Chapter 889 Come to Make (4)

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Li Po asked Ashina Mudan to think about it again. After all, the Western Khan had just disobeyed the Khan's wishes, and the Eastern Khan Ashina Duowen seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

A weak and disobedient Western Khan, and an Eastern Khan who is growing in strength, do they really not need the whip of the gods to whip them?

Li Po persuaded him with tactful words. Ashina Mudan was a little moved after hearing this, and secretly thought that he could talk to the Khan about this suggestion when he went back.

Then he woke up, he was very familiar with the situation in the Turks... Those stupid and greedy guys in the royal court had received countless benefits.

This is not surprising for the Turks. Whether it is the two small khans in the East or the large tribes scattered on the grasslands, there are people who speak for themselves in the royal court.

In turn, the nobles in the royal court collect tributes from various ministries to maintain their strength and influence over various ministries, which in turn will affect the power they have in the royal court. This is a mutually supportive political ecology that cannot

His behavior can only be summarized with words such as bribery.

The Turkic Khan is the leader of the nobles. In fact, these rules also apply. The tribes directly under the royal court are the Khan's eagle dogs. As long as they remain strong, the Khan's power will not fall aside.

So anyone can find someone to speak for themselves in the royal court, it just depends on what you can give to them. There is no doubt that the Whip of the Gods has a lot to give to others.

Given time, the great nobles in the royal court would be proud to be associated with the Whip of the Gods and the Great Khan of the South, and this day does not seem to be far away.

For example, he, Ashina Peony, can get a lot from it... There are sixteen Daluobin in the royal court.

The three major Turks, Golidaguan, Helansuniqian, and Korozu, are all descendants of Ashina and are prominent in the Turks. In fact, they have no actual positions. Most of them are very famous nobles in the Turks.

Or those who have made meritorious service to the Khan will be promoted.

In addition to helping the Khan stabilize the Turkic ministries, he can also participate in the Turkic government. Of course, he only gives advice to the Khan and has no real power.

During the war, some of them, mainly Helan Suniqing, had the responsibility of leading troops on expeditions. If I had to describe them in detail, they were more like the shadow of the prime minister.

They have quite extensive influence among the Turkic nobles and can also make suggestions in front of the Turkic Khans. Many people like to please and bribe them because the price-performance ratio is very high.

And if they go one step further, they can be called khans and become real prime ministers or Turkic princes, like Ashina Duowen who entered the Tuli Khanate from the official position of Golida.

Ashina Mudan is Korodui. She was promoted to the throne because she had followed the Khan for many years and supported him. In recent years, due to the civil strife in the Turks, she traveled a lot in the southeast, northwest and northwest, and she gained insights that others could not match.

and meritorious service, but because she is a woman, she has never been able to get a real job.

If this were not the case, she would actually prefer to do Tutun instead of doing some serious work.


After three drinks and some dishes, Ashina Peony once again raised a topic.

"Two years ago, you sent Chief Yuwen to the Royal Court in order to trade with our Turks on the border. At that time, there were still some thieves on the grassland who had betrayed the Royal Court and needed to be punished. There was no peace on the road.

You must know that the Khan very much welcomes business travelers to come to Turks for trading, but if someone treats them as prey, it may hurt the trust and friendship between us, so the Khan did not promise anything.

Now that the grassland has calmed down, Khan thinks that Dali City is a good place. It is better to establish a border city there, where business travelers from the two countries can exchange supplies. Do you think it is feasible?"

It's not a big or small thing. I won't sell swords, guns, bows and crossbows to the Turks. I'm afraid the Turks won't bring their war horses to Dali City to sell them.

But if the border city is built, it will be good news for both countries.

On the one hand, it can ease the situation at the border. When merchants travel on the road, they not only communicate with each other, but also have some agreements and tacit understandings. As long as business travel continues, many things can be discussed and resolved with each other.

Secondly, the people in the south are short of cattle and various furs. It is a good thing to get some from the north. The Turks are not unprofitable. They need some salt, tea and tools. Well, there is no need to list them.

The output in the south is not comparable to that of the grassland herders. If the entire border is liberalized, it will be enough to create a huge trade surplus.

Third, everyone needs population, and the Tang Dynasty is more urgent. In fact, it is a large number of slaves, which can slightly replace the labor of the government. However, the slave trade will bring many problems. The lessons of the war in the late Jin Dynasty are not far away, so we need to think about it carefully.

There are many advantages, and I don’t need to list them all, but there are also many disadvantages. While doing business with each other, spying on each other’s national conditions will rise due to the strength of the two countries. For example, officials and nobles from the two states secretly defected to the Turks.

