Chapter 770 Tactics (5)

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"Feng Yi is less than thirty miles away from here. If he sneezes over there, we can all hear it..."

None of them smiled. His Royal Highness, Zhang Beard, was not the one who could make these generals who were leading the army flattering smiles.

Besides, this joke is really not funny. It is too close. Let alone sneezing, blood is bleeding over there, and the fishy smell can be smelled from the beach camp... Being close means that there is almost no time to react when something happens.

At the same time, we have to guard against sneak attacks by the Tang army. There are many problems that are often encountered when large armies land, so no one can laugh.

Zhang Lun did not want to amuse others, and continued: "Li Shenfu guards Feng Yi. According to the surrendered prisoners, the strength is about 20,000. It is no wonder that he is procrastinating and calculating carefully. He neither wants to show weakness nor wants to show his strength."

Dare to fight with me on the river beach."

The tone gradually became contemptuous, but the analysis was clear and logical, "Last year, Feng Yi's garrison should have numbered 40,000 to 50,000 people, but today there are less than half of them... It's not just Feng Yi, the detective report said that regardless of Hancheng or Tongguan,

, jaw yang, hua yin and other key points are all adjusted away."

"The king has said that this year's aggressive attack on Xijing is an established strategy. It is actually because of the general trend and the people's support for me... But it is also because the Tang army on the bank is gradually relaxing, so it is a good opportunity to cross the river..."

Having said this, Zhang Lun looked at the three of them and remained silent.

Yu Chixin lowered his eyelids in annoyance, was he trying to compare with others? How long had it been, and he was still showing off like this... He was dissatisfied, but after thinking about it for a moment, he spoke first.

"So, the Tang army mobilized its troops and gathered them together for ten thousand years to show weakness and deliberately lead me across the river to wait for an opportunity to fight?"

Zhang Shigui, who was standing next to him, didn't agree. He looked at Yu Chixin, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It doesn't seem like a fraud to move troops to the west like this... Besides, I heard that Li Yuan sent envoys to sue for peace some time ago...

In this case, it seems that something happened in the west that led to this."

"It just happened that when I crossed the river to attack, the Tang army took advantage of the plan and hid their troops for ten thousand years, intending to fight me... The generals are making random guesses. Don't blame me for talking nonsense."

Zhao Shixun looked around and shut his mouth tightly, thinking that he was so smart, so there was no need for me to talk too much, right?

Zhang Lun gently touched his palms and said, "What you two said makes sense, but no matter what the intentions of the Tang army are, these more than 100,000 troops are still patchwork. Even with Qin Wang Li Shimin sitting in charge, they can hardly be called elite."

"If our army hadn't crossed the river with few troops, we would have fought a decisive battle with him. Hehe... Now, it's not appropriate to fight a decisive battle with him. General Zhao..."

Zhao Shixun, regardless of anything else, immediately knocked on his breastplate and said, "General Zhang, just tell me, I will just do it."

Zhang Lun nodded and said solemnly: "Wei Chi and his troops have arrived at Feng Yi City. They will be trapped by the Tang army later. General Zhao, please lead 2,000 troops from his headquarters and another 2,000 troops from the right garrison. Bring as many as possible and drink water."

Is it a good idea to have food, weapons and other baggage, go and meet with General Yuchi, humiliate the general, and listen to General Yuchi's orders?"

Zhao Shixun was quite satisfied except that he had to obey General Yu Chikai's orders.

He tapped his breastplate twice and said, "General Zhang, relax, as long as I still have breath, I will be able to protect General Yuchi well."

Zhang Shigui looked sideways at each other, thinking that it was awkward to say this. Don't let his own people start fighting among themselves first...

However, Yu Chixin and Zhang Lun did not take it seriously. Zhao Shixun was originally a subordinate of Yuwen Huo, and was promoted repeatedly due to his achievements in breaking the city. Later, he came into the eyes of His Highness the King of Han, and was selected as the commander of his personal army, and was deeply trusted.

The King of Han's army has always claimed to be one, and the several commanders are relatively friendly to each other, but they are separated from outsiders. Of course, there are many people who are good friends with them, such as Yuchi Kai.

Somehow this guy got on close terms with Luo Shixin, so Zhao Shixun and others also gave him a thumbs-up, and went to team up with Yu Chi. It was a good match for him.

Zhang Shigui was new here and didn't know what to do, so no wonder he was worried.

A few people said they were worried about this or that, but in fact they were not afraid of the coming war. Such things as timidity in the face of battle could not be found on the heads of these people who just wanted to make great achievements and great achievements.


"General Zhao and General Yuchi chose a place to garrison under Feng Yi City. They only need to hold off the Tang army for two or three days. Remember not to be impatient, otherwise you will fall into the Tang army's trick and the consequences will be disastrous."

Seeing Zhao Shixun nodding in agreement, Zhang Lun then continued: "General Yuchi, lead five thousand people and go south overnight to capture Huayin. You must be quick. Even if you cannot break the city, you still need to block the reinforcements from Tongguan..."

"There should not be many reinforcements in the direction of Tongguan. Moreover, in the battle at Suidu last year, Wu'an and Maogong led only 4,000 soldiers and defeated tens of thousands of Tongguan defenders. This shows that the Tang army at Tongguan is weak. General Yuchi must not be compared to others.


Yu Chixin curled his lips, thinking that this kind of provoking method should be played with children. He just frowned and asked: "With such a division of troops, wouldn't the beach be empty? If an enemy comes..."

