Chapter 975 The giant turtle begging for wine and the human-faced water centipede

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Without the corpse souls chasing after her, the Shenzhou's subsequent dive slowed down a lot, but even so, the feng shui divine light covering the Shenzhou was still dimming to a degree visible to the naked eye.

It seems that the dive is too deep, and even the most important treasure of the Tianshi Mansion, such as the Feng Shui Lingzhu, has reached its endurance limit.

At this time, the boatload of people, who had been thrown to pieces, had regained their feet and restored order.

Luo Tian looked at the Feng Shui Lingzhu in his hand and expressed his worries: "This bottomless valley is really bottomless. We have dived for so long and still haven't reached the bottom. The Feng Shui Lingzhu has reached its limit and we can no longer continue.

If you dive, there is a danger of the ship being destroyed and people being killed."

Everyone also knew that this matter could not be forced. If we tried to force it, the lives of a whole boat of people would be buried at the bottom of the sea. Although they were unwilling to do so, they still discussed how to return.

"The risk of going further is too high. Anyway, we have found the bottomless valley. We can't run around like people in the bottomless valley. It's better to go back to the sea first and then discuss the next step." Jing of Zhenguo Temple.

Zen Master clasped his hands and said.

"That's all we can do." Everyone nodded.

"There are corpses blocking us behind us. It seems we have to take a long detour before floating back to the sea." Master Xuan Lei said carelessly and carefully. Naturally, no one objected.

This bottomless valley is not only bottomless, but also seems to be boundless in front, back, left, and right. You can't even see the cliffs of the underwater canyon. It's unknown how many thousands of feet wide it is.

Just when Shenzhou was looking for a way back, Shenzhou suddenly shook violently and jolted violently.

"Is it the corpse soul that is chasing me?" Fatty Li shouted, but his tone sounded strange, making it hard to tell whether he was excited or afraid and expecting.

Jin An said seriously: "It's not the corpse, it's the big thing that attacked Shenzhou for the first time and has been following us!"

The old Taoist priest's face looked a little ugly: "This is a bride-to-be who meets with a funeral. She can't escape life or death. It's really unlucky!"

The atmosphere is obviously tense now, but everyone can't help but take a look at these three living treasures. You three are just singing and playing tricks.

Some people held torches and ran to the side of the ship to check the situation in the deep sea. However, the Feng Shui divine light covering the Shenzhou was already very dim. The deep sea was pitch black and one could not see his fingers, which made people feel empty and unsure of themselves.

Luo Tian pondered slightly, and ordered someone to find a washbasin. As long as the wooden basin was not a gold basin, and the wooden basin had to be filled with sea water, then he would bring it to the deck.

When Luo Tian placed the Feng Shui spirit bead in the wooden basin, a magical scene happened. The Feng Shui divine light reflected the surrounding sea area in the wooden basin.

At first it was dark, as black as ink, and nothing could be seen. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed quickly. When Luo Tian controlled the Feng Shui Lingzhu to capture the black shadow, the black shadow had disappeared in a flash.

No trace found.

Just as Luo Tian was carefully searching for the mysterious black shadow, the Shenzhou shook violently again and collided with something in the sea again. This time Luo Tian was prepared and immediately controlled the Feng Shui spirit beads to shine on the bottom of the ship, finally capturing what the black shadow was.

, turned out to be a deep-sea turtle that is so huge that even Feng Shui spirit beads cannot illuminate it.

Everyone present was amazed by the size of the Deep Sea Turtle.

"The emperor was afraid of losing the residence of the immortal saints, so he ordered Yu to force the giant turtle to raise his head and wear it, and the five mountains stood still without moving! Could this be the mountain-bearing turtle in Guixu!" Xuan Lei, the real person, could see it


This quote comes from Liezi.

It is said that there are five fairy mountains floating on the blue sea of ​​Guixu, namely Daiyu, Yuanqiao, Fanghu, Yingzhou and Penglai. At first, these five fairy mountains had no roots at the bottom and floated with the waves. Later, the Emperor of Heaven ordered the sea god Yu Qiang to fix the five directions.

Immortal Mountain. So Poseidon Yuqiang found fifteen divine turtles, and each three tortoises carried a fairy mountain on their backs. This consolidated the status of the Five Directions Immortal Mountain as a holy place in the fairy world for the immortal kings to live and practice stably.

Master Xuan Lei was too surprised at first. He quickly realized that this was not the Godly Turtle. Otherwise, it was bigger. Not to mention being brushed aside. If he got a little closer to the sea current near the Godly Turtle, the Shenzhou would directly hit him.

capsized by ocean currents.

"That's not necessarily the case..." Uncle Lin looked at the reflection of the turtle in the wooden basin, frowning in thought, as if he was thinking of something.

"Don't forget, there is a corpse blocking the road behind us. According to

With the size of this giant deep-sea turtle, it is following us all the way, so it will definitely not be able to avoid the corpse soul. Do you think that if it is just an ordinary creature that lives longer and is larger, it can avoid the corpse soul? "

Everyone fell into deep thought and felt that what Uncle Lin said made sense.

"Whether it's the Mountain-bearing Divine Turtle or the Thousand-Year-Old Spirit Turtle that grows in the bottomless valley, why does it follow us all the way? Judging from the reflection in the water, it seems that it only lightly hits the bottom of the ship, and has no intention of attacking or destroying the ship?

"This question has led everyone's thinking into a dead end, and they are puzzled by the solution.

The old Taoist priest suddenly shouted excitedly: "Old Taoist, I understand!"

Then Nian Xu said: "I wonder if you have heard of a similar folk story about the immortal who drank and made trouble, and was demoted to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor and turned into a turtle? Similar folk stories include the dragon king descending to the mortal world to ask for wine, and the dragon is born.

