Chapter 9 Journey

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"Careful about the Bluestone Palace?"

In Xiashan Villa, Chong Xuansheng waved his hand as if he didn't care at all: "Whoever likes to worry should be careful."

Jiang Wang felt that he should pay more attention to it, because they had indeed stabbed Jiang Wuliang with Xu Fang's death, so he said, "I don't think Jiang Wuyou is such a boring person."

"Of course." Zhongxuan Sheng said: "I completely believe that this is not a casual sentence, and I also completely believe in Jiang Wuyou's strength and vision. There may be a lot of deep meaning in this... but why should I care about it?"

"If Jiang Wuliang is not prepared to do anything, whatever I do now will be wrong. If Jiang Wuliang is prepared to do something..." Chongxuan Sheng pointed upward with his index finger: "Your Majesty will naturally discipline him well. He is an abandoned prince, but he still

What do you want to do? When it comes to being careful, Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyou and the others are more careful than me."

Chong Xuan Sheng grasped the essence of the problem in an instant.

Yes, some people are more afraid of Jiang Wuliang than Zhong Xuansheng. Princes and daughters like Jiang Wuhua and Jiang Wuyou who are vying for the great treasure, and even the current Emperor Qi himself...

Therefore, there is really no need to guess Jiang Wuyou's thoughts, just pretend that you have never heard of them. If you guess and act according to Jiang Wuyou's thoughts, you may be led in an unpredictable direction.

None of these princes and princesses who are qualified to challenge for the throne should be underestimated.

How can the majestic Lord of Huaying Palace just take things for granted?

"What are your plans after I leave?" Jiang Wang asked.

"What else can you plan? Put your business aside and concentrate on your cultivation." Chongxuan Sheng said.

He has always been very clear-headed and knows what he wants, what he can ask for, and what he needs. Now he has completely overwhelmed Zhong Xuanzun in terms of power management, and as the interests are gradually tied up, he believes that there will be more and more people.

Many Chongxuan clan members turned to him.

Now, if there is any obvious gap between him and Zhong Xuanzun, it is only in cultivation.

After all, in the extraordinary world, the strong are respected, power is power, and power is power. If Zhongxuan Zun can cultivate to the point of divine presence now, his position as the head of the family will no longer be in suspense.

During this period of time, it was the time for him to put everything aside and practice with all his strength. At least he had to first perfect the Soaring Dragon Realm, ascend to the Inner Palace of Divine Power, and catch up with the great realm of Chongxuan Zun.

This is the direction of efforts to maximize value, and of course he will not make the wrong choice.

"Then you can often practice with me. Although I'm not in Linzi, I'm always waiting for you in Taixu Illusion." Jiang Wang said very sincerely.

"Ah haha." Chongxuan Shengsheng said with a smile: "I will definitely do it next time."

It is really difficult to take advantage of him.

"It's okay if you have your own concerns." Jiang Wang said, then looked at the room where he had lived for so long: "It's time for me to leave."

"Wait a minute, bring this with you." Zhong Xuansheng took out a cyan waist badge and handed it over.

This waist badge should be made of wood, but it is not light in weight. It is so thin that it feels like cast iron in your hand.

The whole body of the waist plate is cyan. In the middle of the front, there is a large Chinese character "Capture" engraved on it. It is painted white. The color choice probably means "innocence", and the small characters at the bottom are "Made by the Capital Inspection Office."


The Capital Inspection Office is Beiya, and this waist badge is the famous "Qing Pai".

Holding this waist badge means that you are a green-brand head catcher affiliated with the Capital Inspection Office.

Jiang Wang turned it over, but did not find his name or code name on the back. There was only the word "五" in the lower right corner, which meant that the holder of this green medal was a fifth-level person who had solved cases in the inner palace.


"Don't look at it." Zhong Xuansheng's eyes are small but he likes to roll his eyes: "It's just for your temporary use."

Because it is for temporary use, it is impossible to engrave a name on it.

