Chapter 773 Fierce Battle (3)

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Gurgling, Yuchi took a big gulp of water. The water flowed from the corner of his mouth and turned bright red when it reached the ground.

His soldiers were anxiously looking at the long arrow stuck in his shoulder.

Yu Chikai waved his hand impatiently and drove the person away. He grabbed the arrow shaft and pulled it out with a little force. He was wearing armor and had arm guards on his arms. The arrow just penetrated through and penetrated the flesh.

It's not deep, just a skin injury.

After a while, Zhao Shixun also returned here and sat down on the ground. The two of them finally looked embarrassed.

It's just that Zhao Shixun has always been blessed by God. In these many years of fighting, just like when he ascended the city, no matter how fierce the battle was, he could always come down intact, and this time was no exception.

But Yu Chikai was not so lucky. Not only was he hit by an arrow in the shoulder, but he was also slashed in the chest. However, he was wearing armor and was not chopped down.

This time the two of them breathed in the fresh air and stopped talking nonsense about Kansai people being nothing more than this. If they weren't still a little shameless, the two guys would definitely say that the heroes of Kansai are indeed well-deserved.

Of course, no matter how modest they are, generals like them will add a sentence at the end, but according to us, it is even worse.

The battle suddenly became difficult, which actually surprised the two of them.

It was already getting late, and the Tang army's offensive was not as strong as it was during the day. Each unit gradually began to replenish drinking water and eat some food.

But who would have thought that Tang Jun suddenly went crazy without knowing what happened. More and more people rushed forward to fight with death, but few retreated. A row of people died in the battle, and the people behind were scrambling to make up for it.

, continuous, the offensive surged like a huge wave? Wave after wave came up.

When the bloody spirit and courage of Kansai men are completely inspired by their titles, achievements, or even the blood of their comrades? They are indeed worthy of the illustrious reputation they have earned over the years.

Kansai boy? Not to be insulted...

If the Jin army relaxed even a little bit, they would be driven back by this sudden and crazy offensive. The military formation that had not wavered all day long was actually broken into by the Tang army in some places.

Although the Tang army that broke through the formation was quickly killed, it greatly boosted the Tang army's fighting spirit, as if they saw the dawn of victory.

The Jin army quickly came to their senses amidst the sound of war drums behind them, and responded with a crazy offensive that was not inferior to the opponent. The two leading generals even stepped forward in person to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy. This also inspired the Jin army's


The sun has not set yet? With the last light? The two armies risked their lives? Are they fighting in one place? Guns are surging, swords are flying, blood is rushing, there is no other sound in the world, only the

The sound of the fighting between the two armies? At this time, every note? is approaching the heights.

This also symbolizes that the two armies have finally entered the intense stage of the war. The soldiers began to use their lives to interpret their bravery and their blood to demonstrate their merits.

The sky was gradually getting dark, but both sides had no intention of stopping the fight. The burning will to fight dispersed all other wills. They just wanted to decide the outcome here.

In other words, both sides were furious, no one wanted to show weakness, but the outcome seemed to be cast aside.

The Tang army no longer had any thoughts of preserving its strength. Elites came forward in turn, all led by veterans who had experienced the Northwest War. They used the blood of the enemy, or even their own, to prove that the martial arts names of the Kansai people were not there.

Their hands are cut off.

When the famous Kansai nobles died in front of the battle, the shock to the ordinary soldiers was incomparable. If he can die, why can't I die? Once the idea arises, it will be hopelessly aroused.

They have warlike genes passed down from their ancestors.

How can I say that I have no clothes, but I share the same robe with you...

Someone once said boldly that the people of Qin ranked first in the world and accounted for half of the world's military fortunes... Although it was an exaggeration, it was not without reason.

The casualties of the Jin army are getting heavier and heavier, but their resilience is also perfectly demonstrated. They go forward one after another without fear of life and death... Unlike the explosive bravery of the Tang army, they came out of the chaos of the late Sui Dynasty and used military discipline and honor to

A polished killing machine.

Their desire for merit and pursuit of glory are not comparable to those of the Tang Army. In terms of morale, they have a stronger fighting spirit than the Tang Army. In terms of food, clothing, and warmth, the Tang Army, which is gradually running out of food, cannot compare with them...

In comparison, the Jin army looks more like professional soldiers, and on the battlefield, the difference is even more obvious.

The casualties have reached 30%, but the military formation shows no signs of collapse, because the captain died in the battle, the battalion captain was on top, the battalion captain died, and the squadron followed. This is a very boring, but extremely cruel inference.


This is how the Jin army was built. There are no civilians here, and they don't even belong to the category of government soldiers. If they have to be divided, they are similar to the former Sui army, a group of very professional professional soldiers.

During the crazy attack of the Tang army, the Jin army's formation was slightly scattered, and then integrated again, and then broke away for the Tang army, but it was bridged again.