The ninth son and the sixth son happened to be the dragon turtle. We will not examine whether these two folk tales are true or false for now, but it can be seen that turtles like drinking as much as people. There is a precedent. This one grows in the bottomless valley.

The giant turtle inside does not attack us but only follows us. Maybe it has developed intelligence and wants to beg us for a drink."

The people in the boat once again looked at the old Taoist priest with admiration. They didn't expect that the old Taoist priest had a wide range of knowledge. He seemed to be just an ordinary Qigong master, but he could always say something amazing. Everyone couldn't help but wonder what the old Taoist priest had been doing all his life.

How many things have I gone through to accumulate such a rich life experience, and I know everything along the way.

The others could not think of a better way for a while. In order to get rid of the giant turtle, they simply turned into a living doctor and began to search for a large amount of fine wine.

The most indispensable thing on the Shenzhou was fine wines, and even the palace tribute wine was stored in large quantities. Everyone was worried that one or two pots would not be enough for the giant turtle to stuff its teeth, so they threw all the fine wines and fine wines they could find into the sea.

The wine barrels, wine jugs, and wine jars exploded one after another as soon as they left the Shenzhou, and countless nectars and liquids flowed out.

Under the reflection of the Feng Shui Lingzhu, the giant turtle from the Bottomless Valley did not follow him again. Everyone looked happy, thinking that it really worked, so they couldn't help but look at the old Taoist priest with even more admiration.

"In terms of knowledge, travels, and knowledge from all over the world, none of us are as good as Taoist Chen." The third prince took the lead in praising the old Taoist, which shows that along the way, everyone has been convinced of the old Taoist.

Listening to the third prince's praise, the old Taoist priest was so beautiful that his old chrysanthemum face blossomed into a smile, and he spoke humbly about what he was saying.

The old Taoist priest, immersed in the compliments, was so proud that he suddenly started talking: "Speaking of the sacred tortoise in the negative mountains, do you know why a tortoise can become a long-lived creature without cultivating immortality?"

"It is said that Nuwa killed the spirit turtle with four legs to mend the sky, and her merits were immense. Therefore, her descendants were blessed. Even if their descendants did not become immortals, they would still have immortal blood and live to thousands of years. There is also a saying that the turtle carrying the mountain carried the turtle every day for the sake of the prosperity of the ethnic group.

If you walk with a heavy load every day, you will earn great merits, so you can bless your descendants from generation to generation."



After temporarily getting rid of the giant deep-sea turtle, Luo Tian controlled the Feng Shui spirit beads and brought the Shenzhou to the surface quickly.

As it floated up, the feng shui divine light covering Shenzhou gradually became brighter. When it was halfway up, suddenly, a huge and terrifying human face appeared from above Shenzhou's head without any warning.

The human face was too big, extremely pale, and had strange eyes. It was looking down at the living humans standing on the deck of the Shenzhou from a high place.

Jin'an, Master Xuanlei and the others were just about to prepare for the battle, but they found that the huge human face above them ignored them and was chasing a giant coffin ship.

Only then did everyone realize that the terrifying huge human face was actually the white belly of a water centipede. The water centipede was so huge that it was like blocking out the sky and the sun, and it could grow for countless miles in the deep dark sea.


Wherever the water centipede passes, an inexplicable aura emanates, making the bottomless valley deathly silent, and all deep-sea fish and shrimps hibernate, afraid to appear.

No need to remind, the people on the boat all chose to cover their mouths and silence, their eyes widened in fear, no one wanted to provoke the water centipede at this juncture.

The water centipede chased the giant coffin ship and quickly moved away. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and the Shenzhou floated up.

The speed increased a bit again.

However, a bigger doubt emerged in everyone's mind: how did the giant coffin ship offend the water centipede and be pursued so relentlessly.

"The mating of a dragon and a centipede gave birth to a thousand-legged flying dragon... This water centipede is too big. I am afraid it is bigger than the golden statue of Yushu we saw in Kunlun Mountain. It reminds me of the legendary flying dragon. Could it be this

Is the water centipede a flying dragon that grows in the sea? Is it the offspring of a dragon and a centipede?" The old Taoist priest looked at the direction in which the water centipede disappeared and was speechless.

After finishing speaking, he let out a heartfelt sigh: "Could it be that the depths of this bottomless valley are really the ruins of the blue sea, leading to the ancient continent world where the sun and the moon live? Whether it is a giant turtle or a water centipede, they are too big for his grandmother.

It’s so big! It’s so big that it’s shocking! It’s so big that it makes waves!”

Even Fatty Li nodded solemnly: "Indeed, it's so big that it's unreasonable! It's so big that it's hard to tolerate it!"

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the chicken thief suddenly shook his head from side to side and blurted out at the same time: "No! There is murderous intent!"

"Boss Lin, did you notice the murderous intent just now?" The old Taoist priest looked at Uncle Lin beside him. Uncle Lin's expression was calm and he did not answer.

The old Taoist priest looked suspicious and muttered a few words in a low voice.

Jin An saw the old Taoist priest mumbling alone and asked him what he was mumbling about.

The old Taoist priest whispered to Jin An: "It has happened several times. Every time I say that his grandma is really big, there is always an inexplicable murderous intention behind it... In the Five Zang Taoist Temple, it is still better to board the Shenzhou.

In this way, little brother, don’t you feel it?”


Jin An didn't answer anything, leaving the old Taoist priest to continue thinking alone.

His eyes glanced at Luo Tian intentionally or unintentionally. Along the way, he was thinking about what was written on the parchment he brought out from the sunken ship, and wondering how he could borrow it to read.

In the end, Shenzhou floated to the surface without any danger.

This chapter has been completed!
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