There are quite a few.

Merchants are very profitable and there is nothing they dare not buy or sell. This rule also applies to the Turks.

The Turks proposed reciprocity at this time. The reasons behind it need to be investigated clearly. Yu Wenxin, the general manager of Daizhou, was keen on this in the past few years because he wanted to make Daizhou prosperous as soon as possible. At the same time, he also relied on the southward direction of the Turks to determine the central plains.

A staunch supporter of the policy.

The reason why it has ceased in the past two years is because the owners on both sides have little interest in it. Now it seems that the situation has changed. It is almost certain that Yu Wenxin will definitely jump out and speak out for the opening of the border market.

On the Turkic side, Daluben Ashina Luoheng, who is stationed in Dali City, will also want to make profits from it. With them here, the obstacles to opening a border market will be reduced by more than half.

After only pondering for a moment, Li Po nodded and said: "It is common sense for friends to communicate with each other, and it can also increase the friendship between us, so why not do it?

But I heard that Turk is also dating Dou Jiande, I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

Ashina Mudan smiled without much hesitation: "Dou Jiande was very respectful to the Khan and often sent people to ask for help from the Turks. Unable to refuse the kindness, the Khan allowed the Turks to associate with him. This is not something that should not be done to people."

Things to say.”

Li Po also laughed, "It's not just the Turks who associate with Dou Jiande... Those things don't matter. I just want to ask the Khan if I want to wipe out Hebei, will the Turks help Dou Jiande to fight me?

Woolen cloth?"

Ashina Mudan said: "With your understanding of the Turks, you should know that whether it is Jieli Khan or Tuli Khan, like the princes in the south, they all have their own plans.

If one day you go to attack Dou Jiande, whether or not there will be Turkic warriors there will all be decided by the Turks. I think this should not affect the friendship between us, are you right?"

Li Po felt very awkward when he heard this, and secretly said something shameless, but asked: "Does that mean that the Khan doesn't care about me beating Tuli Khan, right?

Just like this time Ashina Qura led his troops to the south, if I kill him, will the Khan be happy or will the Khan avenge Ashina Qura?"

Ashina Mudan was also disgusted and boasted secretly, "If they can be killed so easily, I think they are not suitable for the position of King Khan. It is better to let others take the place.

Of course, Khan will also be very happy that someone can eradicate those weak and incompetent people. You don't have to worry about revenge. Just like when you killed Ashina Elifu, didn't Khan keep his promise and marry his daughter to you?


I didn't kill any bullshit Ashina Eliver, Li Po muttered in his heart, and talking about the life and death of the Turkic Khan here is indeed suspected of bragging. It's no wonder that the other party responded with a stiff reply.

You go and kill me and show me.

Although what everyone said was not pleasant, and the other person's belly was probably about to burst with anger, he still got something from the other person's mouth.

Dou Jiande should have a closer relationship with Dongfang Khan Ashina Duowen. It is unclear whether he will become the spokesperson of the Turks in the south like Liang Shidu.

Li Po shook his head secretly. How big a threat did the two Turkic princes pose to the royal court? Do they really have such great autonomy? All this needs to be investigated to know.

If you really believed what this woman said, you would be extremely stupid. As the Khan of the Turkic Khanate, who would want his neighbor to become stronger?

With Master Liang dead, maybe Dou Jiande will be more valued by the Turks, so it is not surprising that there are some Turkic warriors around him.

After thinking for a moment, Li Po abruptly brought the topic back, "Go back and tell Khan that I am very happy to establish a border market in Dali City. It will be the best testimony of our friendship."

Ashina Mudan felt a lot more relaxed. This time when she came south, facing the increasingly powerful whip of the gods, she had more than one or two missions on her shoulders.

The Khan did not want to see the Sui Dynasty return to the rule of one master, so Jieli Khan led his army south with the tacit approval of the royal court... Even Dou Jiande, who I just mentioned, would also get the support of the royal court.

She needed to find out how far the war in the south had progressed, how powerful the emperor who occupied Chang'an was, whether anyone in Chang'an wanted to serve the Turks, and so on.

And making a good alliance with Li Ding'an and appeasing his heart is also something that has to be done... Again, Turk's housework is far from being sorted out.

The tragic consequences of Shibi Khan's southern expedition are continuing to affect the Turks, causing them to continue to lose blood. For example, there was heavy snow in some parts of the grassland last winter, and many tribes disappeared on the grassland.

It's not that they can't overcome difficult situations, it's because they are too weak...

This chapter has been completed!
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