Chapter 886 Come to Make (1)

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Li Daozong immediately surrendered, and Li Po subsequently issued an edict, appointing Xue Wanjun, the minister of the Jin Ministry of War, as the general manager of Lingzhou.

This was also the result of Qu Tutong gradually gaining trust, and Xue Wanjun could be appointed elsewhere.

Xue Wanjun was undoubtedly one of the emperor's close ministers. He once served as the chief historian of the Han Dynasty, Sima and other positions. It is certain that such an old man from Qiandi will be reused.

He went to Lingzhou, firstly, to stabilize the situation in Lingwu and not allow the remnants of Liang Division to take advantage of it, and secondly, to make preparations for the future recovery of Henan and the capture of Tuyuhun.

Others also recommended some people, but Li Po was not satisfied with it, so he finally chose Xue Wanjun. This is what is embarrassing about Lingzhou now.

He had to send his confidants to manage it, but the Central Plains had not yet been unified, and they were still in the process of hiring people. At this time, it was really a helpless move to transfer people like Xue Wanjun from the Ministry of War.

Of course, this is a good choice for Xue Wanjun's wife, because he has always followed Li Po and never strayed far away, so his military achievements and qualifications are not satisfactory.

Close ministers of the emperor like him need to go to local areas to gain experience and accumulate official reputation, official qualifications or military merits, etc., in order to have a better future.

At the same time, Lingzhou is also a place where he can display his talents. Various ethnic groups live there, it is close to the Turks, and there are many bandits. No matter what he does well, it can become capital for his future promotion.


Generally speaking, the start of the second year of Yuanzhen looks very good. The strategic environment in Kansai has become increasingly stable. The former Qin homeland is basically under control. The focus of this year's war can finally be clarified.

At this time, among the princes in the world, only Xiao Xian, Dou Jiande and Li Po were left. The remaining two, Lin Shihong and Du Fuwei, had been reduced to roles irrelevant to the overall situation.

The chaotic world in the early years has finally entered its final stage. The vigorous peasant uprising in the late Sui Dynasty caused by Yang Guang's tyranny has actually ended long ago. Most of the conquests in recent years are just war disasters caused by the separatist regimes of the princes.

This year's main battlefield should be in Henan. The first person to bear the brunt is Dou Jiande or Xiao Xian. Li Po is more inclined to the latter. Of course, it also depends on which of them ventures into Henan first.

Now it seems that Xiao Mian is more impulsive, and his military strength seems to be stronger. Now he is the only one who can claim to be wearing 500,000 pieces of armor.

His strong family background gave him the confidence to march into Henan, and this year was their best chance. Li Po had just defeated Li Yuan, and his foothold in Guanxi was not stable. In addition, he spent the whole winter using troops in Shu.

Both Xiao Xian and Dou Jiande generally believed that if they could fight Li Po in Henan this year, they would have a great chance of winning. From this point of view, everyone had similar ideas.

Li Po was also reluctant to go to the Jiangnan water town to quarrel with Xiao Xian, or to go to Hebei or Shandong to chase Dou Jiande. Although the strategy proposed by Feng Deyi last year was extremely poor, the choice of battlefield was not a big mistake.

The use of troops in Henan will be beneficial to the Tang army's operations, especially the cavalry will exert a terrible power on the battlefield in Henan, but I don't know if Xiao Xian and Dou Jiande will give this opportunity.

If the main force of Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian can be defeated in Henan in one fell swoop, then there will no longer be any suspense about the ownership of the world. However, whether Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian can join forces to fight the enemy together is actually a question.

But what is certain is that after a few years, Henan will once again become the focus of the world.

Once a war breaks out in Henan, Luoyang will be the top priority. Whoever gets to Luoyang first will have a three-point advantage.

This is the disadvantage to the Tang army. If they want to lure Dou Jiande and Xiao Xian into Henan, they can't easily attack Luoyang. Wang Shiyun has long been hungry in Luoyang city and can't stand it anymore. He sent letters to Li Po's in-law many times, thinking

Let him take over Luoyang's mess.

But the world is so strange. In order to fight for the ownership of Luoyang, first Yang Xuangan, then Li Mi and Wang Shichong attacked countless times, and countless people died.

They all say that whoever wins the Eastern Capital will win the world. In fact, whether inside or outside the city, Luoyang is more like a tomb where the dreams of heroes and heroes are buried.

If there is something magical in the world, black smoke must be rising from Luoyang right now. There are countless ghosts and ghosts hovering over Luoyang, waiting to attract people to join them. There will not be any trace of the imperial aura that people say remains.

The strategy for the second year of Yuanzhen was roughly finalized by the end of February, and because there were more and more talents around Li Po, strategic considerations became more comprehensive and flexible.

Everyone felt that before June, it was best to wait and see what happened to Dou Jiande and Xiao Xian. If they did not make any moves, it would be a good opportunity to take a rest.

The time last year was too short, and there were still some embers burning in the counties in Guanxi and central Sichuan. The war had just ended, and it was not easy to settle down. Therefore, this year we sent out troops to exterminate those who should be exterminated, and appeased those who should be appeased.