"What is this for?"

"Because of Zheng Shangming's incident, Zheng Shi owes me a favor. He is only loyal to His Majesty. With his current position, if he is not allowed to return the favor, he will think that you are relying on your favor. This will only increase suspicion. I will simply find him.

Got this green card."

"I won't be able to use it, right?"

Jiang Wang was puzzled. A real five-brand green brand head catcher could indeed mobilize a lot of government resources. But what was the significance of a temporary green brand head catcher status?

"Why is it not needed? If you participate in the investigation of Zhao Xuan's assassination and hunt down the murderer, of course you must have an identity!"

"Wait, what about the assassination of Zhao Xuan?" Jiang Wang became more and more confused as he listened, but suddenly he thought of the problem: "The doctor of the Ministry of Etiquette who was stabbed to death? You want me to hunt down Wumen?!"

Are you kidding me? Is Yin Guan someone he can hunt down now?

Chong Xuan Sheng looked at him calmly: "Jiang Qingyang, as one of the most talented young people in Da Qi, isn't it normal for you to contribute to Da Qi and hunt down these killers?"

As soon as the fat man emphasized Daqi, Jiang Wang's mind turned around: "...You are right."

It is easy for people to have bad associations when a talented person suddenly leaves the country. But it is different when he has a mission. This is why Zhong Xuan Sheng went to Zheng Shi specifically to ask for a green card.

It’s not that he was really asked to chase Yin Guan. Chong Xuansheng was not that ambitious, and he didn’t want to kill Jiang Wang. It was just that pursuing such things, looking in the wrong direction, and missing the target were all very reasonable.

Maybe Jiang Wang was a little far behind, and even ran all the way to Yun Country... But his behavior was also very legitimate!

Who told the hellless killers to run all over the world?

In essence, Jiang Wang's trip to Yun State was not a big deal. Zhong Xuansheng was just filling in the loopholes for him, so that some people who wanted to attack from the political level could not find the loopholes.

"In addition..." Zhong Xuansheng took out another exquisite jade bottle: "This is for our girl!"

This jade bottle even has formation patterns engraved on it, and its value is beyond doubt.

It means that Zhongxuan Sheng is often missing during this period, so it turns out that he is going to get this treasure!

What is contained in the jade bottle is an Earth Element Great Pill. In terms of value, it is not enough to cover all the profits that Zhongxuan Sheng made at the Wudi Martial Arts Hall. It is a truly priceless treasure.

The relationship between Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuansheng has long passed the time when you give way to others. He directly put away the jade bottle, feeling moved in his heart, but he only said: "This gift is still acceptable!"

Zhong Xuansheng deliberately put on a flattering smile on his face: "As long as it can satisfy the famous Brother Qingyang!"

Jiang Wang then also laughed.


He accepted the gift, stood up and walked out, and left.

And Chong Xuan Sheng did not send him off again.

He defeated Wang Yiwu in the same realm, and defeated Lei Zhanqian in a smaller realm. After these two battles, Jiang Wang became famous in the Qi Kingdom in the true sense.

He has also truly come into the sight of all the forces in Qi State. The reason why there are not many people coming to recruit him is that firstly, the Chongxuan family itself has enough deterrence, and secondly, people like Jiang Wuyou and Jiang Wuxie are expected to become powerful. The princess and prince directly blocked many forces from the door.

The name Jiang Wang has become the new target of many geniuses and the dream person of many boudoirs.

However, while everyone was paying attention, and amid the heated discussion throughout Linzi City, Jiang Wang had already packed his bags and left quietly.

He was unknown when he arrived, but became famous throughout the country when he left.

But the same is true of a single person wielding a sword.

The first place Jiang Wang chose to stay after leaving Linzi City was Nanyao City in Chiyang County.

The territory of my friend Lianque is the place where Sauvignon Blanc was created.

Of course, because of the green card on his body, he needed to go to Bay County first.

This chapter has been completed!
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