Zhang Lun smiled resolutely, "With all the generals outside, whether the Tang army divides its troops to attack or attacks with all its strength, it is exactly what we want. We only need to hold back its main force for a while, how can you generals still stand by and watch?

In this battle, the Tang army just wanted to cross the river and attack. The more the army crossed the river, the more they gathered in one place, the more they expressed their intentions. Neither Feng Yi nor the beach was a place for a fierce battle. We can't do that.

Li Er’s intention.”

After a little explanation to Yu Chixin, he turned to Zhang Shigui and said: "General Zhang, I will give you three thousand people to go north to capture Jiyang and Chengcheng. Like General Yuchi, you don't need to worry too much, just intercept them."

Just send reinforcements from Hancheng."

The other three people now understood that Zhang Lun had no intention of having a decisive battle with the Tang army at Feng Yi or the beach in a short period of time, but wanted to trap the Tang army's hands and feet. If the delay was delayed, the Tang army would be the first to rush to fight.


This was completely different from what Yuchixin thought. Yuchixin felt that even with the soldiers who had crossed the river now, they could fight the Tang army. It was better to hold the beach firmly and wait and see what happened.

However, Zhang Lun dared to divide his troops everywhere, leaving only a few thousand men at his disposal to station himself at the beachhead camp. He was so courageous that no one could even admire him.

In any case, the other three people felt that Zhang Lun was taking too many risks.

Without waiting for them to object, Zhang Lun clasped his fists at the three of them and said, "Your Majesty has entrusted me with an important task. Lun dare not neglect it. All you have to do is listen to my orders and act. This battle should be concluded in three to five days.

No matter who can bring Li Er's head, everyone will take the greatest credit."

For this reason, the other people stopped entangled, because it was meaningless. Do they still want to make trouble in front of the King of Han on the other side?

The three of them hammered their breastplates one after another and went their separate ways.


"We actually divided our forces?"

When Li Shimin received the scouting report, it was already early morning on the second day, and the Tang army had already arrived at Feng Yi City.

At this time, the outside of Feng Yi City was bare and there was nothing left, but Li Shenfu had done a very thorough job of clearing the walls and clearing the fields.

More than ten miles away, the sun, moon and stars flag of the Jin army was flying in the sky. The place they chose was very unique. It was northwest of Feng Yi, backed by a low mountain, and the camp was well-organized.

It doesn't look like they are here to attack the city, but more like they are here to garrison for a long time.

It is basically a delusion to want to give the Jin army an internal and external cooperation, just like in the novel.

When receiving the detective report, Li Shimin, accompanied by Li Shenfu, the king of Xiangyi County, climbed to the top of Fengyi City, talking and looking into the distance.

Li Shenfu is Li Shimin's uncle, and he is also a serious member of the King of Qin's faction, otherwise the important task of guarding Feng Yi will most likely not fall on him.

Looking at the military camps inside and outside Feng Yi City and the ant-like soldiers, Li Shen [Baidu] Fu Zhongyou, who had been suffering for a long time, became confident.

The detective report was very vague. It only said that the Jin army left in large groups from north to south. How many people left and where they went needs to be carefully investigated in the future.

Li Shimin's brows slowly wrinkled, and a very uncomfortable feeling slowly crept into his heart and lingered.

"How dare you divide your troops with so few men and horses... As the saying goes, a arrogant army will be defeated. I have already won three points of this battle before the battle..."

Hearing Li Shenfu talking next to him, Li Shimin was so irritated that he just wanted to slap him... The so-called abnormality is a monster. Even if you don't detect it clearly, you can know that there are not many soldiers of the Jin army crossing the river, but

To divide the troops again, is it to create suspicion, or is it...

His Highness the King of Qin, who had not had a good night's sleep for a long time, was a little confused because the Jin army's reaction was different from what he expected.

Gently rubbing his forehead, Li Shimin first smiled and said to Li Shenfu: "With uncle here, Feng Yi is as safe as a mountain, waiting to break through the city and attack the enemy, but my nephew wants to go to the river with his uncle for a walk, and then come back

Meet Li Ding'an."

After a few perfunctory words with Li Shenfu, he turned around and went down the tower, and ordered his left and right: "Give me the order, be sure to ascertain the strength of the enemy troops on the river and see... did Li Ding'an cross the river himself?"

In fact, without any investigation, with his excellent sense of war, he already vaguely understood that a quick victory was the key to this battle.

Before, he was still hesitating as to how many Jin troops should cross the river. What he wanted was to inflict as much damage as possible on the Jin army in Qin.

This was actually a kind of inertial thinking. When he led his army to guard the river, he always wanted to lure the Jin army to cross the river and fight, because he knew that the chance of the Tang army crossing the river to defeat the Jin army was getting slimmer.

But now, a fighter plane finally appeared, so he always thought of letting the Jin army cross the river, and the chance of winning a battle with it was very high.

But think about it deeply, how can the current situation be the same as before?

At that time, Wang Shichong was still there, so neither side actually dared to fight, for fear of taking advantage of others, especially Li Ding'an, who was across the river from Wang Shichong, making it easier for others to take advantage of him.

But now, Wang Shichong has passed away, Li Ding'an has captured Hongnong, and he no longer has any worries... How strong is the Jin army that only wants to fight?

Li Shimin felt a slight chill at his back, and he regretted it...

This chapter has been completed!
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