,400 shareholding companies, and the available cash flow is US$3.8 billion.

, bank funds are US$130 billion, and the market value of equity bonds is US$630 billion.

There are 6,500 umbrella employees who can work according to instructions, and 150 emergency safety personnel.

The equipment that can be secretly mobilized is fifteen armed helicopters, one hundred vehicles, three freighters, one nuclear-powered submarine, and two conventional-powered submarines."

The Red Queen reported on the security authority that Xiao Jiang can now mobilize. She also analyzed it based on the current situation. Isaac is dead, and thousands of white elites are also dead. The protective umbrella seems to have a huge structure, but the crisis has arisen.

In addition, it is inevitable that the hive virus will be leaked, so the Red Queen will report these things.

Xiao Jiang glanced at Alicia, whose expression was getting worse and worse. To be honest, he didn't like to control such a large group, and he didn't consider the actual value of these tens of thousands of dollars that couldn't be taken away. But Alicia said

Well, if you want to optimize the effect of the antidote, you actually have to let the biochemical crisis break out in full. Otherwise, if you only solve this virus crisis, then there will be no antidote to use when the next biochemical crisis breaks out.

Alicia's life was not long. In exchange, Xiao Jiang had to wait for the virus to break out. Although he didn't care what happened to others, everyone in this world would die, but the robbers also had to pay attention to credibility. In exchange, Xiao Jiang got the Red Queen.

, then you have to fulfill Alicia’s request.

"The greater the benefits, the greater the risks."

Xiao Jiang remembered the record on the stone tablet in his heart. He entered the hive to get the Red Queen, originally just to let her make money for him and enjoy life. Although he was attacked by various zombies along the way, with his complete sword skills, he also

Get here easily.

Originally, after gaining control of the Red Queen, there would be no threat if Xiao Jiang left. However, if he continued to stay and controlled the huge resources of the umbrella, he would inevitably run into big trouble.

But the man was frothing and nailing it. Since he agreed, he had to do it. Xiao Jiang was silent for a while and then said:

"Do the two bases you mentioned include here?"

Red Queen said:

"Yes, the hive and the Kamchatka submarine base are controlled by Isaac himself. If he dies, you will control it. This is a place where viruses are studied. Kamchatka is a testing base. There are no staff present, only three thousand test clones.

Five hundred people are on standby for thought input."

Xiao Jiang rubbed the bamboo stick with his fingers, thought for a while and said:

"Issac is dead, so the CEO Wesker arranged by him will definitely notice it soon. The Red Queen will immediately mobilize cash flow and bank funds to purchase ships on a large scale. Equity securities everywhere will also be sold, and personnel will be mobilized.

All moved to Kamchatka base."

"Why?" asked the Red Queen.

Xiao Jiang said:

"If I can do it faster, maybe I can keep a few more people alive after the biochemical crisis breaks out, and the Kamchatka base can be used as a research base for anti-viral serum."

The Red Queen analyzed it and said:

"If Mr. Xiao decides like this, I will implement it as required. However, there are big flaws in Mr. Xiao's arrangement. Such large fund transfers will be monitored by central banks around the world, and even relevant military departments will investigate.

So many cargo ships and material purchases are also being traced, not to mention you have to mobilize so many people. Once they disappear, they will be easily traced."

This chapter has been completed!
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