Even though Zhao Shixun's battle flag was cut down by the Tang army, before the Tang army could cheer, the charging Tang soldiers were chopped down to the ground by the red-eyed Jin soldiers. Soon Zhao Shixun's flag was set up again.

This was a real fight to the death. More and more people died. The large amount of blood did not calm people down, but aroused their ferocity.

People gradually became crazy. It seemed that no one wanted to see the sun rise tomorrow, so they all rushed towards hell.

What dampened people's enthusiasm for war was the coming of night. Even if the Tang army was unwilling, as the sky became darker and darker, they had to gradually lose contact with the enemy.

The desolate horn sounded again, this time it was not an attack but a signal to retreat. The Tang army slowly left and returned to Feng Yi City.

Night battle? It doesn’t exist. No general would fight against a powerful enemy at night. That would be very irresponsible to the enemy and to oneself.

The Tang army left unwillingly, leaving corpses everywhere and rivers of blood flowing, as if to tell their enemies, don't leave, we will fight again tomorrow.

The Jin army fought fiercely for a day and suffered heavy casualties. Looking at the Tang army leaving, many people fell to the ground as if they were exhausted. Breathing in the fresh air, their brains slowly cooled down from the frenzy, and they began to rejoice.

Still alive, I feel sad for my dead comrades.

I roughly cleaned up the battlefield, that is, arranging the corpses of my own people a little bit, and then collected the arrows stuck on the ground like wormwood, which may be needed tomorrow.

The last step is to count the casualties.

Listening to the reported casualties, Yu Chikai and Zhao Shixun had a bitter taste in their mouths.

In this day alone, nearly 3,000 people were killed, and a thousand more were injured. The rest, except for bastards like Zhao Shixun, were almost all injured.

In short, the more than 10,000 Jin troops have been maimed in one battle... half of them were damaged. If it were a normal season, they would have collapsed after such a battle.

Yuchi and the other two were in a gloomy mood, and had no intention of counting the number of enemies killed or wounded. They just thought that they still had to defend for two or three days. We really didn't seem to be able to do it.

There are many people who are more miserable than them.

Returning to Feng Yi, Li Shimin and the generals around him could not be idle, appeasing the soldiers, boosting morale, and counting casualties, which were indispensable.

It wasn't until the moon climbed over the railing that Li Shimin had time to take a few sips of hot tea, and his stomach finally began to protest.

So while eating and drinking, he listened to everyone's reports of casualties. This was really not a good thing to go with a meal. After hearing a few words, Li Shimin couldn't eat.

Those local defenders who were recruited were just that. They were neither elites in the army nor close associates of the King of Qin. They were cannon fodder soldiers and were the most common consumables these days.

But others are different. Even if they are not from the Prince of Qin's Palace, they are still the indispensable core pillars of a large army, not to mention that they are now led by the confidants of General Tiance's Palace.

When Li Shimin strictly ordered all the troops to move forward, these elites were sent forward in turn. They fought fiercely to the end, but they failed to defeat the enemy. However, their own injuries were so heavy that Li Shimin almost shed tears.

Eighty-nine thousand people were just lost. Countless people were slightly injured, and there were almost no serious injuries, because the seriously injured were all left in front of the Jin army's formation.

Li Mengchang, the second prison guard on the left side of General Tiance's Mansion, was seriously injured and was snatched back by his bodyguards. It was he who led his men forward and killed him forcefully, cutting off the flag of General Zhao Shixun who was surrounded by the army.


Sima Yu, a scribe from Admiral Tiance's office, and who was supervising the battle behind him, were hit by stray arrows and almost lost their lives. Judging from the severity of his injuries, he was probably going to have to lie in bed for a while.

Duan Zhixuan, the second guard on the right side of General Tiance's palace, was temporarily crippled. Gongsun Wuday, the general of the Qin Dynasty's palace, escaped from the arrows and was crushed by the guards and broke several bones...

These are all direct descendants of the Prince of Qin's palace, and they are all famous nobles.

Four of the remaining captains who led the army were killed in the battle, and two more were beheaded due to incompetence in the battle.

After such a battle, the Tang army was exhausted. The most important thing was that they did not achieve the desired results, destroying the terrifyingly tenacious enemies on the opposite side.

As a result, the morale of the Tang army inevitably dropped, and the direct consequences were obvious. The number of voices in Li Shimin's ears suddenly increased.

The suggestion to retreat to Chang'an and wait for reinforcements from all walks of life appeared vaguely, and the leader was Li Shenfu, the king of Xiangyi County.

It's not because of Li Shenfu, but because the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Tang army. The ability of the Jin army to fight has been clearly verified during the day. When more Jin troops come ashore, more than 100,000 troops will

If they were completely surrounded in Feng Yi City, they would be completely defeated.

It would be safer to leave some troops to defend Chang'an and the rest to retreat to Chang'an, and to order Qu Tutong from the northwest and Li Xiaogong from Sichuan to come back to support Chang'an.

This chapter has been completed!
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