Chapter 10 Human Affairs

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The second year of Dading.

Since Emperor Zhuang came to Dongzhen, the country of Zhuang has been greatly different.

The country is peaceful and the people are safe. The waterways are dredged, with the full support of the Qingjiang Water Palace. The official roads are overhauled, and the major cities are completely connected. Those evil cultivators who are traveling all over the country rarely choose Zhuang Country as their place to stay.

Outside the country, ten cities of Mo State were forcibly taken away, almost adding another county to Zhuang State.

But Emperor Zhuang did not take advantage of the situation and establish a fourth county.

It is said that a court official reported this matter, but Zhuang Gaoxian asked in front of the court: "Can a mere ten cities be turned into a county?"

The ambition is clear.

The Mo State hurriedly sent a large amount of resources to bribe the Qin State. Only after receiving the support of Qiang Qin did they settle down to the border.

More and more people in Zhuang State are gradually realizing that the days when Zhuang State was weak in the past, and it seemed that all parties could step on it, are gone forever!

Today's Zhuang State, it is not an exaggeration to say that the entire country is prosperous.

There are three counties in the Zhuang Kingdom, Hualin County is the capital, and Daishan County has taken advantage of the situation to include the newly acquired ten cities, becoming the largest county in the Zhuang Kingdom.

Only Qinghe County seems to have remained unchanged.

The most mysterious and desirable place in the entire Qinghe County should be the Qingjiang Water Mansion.

In the Zhuang Kingdom, the human race and the aquatic race have sworn alliances for hundreds of years and get along harmoniously. Of course there are some minor frictions, but they do not affect the overall situation. In other words, the overall situation is firmly controlled by people in high positions.

The legendary Qingjiang Water Mansion has white jade as its steps, gold as its bricks, and is dotted with pearls. It is full of rare treasures, which naturally attracts ordinary people to yearn for it.

But to say that it is Qinghe County Daoyuan that really makes people squeeze in and becomes a lifelong dream place for many people.

Because this place represents the level of cultivation, status, and the future.

However, the number of places that the County Academy recruits every year is extremely limited. How many monks are there in the thirteen cities of Qinghe County? Who doesn't work hard to get to the County Academy? There are only a few who are successful after all.

Because Maplewood City has been lost, Qinghe County now only has twelve cities left. However, the standards of the county Taoist Academy have not been lowered, but the number of places has been reduced accordingly.

Strictly speaking, it is not uncommon for frustrated people to wander outside the county court.

According to Liu Yao, a second-year student in the County Courtyard, the young man standing in front of the archway and looking into the County Courtyard should be one of them.

But there's something different about him.

Liu Yao admitted that his facial features were quite outstanding, but it was not his face that attracted her attention. It was his eyes, gentle and indifferent, yet distant and mysterious. When he looked at the County Daoyuan, there was still a slight emotion.


Liu Yao couldn't tell whether that emotion was regret or melancholy.

But it makes him very charming.

It was already the third day that this person appeared outside the County Courtyard. It was also in the afternoon, standing in the same position and looking into the County Courtyard in the same way.

What is he looking at?

Liu Yao didn't know.

But she suddenly wanted to go forward and ask.

This shouldn't be the case. This is very inappropriate for Liu Yao.

Last year, she was stuck in the last few places and squeezed into the county college. The county college eliminates a group of people every year. She worked very hard to keep her current position and not become one of the eliminated people.

When she was in the City Daoyuan, she was also among the best and was quite outstanding. But in the County Daoyuan, the geniuses from all major cities competed together, and she was already in a daze and lost to everyone.

So she never wastes time. She is so stingy that she makes detailed regulations on which route to take every day and how much time to spend on the road.

However, she stopped walking for three consecutive days because of a stranger.

Seekers must be loyal to their own hearts. The dean seems to have said this at some point.

When Liu Yao thought of this sentence, she breathed a sigh of relief and found a reason for herself.

So she changed direction and walked out, walking up to the young man who was watching quietly.

"Hello." Liu Yao greeted.

The young man looked away and looked at her without saying a word, only using his eyes to express inquiry.

As an official student of the County Dao Academy, Liu Yao is used to flattery. At first, she would worry that this young man was no different from those vulgar people, and he would flatter her in the County Dao Academy. But now the young man's attitude is too indifferent, she

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

She has never had such an experience of worrying about gains and losses.


Liu Yao opened her mouth and wanted to ask something, but paused for a moment. When the words came to her mouth, she forgot what she wanted to ask.

She then realized that there wasn't really anything wrong with her. She was just looking for something to talk about.

"What's the matter?" the young man asked proactively.

As if the seal has completed the last gesture, Taoism naturally flows out.

Liu Yao's thoughts suddenly became clear.

She said: "It means nothing if you stand here and watch every day. There will be no sympathy or favor. The County Academy will not admit disciples for any reason other than strength."

"I'm someone who has been here before." She advised: "A temporary failure is nothing. There are quotas in the County Taoist Academy every year. You should seize the time to practice hard and make every inch of progress, and you will be sure to make another inch of progress."

She hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke: "I am a second-year student in the county college. If you have any questions about spiritual practice, you can come and ask me."

The intention of this sentence was so obvious that it almost made her blush, and she forced herself to use Dao Yuan to control it, so that she could calm down her violently beating heart.

The young man listened to her quietly and then replied: "It doesn't matter."

His voice was gentle, with a slow indifference and gentleness.

"I'm just taking a look," he said.

There was no dissatisfaction because of her presumption, nor did he appear to be close to her because of her kindness.

How it was before, how it is now.

He doesn't seem to change for anyone or anything.

"Oh." Liu Yao was stunned for a moment: "Oh, okay."

But she didn't know what was good.

The young man seemed to intend to continue looking, but she was still standing here. So he paused and looked at her again.

The look in his eyes probably meant, "Are you okay?"

Liu Yao seemed to wake up from a dream and reacted immediately.

"Ah, I, I'm leaving first."

"Goodbye." The young man nodded politely.

Liu Yao walked into the Taoist temple in a panic, but after taking two steps, she gritted her teeth and turned back: "By the way, I don't know yet, what's your name?"

In order to show her sincerity, she first introduced herself: "My name is Liu Yao. Yao from Mu Tao Qiong Yao."

At that time, the young man's eyes had turned far away again.

Looking at him from this angle under the setting sun, he has an alienating temperament that is difficult to describe in detail.

At this moment, Liu Yao felt in a daze that he had nothing to do with the entire world.

Such a person should not care too much about the gains and losses of the County Daoyuan. So, what is he looking at?

Time seemed to be very slow, and thoughts in Liu Yao's mind kept coming and going, rising and falling rapidly. For a few moments, she thought she might not get the answer.

But finally the short but extremely long silence passed.

She waited for the young man's answer.

"Nianxiang." he said.

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