Chapter 772 Fierce Battle (2)

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Some sword-wielding soldiers walked out of the Jin army's formation and began to clean up the battlefield. Soon the screams in front of the formation disappeared, and the first wave of Tang army's offensive was completely over.

The two sides exchanged a very fierce greeting, but neither of them was much touched, because everyone understood that this was just the beginning, a trial with countless lives.

Not even the formation of the Jin army was shaken at all, which shows that the Tang army that had just attacked was cannon fodder. Therefore, the Tang army did not think that the Jin army was very powerful, and the Jin army also did not think that the Tang army's skills stopped there.

The source of the Tang army was very mixed, and there was a lot of cannon fodder. This was a group of generals from the Qin royal family led by Li Shimin's old soldiers when he attacked Xue Rengao, plus some standing troops by the river, and supplemented by various local garrison combinations.

An army formed.

The combat effectiveness is uneven. It is indeed far behind the Jin army, which is full of morale, has been trained for a long time, and is accustomed to fighting. But there is nothing to be done about it. In the past few years, Guanxi Erlang has not fought a few decent wars. The elites these days are all

It was fought. Without a big war, how could we have good soldiers and strong generals?

But after all, the Tang army had a strong force and did not care about these casualties. Many people had died in these years, and everyone was a little numb. No matter how red the blood was, it could not sting people's hearts.

Not long after, the retreating Tang army dropped several big heads and hung them on the flagpole. This was an act that Li Po hated very much. After all, he was so frightened by these ghosts when he was walking on the Liaodong Road.


But this is indeed the best way to inspire military morale today, it is brutal and intuitive.

The next wave of offensives followed one after another, and the Tang army generals behind the formation were also thinking about how to seize the geographical advantage.

It's a pity that the place Yu Chikai chose is really good. Although the mountain is not high, it is very steep. There is absolutely no need to worry about people rushing to the top of the mountain.

Along with the offensive of the Tang army, the shouts of killing came one after another. The soldiers quickly entered the state, entangled with the enemy with red eyes.

Blood gradually moistened the soil, people's feet became muddy, and corpses spread down the gentle slope. Human lives continued to disappear, and the casualties of both armies continued to increase.

But as time went by, despite more and more people dying, the Jin army's formation became more and more stable. The strong Jin soldiers, in the brutal fighting, lost their morale, physical strength, discipline and

Cooperation shows an overwhelming advantage.

Taking advantage of the break between the Tang army's offensives, the Jin army's soldiers took turns to rest and recuperated, which made them even more capable. Even though the Tang army moved the archers forward and caused a lot of damage to the Jin army, it still failed to frustrate the Jin army's formation at all, and was occasionally defeated by the Jin army.

The army couldn't help but retreat, and terminated the offensive in embarrassment.

The war has actually entered its most brutal stage, the war of attrition.

An ordinary hillside more than ten miles outside Feng Yi City suddenly turned into a place like a flesh and blood mill on this ordinary spring day.

The soldiers brandished their swords and guns, unleashing their violent and barbaric emotions, and also decorated the men's courage and fearlessness with the blood of themselves and their enemies.

The sun gradually rose into the sky and then slowly fell from the west. The supervising team in front of the Tang army cut off countless heads, but no one could do it, whether it was the local defenders or the elite who had been following Li Shimin for a long time.

Breaking through the enemy's formation, there was not even a chance to penetrate deep into the enemy's formation.

The defense line on the hillside seemed to be made of iron. Apart from the collision with the Tang Army, nothing happened. It also shattered the pride and courage of the Kansai men.

On the hillside, Yu Chikai and Zhao Shixun were sitting on the ground, chewing on the dried meat.

"Hey, the Kansai people have such a great reputation, but in fact they are just mediocre." Zhao Shixun still has some blood in him. As a native of Jin, he has heard a lot about the heroes of Kansai before, but today he stepped forward to meet Tang Jun in person.

After two rounds, he was really disappointed.

Yuchi Kai's hometown is in Jin, but they are considered a Luoyang family, so naturally they are not interested in Kansai people, but he needs to be more fair in his words.

"It means we met us, otherwise most of the people who can show off their power in the end will have to be Kansai people." Then he smiled again, "Brother Zhao, you'd better say less about Kansai people, you know that the king is also from a background.

Where’s Kansai?”

Zhao Shixun snorted twice and closed his mouth tightly, but he was muttering in his heart that this guy is not kind... Don't go and tell me about this in front of the king later, right?

While they were talking, the sound of killing started again below. Yuchi and his team raised their heads and looked at the sky, "It seems that Li Er's eyes are red. Do you want to fight with us at night?"

"We don't have anything to fear from him in a night battle. Look at this offensive. If it doesn't work during the day, how can it be completely transformed at night?" Zhao Shixun answered casually.

A lieutenant covered in blood walked closer, hammered his chest and loudly said: "Report to the general, this time one hundred and twenty-four people were injured and forty-eight were killed."

The casualties are getting smaller and smaller. Maybe the Tang army is getting tired, or it may be that after being unable to attack for a long time, its morale is gradually declining, or maybe the Tang army is not in a hurry and wants to use up the Jin army's strength. Who knows?

