Chapter 4299 admit

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 Announcing Association Headquarters Mainland.

The deepest part of the Sword Palace.

A space passage slowly opened, and in this space passage, Chu Fengmian's figure stepped out.

And right in front of Chu Fengmian, a middle-aged man was already standing there waiting. Chu Fengmian recognized it at a glance. This middle-aged man was the master of the Sword Palace.

One of the seven hall masters of the Era Society, a true giant among the Era Society, Chu Fengmian saw this master of the Sword Palace for the first time.

Chu Fengmian could not see the strength of the Lord of the Seven Halls clearly in the past, it was all blurry, but now Chu Fengmian could see the strength of the Lord of the Sword Hall at a glance.


The ninth-level Immortal Emperor in the realm of ancient times.

Although among the ninth-level Immortal Emperors in the Ancient Realm, the strength of the Lord of the Sword Palace should be enough to be called a strong man.

However, there is still a gap between this strength and the current Chu Fengmian. If Chu Fengmian attacks with all his strength now, it will not be a problem to defeat the master of the Sword Palace.

Unknowingly, Chu Fengmian could only look up to the invincible strong man in the past, but now he was stepped on by Chu Fengmian. All this also made Chu Fengmian feel a little emotional.

On the other side, the Lord of the Sword Palace looked at Chu Fengmian and was even more shocked. In his previous incarnation, he could only feel that Chu Fengmian's power was extremely strong, but he still could not accurately judge Chu Fengmian's strength.

The strength comes.

But now that Chu Fengmian has come to his true form, the master of the Sword Palace can finally see Chu Fengmian's true strength. This strength has already surpassed the realm of ancient transformation and has to reach the realm of transformation.

The ninth-level Immortal Emperor.

You must know that for ninth-level immortal emperors, the realm of ancient times is almost the pinnacle. Even if most ninth-level immortal emperors spend their entire lives and get countless opportunities, their strength is only able to

It stops here.

If you want to attack the final realm of Dao Transformation, it is absolutely impossible without a shocking opportunity. There are very few ninth-level Immortal Emperors who can attack this realm.

For example, the several ninth-level Immortal Emperors in the Era Society who are in the Dao Transformation Realm are all old antiques who don't care about worldly affairs.

For example, among the seven palace masters, only the master of the Dao Palace seems to have reached this level of strength. The reason why the Dao Palace is so powerful now is not only because of the Wandao Saint Son.

After all, no matter how powerful the Wandao Saint Son is, he is only a genius. Even though he has been given many opportunities to enter the realm of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor, his strength can only barely reach the realm of the ancients.

With such strength, it is almost impossible to suppress the other six halls. The most fundamental reason why the six halls are so afraid of the Wandao Saint Son is the master of the Dao Hall.

And Chu Fengmian, now so young, has already entered the realm of Dao Transformation?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the master of the Sword Palace would not believe it in his heart, but the facts are right in front of him.

"You, are the two treasures of time that flowed from the land of the beginning, the key to that time, in your hands?"

The Lord of the Sword Palace suddenly looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

Chu Fengmian was expelled from the Martial Palace and became a wanted criminal of the Announcing Society, not only because Wandao Saint Son had played a role in it and pinned everything that happened in the land of Taichu on Chu Fengmian.

Another reason is that Wandao Saint Son insisted that the key at that time was most likely in Chu Fengmian's hands.

The Key of Time is one of the two great treasures of time, and its value is self-evident. The Wheel of Time, one of the two great treasures of time, has caused fierce battles after its appearance.

In the competition surrounding the Wheel of Time, even the strong men at the level of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor fell several times. In the end, the Wheel of Time fell into the hands of Wanjie.

Chu Fengmian's sudden disappearance also made people more suspicious. At this time, the key fell into Chu Fengmian's hands. After searching for Chu Fengmian to no avail, the senior leaders of the Era Society chose to believe that he had it.

Not trusting him, he decided to use the full strength of the Era Society to arrest Chu Fengmian.

Of course, for this reason, it is naturally impossible that Chu Fengmian possesses the Key of Time, but Chu Fengmian betrayed the Era Society. In this way, it is reasonable and reasonable to arrest Chu Fengmian, and will not arouse the suspicion of any party.

The senior leaders of the Era Society naturally understood that Chu Fengmian, the Holy Son of the Martial Palace, was not someone trained by the Era Society at all, so from the very beginning, they did not have any trust in Chu Fengmian, and that was why they made such a move.

The Lord of the Sword Palace originally had doubts about the key at this time.

But now Chu Fengmian's strength has improved so quickly that the Lord of the Sword Palace couldn't help but think about it.

Especially the Key of Time, it is said that it is related to this secret treasure in the long river of time. That secret treasure contains the accumulation of countless eras. If anyone can get it, he may reach the sky in one step.

Faced with Chu Fengmian's rapid improvement in strength, the Lord of the Sword Palace could only connect all of this with the Key of Time.


Chu Fengmian didn't hide anything and answered directly.

The moment he heard Chu Fengmian's answer, a trace of greed appeared in the eyes of the master of the sword palace. The treasure of time, the master of the sword palace is a ninth-level immortal emperor, and he lacks

One law is the most mysterious law of time among the ten laws.

Not only the master of the Sword Palace, but also most of the ninth-level Immortal Emperors in the Era Association lack the law, which is the law of time. If they can get the key of this time, it will be enough to help them understand that time.


Although it is not necessary to obtain the Key of Time to understand the Law of Time, after all, the Law of Time is too obscure and difficult to understand, but it can increase the chance of understanding the Law of Time, and its value is inestimable.


Seeing the greed in the eyes of the Lord of the Sword Palace, Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

The master of the sword palace immediately woke up.

Especially when he felt the aura emanating from Chu Fengmian's body, the face of the master of the Sword Palace changed drastically.

Indeed, the Key of Time is a treasure.

But now the key to time is in Chu Fengmian's hands.

If Chu Fengmian was still the same Immortal Lord as before, it would definitely be a disaster if the key was in Chu Fengmian's hands, and the master of the Sword Palace would snatch it away without hesitation.

But now Chu Fengmian's strength is no longer what it used to be. His strength has surpassed him and is comparable to those reclusive antiques in the Era Society.

Anyone who dares to strike the Key of Time in Chu Fengmian's hand is seeking death.

"With the current strength of His Highness Zulong, the key of this time is in His Highness's hands, who dares to snatch it away?"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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