Chapter 4298 Lord of the Sword Palace

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 "I have already told the palace master the news that Master Zulong is planning to take action."

Wang Han looked at Chu Fengmian and took out a jade talisman, injected a spiritual power into it, then looked at Chu Fengmian and said.


Chu Fengmian nodded.

Chu Fengmian could naturally see through Wang Han's little thoughts at a glance, but he didn't care. He came here this time just to save people. If the people from the Sword Palace cooperated, Chu Fengmian would take action.

It will be much easier.

After all, Chu Fengmian has no plans to fight against the entire Era Society on his own.

It would be best to use a more gentle way to rescue the Sword Demon Saint Son first. If the gentle way fails, Chu Fengmian plans to force his way in to save people.

Not long after Wang Han's message was delivered, a sudden force came through the air. This force was like a sword light, tearing apart the space and condensing in front of Chu Fengmian.


Seeing this power, Chu Fengmian's face did not waver at all. He understood that there was only one master of this power, and that was the Lord of the Sword Palace.

Soon this force solidified in front of Chu Fengmian, and finally the appearance of a middle-aged man appeared. Although it was just a shadow, his eyes were like swords, and every move he made was like a sword.

Contains the mystery of the sword.

"Ancestor Dragon?"

"Lord of the Sword Palace?"

Chu Fengmian and the master of the Sword Palace spoke almost at the same time.

"You actually want to return to the Era Society? Don't you know that the Martial Palace has completely given up on you?"

The Lord of the Sword Palace looked at Chu Fengmian and said directly.

"I heard that you left to avoid the storm. This time you came back suddenly. The Wandao Saint Son will not let you go. Although I don't know what grudge you have with him, but this time, if you think, you

If you want to rely on the power of the Sword Palace to return to the position of Holy Son of the Martial Palace, just..."

"There is no need to talk nonsense. Lord of the Sword Palace, I came back this time to save the Sword Demon Saint Son. I know that you have not given up your plan to save people, so I will contact you this time."

Chu Fengmian directly interrupted the Lord of the Sword Palace.

"I don't care at all about the identity of the Holy Son of Martial Palace right now. The affairs of Martial Palace are just personal grudges to me. I am contacting you this time just to save people."

After being interrupted by Chu Fengmian, the master of swordsmanship said with a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"Rescue? Do you know where the sword demon is being imprisoned now? That is the Heavenly Prison of the Era. There are three ninth-level Immortal Emperors guarding it alone. Even I can't break in.

What can you do to save people?"

"If you can't do it, can't I do it?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Sword Palace, a cold smile appeared on Chu Fengmian's lips.

The moment Chu Fengmian opened his mouth, Chu Fengmian was the power that moved the nine worlds. The power of law exploded and bombarded the phantom of the Lord of the Sword Palace.

Although this force stopped completely just three inches away from the Lord of the Sword Palace, the bombardment of this force still made the Lord of the Sword Palace break out in cold sweat.

"Is this? Your realm? How is it possible? How can your power reach this level?"

The master of the Sword Palace looked at Chu Fengmian with a drastic change in his expression.

The master of the Sword Palace is not Wang Han, but he understands how terrifying this power is.

His strength is not considered a weak one among the ninth-level Immortal Emperors in the Ancient Realm.

However, the power that Chu Fengmian just burst out still gave him a feeling of being unable to resist. With such terrifying power, only a ninth-level Immortal Emperor in the realm of Dao Transformation could feel this way with him.

The ninth-level Immortal Emperor in the realm of Taoism.

In the entire Era Society, there are very few strong men who have reached this level, and almost all such big figures are already in the Era Society and are not concerned with worldly affairs, unless there is a shocking event.

There is no way I can take action out of isolation.

Even when the Holy Land War broke out, no existence at this level took action.

And the Chu Fengmian in front of him, his strength has actually reached this level? This makes the master of the Sword Palace a little unbelievable.

Even among the current Era Association, the powerful Saint Son of Ten Thousand Daos has barely reached the level of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor in the Ancient Realm.

With such strength, Diu is enough to make the Holy Son of Wandao look proud of all the heroes, and his status in the Era Society has greatly increased. None of the other six halls can compete with him.

However, compared to Chu Fengmian, the strength of Wandao Saint Son is not worth mentioning at all. The difference between cloud and mud has barely reached the realm of ancient transformation, and the gap between it and the realm of transformation is far greater than that of the eighth-level Immortal Emperor.

, the power gap between him and the ninth-level Immortal Emperor is even greater.

"Now you understand how confident I am to save people."

Chu Fengmian looked at the master of the sword palace and said calmly.

"With this kind of strength... if you were to return to the Era Society now, the position of the First Holy Son would belong to you. Even the Seventh Hall might directly recommend you to become the young master of the Era Society."

The Lord of the Sword Palace looked at Chu Fengmian, the shock in his eyes still had not dissipated.

Chu Fengmian's strength is too terrifying.

Especially the Master of the Sword Palace knew that just a few months ago, Chu Fengmian was just an Immortal Lord, and his strength was far behind that of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor.

But in just a few months, Chu Fengmian's strength improved so horribly. This was not just a matter of Chu Fengmian stepping into the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

This improvement in strength means that Chu Fengmian has a great opportunity in these few months. Thinking of some rumors about Chu Fengmian, the Lord of the Sword Palace has a few more guesses in his mind.


"I don't care about the position of the young master of the Era Club, but if you give me something that belongs to me, I will definitely get it."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"But I heard that the situation of the Sword Demon Saint Son is not good, so I plan to save people first."

"As for the situation of the Sword Demon, you should come to the Era Club headquarters first. When you get here, I will tell you all the situation. This transmission channel leads directly to the Sword Palace. You can come directly to the Martial Palace.

People will not notice it."

The Lord of the Sword Palace looked at Chu Fengmian, and with a wave of his hand, he opened a space passage.

Chu Fengmian explored the back of the space passage. After confirming that there was no danger behind it, he stepped into the space passage. After a while, Chu Fengmian's figure disappeared from this place.

Among the branches.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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