Chapter 771 Fierce Battle (1)

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Just as Zhang Lun expected.

The Jin army crossed the river with great speed, but as time went by, it was the Tang army that was eager to fight.

More than 100,000 Tang troops arrived at Feng Yi. After only a short rest, they went out of the city to form an array and started a confrontation with Yuchi and his troops.

Because the Jin army had no intention of attacking the city, the Tang army could only fight outside the city and could not use the city to consume the enemy's strength. This was a bit uncomfortable for the Tang army.

And just last night, thousands more troops were added to the Jin army under the city.

The elite of more than 10,000 people has become a force that cannot be ignored. You must know that at Fengling Ferry last year, only a few thousand Jin troops defeated tens of thousands of Tongguan defenders.

That battle actually dealt a severe blow to the Tang army, and the subsequent impact was much more serious than that of Li Shentong's defeat. It was a complete wake-up call for Li Tang from his dream of being the elite in Kansai and defeating many princes.

Therefore, from the moment the Tang Army pulled out its camp from Wannian County, the Tang Army had no choice in tactics. It was a state where the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

But now that the Tang Army has its holders, it is nothing more than the strength of local battlefields brought about by strategic advantages, as well as logistical advantages.


The Tang army gradually moved. The sound of heavy footsteps, the clash of swords, guns and armor, mixed with the rude orders of the generals, filled the whole world with restlessness.

Nearly two thousand light cavalry, led by Zhai Changsun, the leader on the left side of the Qin Palace, were behind the formation and were basically equivalent to the reserve force. In this battle, they had no use.

The place Yu Chikai chose was set up for a stronghold, and he would definitely not be attacked by the heavy cavalry.

Moreover, Zhai Changsun's troops really didn't dare to move lightly. In recent years, the cavalry of the Tang Army has become increasingly scarce. Needless to say, the reason is that the cavalry has become more and more precious to the Tang Army and cannot be easily damaged.

However, the Jin Army was born out of the Daizhou Frontier Army and has always been dominated by cavalry. If they were not separated by the Yellow River and wanted to fight in the field with the Jin Army... you would have to ask their cavalry first if they would agree?

Even now, after the army formed a formation, groups of Jin army cavalry appeared behind the Tang army. They were in groups of a hundred or dozens of people, patrolling around the battlefield like a pack of hunting wolves.

Li Shimin, who was in the middle of the army, looked back and saw that there was a light on his back, which further strengthened his determination to fight quickly. Once the Daizhou cavalry crossed the river, it would be terrible.

The first bloodshed was the collision of cavalry. Daizhou cavalry has long been famous all over the world, but there are still people who do not believe in evil and want to drive away these snooping guys.

Of course, this is also a kind of test. Neither Qin King Li Shimin nor others have actually seen the power of Daizhou cavalry.

More than a thousand cavalrymen broke away from the Tang army's formation and slowly dispersed to the rear. Amid the officers' cheers, the knights kicked their horses, and a small-scale cavalry battle broke out.

The Jin army's cavalry turned around and left without any intention of confronting the Tang army. They chased and then fled, gradually disappearing into the smoke.

This is really an unpleasant start, like when a fly flies into your mouth just as you are about to start eating, your appetite is completely gone.

In fact, the Tang army's cavalry did not pursue them very far, and turned back under the general's order.

It can be seen from this that the Tang Army was actually a military force with strict military disciplines. It followed orders and prohibitions and advanced and retreated appropriately. It was not like the rebels who rushed forward when they saw an advantage and fled when they suffered a loss.

But their opponents were very dissatisfied, so they quickly gathered together according to their usual tactics and started greeting each other with bows and arrows.

When the Tang Army's cavalry turned around, dozens of them remained outside. Behind them, the Jin Army's cavalry waved their long bows and brazenly showed off their martial prowess amidst bursts of whistling sounds.

With just a cup of tea, the strength and weakness were already clear. The Kansai Iron Cavalry, which had never fought against a powerful enemy in these years, seemed to have only its reputation remaining when facing such a fierce enemy.

After that, more cavalry appeared in the rear of the Tang army...

After more than 100,000 Tang troops formed an array, they would naturally not be afraid of this small number of cavalry.

The Tang army gradually stopped commotion, and the Tang troops were arranged neatly. The atmosphere of the battle suddenly became intense. Even the birds in the sky were driven away by the fearful atmosphere.

On the gentle slope opposite the Tang army, more than 10,000 Jin troops were already waiting in tight formation.

The place chosen by Yuchi Qie was conducive to holding on, but it had an obvious shortcoming, that is, there was no water source, but their mission was to hold back the main force of the Tang army.

It doesn't take much time, just two or three days, so they will not be stuck in the traditional art of war category if they bring enough water and food.

Wei Chikai and Zhao Shixun stood at a high place, watching the more than 100,000 Tang troops marching across the field, their banners clear and their formations clear. They had to praise them in their hearts. The Kansai army was indeed well-deserved.