Large-scale resistance is unlikely to occur. This year's events are rather trivial and can be regarded as a continuation of the post-war finishing work, which may take some time.

If this year's spring plowing goes well, there won't be any unusual sounds on the ground in Guanxi and Shuzhong after autumn.

In these days, having a full stomach is a serious matter, and supplemented by a series of political and military means, people's hearts will naturally settle down.

In the second half of last year, we actually did very well. We were victorious militarily, and politically, after Li Po ascended the throne and gained the legitimacy of his rule, the Kansai people slowly accepted it.

The successive surrender of Xiliang and Lingzhou is a good example, and the signs of the general trend are obvious.

So in February, Li Po ordered Li Jing, Zhang Lun, and Yuwen Huo not to rush eastward. It was best to contain Zhang Zhenzhou and Chai Shao in Shu.

If the situation changes, you can do it as cheaply as possible. For example, Chai Shao and Zhang Zhenzhou lead an army to take the initiative to attack Yizhou. That is exactly what you want, and you will naturally have to do it without asking for orders.

Regarding the combination of Zhang Lun and Li Jing, in fact, the military can completely let go. The two can work together. I am afraid that there are not many people in the world who can defeat them. I am afraid that Li Jing and Zhang Lun will get into trouble...

Is it possible for this to happen? The probability is not high, but it is not impossible. Li Po really wanted to transfer one of them back, but after thinking about it, he could only give up.

Removing any one of them at this time will be a sign of distrust, which may cause resentment in the army and cause some unnecessary trouble.

And Bu Qun and others who were stationed in Hongnong and were waiting for success, and were eager to make meritorious deeds, would not want someone to suddenly appear and take credit from them.

The territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the ministers have more and more factions, so they need to think more and more carefully. It is completely different from the situation in the past when they had a large army and explicit prohibitions.

Of course, this is just a worry. There is no sign that there is any estrangement between Zhang Lun and Li Jing, and there is no drama of competing for credit. On the contrary, they work well together in Shu.

In addition, all the military units that had spent the winter in Jingzhao have been reorganized. Except for Xue Wanjun who led 3,000 troops to Lingzhou to take up his post, the rest have been sent to Tongguan to wait for orders.

Later, he ordered Dou Cong, the general of the Youtun Guard, to serve as the Shaanxi Province Suppression Ambassador, patrolling the counties in Guanxi to eliminate bandits and rebellious officials, and also make preparations for the establishment of Zhechong Prefecture.

His brother Dou Gui had also recovered from his injuries and was looking for a way to serve the new emperor again, so he was recalled to the court and, together with Wang Qing, the Minister of War, supervised the transportation of grain and grass for the army stationed in Hongnong and Tongguan.

In the second Jin Dynasty, Tang Jian, minister of Honglu Temple, succeeded Xue Wanjun as Minister of War and presided over various matters related to the establishment of Zhechong Mansion.

Li Yuan's old ministers were appointed one after another, which made many people feel relieved, especially families like the Fufeng Dou family. They were quite disappointed when they failed to marry the eldest princess. Now they feel that the new emperor still takes good care of his fellow villagers.

, although Dou Cong's Fufeng County Duke was eliminated, it is not a pity. After all, it is the emperor's hometown, and it certainly cannot be granted to outsiders.

At the beginning of March, Li Po issued an edict to all counties and counties under his rule. He ordered the governors of various places to step up reporting on land, household registration and other matters, and to ensure the spring plowing of each county.

This is Li Po's consistent style. No matter how many things need to be prepared in the military, spring plowing and autumn harvest are top priority for him.

The agricultural envoys set out from Chang'an one after another to supervise farming in various places. That is to say, the current situation was not stable yet, otherwise Li Po would still want to build some water conservancy projects or repair the channels left by the previous dynasty.

These things required some civil service. Li Po felt that it was not appropriate at this time, so he gave up.


It is worth mentioning that at the end of February, the envoy of the Turkic Khan Ashina Yang Huan came to Chang'an via Mayi, and it was Li Po's old friend Ashina Mudan who came.

The arrival of the Turkic Khan's envoy shook Chang'an a little, but it soon returned to calm. After all, many people knew that the emperor had close contacts with the Turks.

It was different from before. Li Po entered Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor. Although he was still a prince, he already had a certain degree of legitimacy in his rule and was initially qualified to be on an equal footing with Ashina Yang Huan.

In this case, we can no longer be as casual as before. First, Tang Jian, the minister of Honglu Temple who has not yet been transferred, received the envoy, and then presented his credentials and a personal letter written by Ashina Yang Huan to Li Po.

Li Po met with Ashina Peony in the Liangyi Palace. At that time, Tujue Kedun's close attendant was now a serious Turke Daluobian, and he was quite dignified in the royal court.

Li Po's identity has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The whip of the gods back then has become an emperor.

Ashina Mudan looks old, but in fact she is only in her thirties. However, people always age faster due to the wind and sand on the grassland.

The iconic loud laughter also disappeared, because in the majestic Liangyi Palace, the emperor was sitting in the palace and would not allow anyone to laugh so wildly.

This chapter has been completed!
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