Anyway, the main force of the Tang army is here, and according to military orders, the two of them have meritorious service.

Yu Chikai's offensive spirit was very strong. He looked at the big flag with Admiral Tiance written on it not far away and was very greedy. Zhao Shixun always stopped him when he was about to make a move... Otherwise, the battle situation might not know where to go.



On the opposite side, King Qin Li Shimin was not as interested in chatting as they were. One day can always exhaust one's patience.

From the determination at the beginning, thinking of a quick victory, I turned around and competed with the enemy troops on the river beach again. I don't know how many people could be killed and how many captures could be made. Is it possible to make Li Ding'an heartbroken...

But as time went by, Li Shimin began to become anxious, and then angry. Those local defenders were just improvised, and they were not expected to make any achievements.

But those guys who claimed to be elites and dared to fight went up, but returned without success, which made Li Shimin extremely dissatisfied.

As the sun sets in the west, Li Shimin's heart seems to slowly sink. More than 100,000 troops are trapped here. After fighting for a day, there is nothing they can do to defeat more than 10,000 enemy troops. This is something Li Shimin has never thought of before.

In a daze, Li Shimin seemed to have returned to that dark winter night. The fire from Longmen not only stung his eyes, but also burned most of the Black Armor Cavalry.

And the shrill, wolf-like howling at Longmen Ferry seemed to echo in his ears again.

Next, bad news came back one after another.

The Jin army went north to capture Jiyang, and then attacked Chengcheng...

The Jin army that went south attacked Huayin, and Gao Jiucheng, the governor of Huazhou, surrendered, and the Jin army occupied Huayin.

Hearing these two pieces of news, especially the latter one, Li Shimin's heart jumped. The importance of Huayin is self-evident. It is the only way between Jingzhao and Tongguan, and it is the hometown of the Yang family in the former Sui Dynasty.

The theory of Yang’s return to Huayin.

Of course, when a war broke out in the Qin Dynasty, Huayin's geographical location could reflect its importance. If the Jin army occupied this place, it would be like grabbing Li Tang by the throat. If he could not come back more,

The Tongguan army will become an isolated and helpless army.

Gao Jiucheng, the governor of Huazhou, was demoted so quickly. Li Shimin could hardly believe his ears. You are really worthy of your surname.

But such a result was actually related to Li Shimin. Since he left Beijing, he quietly took control of the military and began to dispatch garrison troops from various places to Wannian County to stand by. The few garrison troops everywhere had been transferred by him.

No matter Jiyang, Chengcheng, or Huayin were all affected by this, especially Huayin, because it was close to Wannian County, not only the defenders were deployed, but also a large number of civilians.

In fact, regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, the Jingzhao area will be severely damaged. You must know that it is the spring plowing season.

The news coming back from the river was not optimistic. The Jin army was still scrambling to cross the river. Looking at the flag, at least another Weifu should have crossed the river.

The only good thing is that Chang'an finally reacted and mobilized 20,000 Chang'an garrison troops to assist Feng Yi, who will probably arrive tonight.

Most of these came from the Royal Guards Xiao Guo, led by General Dou Gui of Zuo Xiao Guard, and assisted by Tang Jian, the Minister of Internal Affairs. The most important thing was that there were three thousand cavalry among them, which almost wiped out the Li family's wealth.

What's even more exciting is that Li Yuan was obviously aware of the danger, and issued successive edicts to comfort his ministers, saying that he was powerful and urging them to gather soldiers for requisition.

With the efforts of the two father and son, the entire Jingzhao was mobilized. If they were given a certain amount of time, they could use even more resources.

The Li family's roots are in Kansai. Now someone is storming into their home, and they have to fight tooth and nail to resist.

Of course, at this time, Li Yuan had not realized that his son had already left the capital to have fun. If he had known about it, it would be hard to say whether he would first try to control the little beast in his own family, or whether he should fight against the enemy together.

In the evening, Li Shimin ate a few mouthfuls of rice with pickled vegetables and drank two bowls of goat's milk, trying to cheer up.

He has an indomitable character, and nothing can make him discouraged until the final outcome. Otherwise, Li Yuan feels that he is very similar to Yang Guang, because they both have extremely paranoid sides.

But after all, Li Shimin was not Yang Guang. He had already joined the military at a very young age. After a lot of training, coupled with his lofty ambitions and perseverance, he and Yang Guang actually didn't have many similarities except that they both came from a wealthy family.

Just like today, Li Shimin can freely eat coarse food such as corn and rice in the army. Yang Guang may not have eaten a bite of such food until his death. You can see the difference between the founding monarch and the last emperor.

But now that the situation is not good, the two of them are likely to find some common language...

"The order is passed down. Anyone who can break the formation will be promoted to the third level. Anyone who captures the flag will be promoted to Hussars General. He will supervise the formation in the rear. Anyone who retreats first will be killed in front of the formation.

Furthermore, no matter who it is, whoever gets the death of Yu Chikai or Zhao Shixun, I will allow him to build a tooth and open a mansion..."

One day during the battle, I finally found out who was leading the troops on the opposite side.

This chapter has been completed!
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