"How lucky that the King of Qin, Li Shimin, is here in person..." Yuchi said together, but actually he was muttering in his heart, if the King of Qin could be captured and sent to the king, tsk tsk... It's just a pity that there are too few soldiers...

Zhao Shixun was not so emotional, "I was busy all night last night, and I'm really a little sleepy. I'll rest for a while. If you need me to rush in, just wake me up."

Yuchi Kai curled his lips. Originally, he led more than 6,000 people here, and what he wanted was to secure the first victory in the war. The battle when crossing the river was quite short, and it could only be said to be a small victory. In his opinion,

, now this battle is the real achievement.

It's just that Zhang Lun's guy came across the river and actually sent Zhao Dalang to compete with him, which was really unpleasant.

It can be seen from this that although the two of them have different ideas, they do not take the Tang army seriously. Generals like them who have experienced many battles have a courage that is incomparable to others. It is normal to have such a mentality.


In fact, whether it was them or Zhang Lun and others, the basis for using troops was that the elite Jin army was beyond the reach of the Tang army.

In recent years, the Jin army has been almost invincible and invincible. Subtly, it has given everyone a confident attitude. Well, if it continues to develop, it may become a arrogant army.

With their backs to the mountains, the Jin army set up a medium-sized camp on a gentle slope. Due to time constraints and the impending war, it was impossible to overwork the soldiers, so the camp was made very rough and crude.

They did not build a wall, but dug a few trenches and built some defensive horses. They did not intend to kill the enemy, but just to create more trouble for the Tang army and delay the Tang army's attack.


The spring morning light in the Qin Dynasty is still warm and moist, but it still does not get rid of the bleakness of winter.

The flags of the two armies were flying fiercely in the spring breeze. The soldiers were making final arrangements. The veterans were secretly moving their bodies to adapt to the atmosphere before the war. The recruits were a little restless and were so nervous that they breathed rapidly.

This confrontation did not last long. Since Li Shimin had decided to fight quickly, he would not hesitate any more. He is also one of the most outstanding leading generals of this era. There is no doubt about this.

The sound of the horn echoed between heaven and earth. This was the signal for the attack. First, rows of civilians carried wooden rafts and earth bags on their backs, preparing to fill the trenches. Due to the terrain, they could not move quickly.

Start running.

Almost as soon as they reached the front of the trench, a cloud of black arrows rose into the sky and fell with a creepy whooshing sound.

The sound of arrows hitting wood resounded loudly, and some unlucky ones fell to the ground screaming while picking goods, but the effect was limited.

Under Feng Yi's city, the Tang army was attacking. It was a strange phenomenon, wasn't it?

But no one could laugh at this moment, but in just over an hour, several trenches were filled in. The Jin army did not fire many arrows and did not waste too much, allowing the Tang army to successfully complete the initial battle.

Then...then naturally it will be a bloody battle.

Relying on their strong military strength, the Tang army's front troops finally began to move forward slowly until they were within a stone's throw. At this time, the soldiers of the two armies could even see each other's faces.

Both sides were born out of the former Sui army and rose up in troubled times. Today they finally collided face to face. Whether the Jin army is the elite or the Guanxi Erlang is more powerful can only be measured with the steel knife in their hands.

First, the long horn sounded, followed by the war drums. The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty clenched their swords, held their round shields, and marched forward to the beat of the drums.

The defender was in a commanding position, occupying a favorable location, and had a certain upper hand.

The sound of the drums is getting louder and louder. This is not a performance. It is urging the soldiers to move forward. Every sound is shaking people's hearts and shaking a gap in the gloomy gate of hell.

Tang Jun stepped on the drums and gradually accelerated his pace. While breathing rapidly, his eyes slowly became bloodshot. When they reached a certain distance, someone finally couldn't help but raise a long knife and howled, with a face as ferocious as a ghost.

With a buzzing sound, the sky darkened, and arrows fell like raindrops. With the sound of popping into the flesh, countless people screamed and fell down at the same time, and a large amount of blood finally emerged.

In a few breaths, the Tang army in the front row had arrived in front of the Jin army's formation, and what greeted them was a forest of spears. The moment they engaged in battle, the blood of the Tang army was spilled on a large scale in front of the formation.

The spear retracted and retracted regularly, and with little effort, countless people were knocked to the ground. Those in front fell, and those behind immediately followed, struggling to rush through the forest of spears and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

But the powerful Jin soldiers would not give them this opportunity easily. The spear array had been working hard to keep it intact. Even if someone fell, someone would immediately make up for it.

Kansai Erlang's corpses gradually piled up, and the bloody smell became more and more intense. However, the soldiers of the two armies who were fighting desperately did not care about this and just wanted to have a life-and-death contest.

As time went by, the Tang Army's offensive gradually faltered, and the two armies separated at some point. After experiencing extremely heavy casualties, the first wave of the Tang Army's offensive ended.

This chapter has been completed!
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