Chapter 976 Its easy to ask God but hard to send him away

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"Mom, I finally see the light of day again!"

As a big wave exploded on the sea surface, the Shenzhou rushed to the surface, and the old Taoist priest expressed a touching sigh to the sky.

Fatty Li also held the old Taoist priest's hand and expressed sympathy.

This couple, old and young, made the people around them murmur for a while.

"Hey, little brother, where are you going?" The old Taoist priest looked curiously.

Jin An replied: "I'm going to the Tianshi Mansion."

The old Taoist priest was a little confused when he heard this. Not to mention the old Taoist priest, even Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei looked over in surprise.

"What are you going to do?" the old Taoist priest asked again.

Jin An, who was walking towards the Tianshi Mansion, replied righteously: "Master Luo Tian took us in and out of the bottomless valley. Of course, I want to express my gratitude to Master Luo Tian and to the Tianshi Master.

The government’s outpouring of admiration.”


The old Taoist priest was so shocked that his left eye was big and his right eye was small.

Including Uncle Lin, Master Xuan Lei, Fatty Li, and a group of brothers from the Criminal Investigation Department, all looked suspicious and disbelieving.

Uh, Jin An was speechless: "What kind of distrustful eyes do you have?"

The old Taoist priest recited sutras with his fingers clasped together, then he said to Master Jingchan and Master Juehai, who were thanking the Buddha, "It doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. Little brother, can you ask these two masters whether they believe it or not?"

There is a saying that monks should not lie.

If two masters say they believe it, they really believe it.

Master Jingchan, Master Juehai, who was concentrating on chanting sutras to thank the Buddha, said: "?"

The two masters closed their eyes and recited Buddhist sutras, their voices became even louder, their temperament was sacred, they looked like holy monks who were bright and quiet, unstained by dust, and dedicated to Bodhi.


The old Taoist priest opened his mouth, but was speechless at last.

Uncle Lin and Master Xuan Lei both laughed. This time I went south and spent so much time with the two masters, why didn't I realize that the two masters had such a humorous side before?

"Everyone says that my family doesn't lie, but the two masters know my heart deeply." Jin An was moved.

Unexpectedly, Master Jingchan and Master Juehai turned around while chanting Buddhist sutras, and turned around on the deck to chant sutras.

Jin An pretended not to notice the old Taoist priest's cheerful smile that reached behind his ears, put on a smile on his face, and walked towards Luo Tian who was picking up the Feng Shui spirit beads from the wooden basin.

"Whenever my little brother shows his old fox smile, someone will be in trouble. Nine times out of ten, he is holding back some idea. Just watch, Boss Lin. There will be fun to watch next." The old Taoist priest said softly.

Master Jingchan and Master Juehai, who were still turning the ship with a loud voice before, turned back to the old Taoist priest Uncle Lin at some point. They opened their eyes and looked at Jin An's whereabouts with great interest.

Not even the Buddha can quell the flames of gossip these days.

Before Jin An came close, Luo Tian, ​​who was putting away the Feng Shui Lingzhu, noticed Jin An's approach. He picked up the Feng Shui Lingzhu and wiped off the water stains on the bead with a gentle swipe. He just glanced at Jin An.

Didn't speak.

It is said that when something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Seeing him approaching him for the first time, Mr. Mo narrowed his eyes, looked at Jin An, and said in a dry voice: "What are you doing here?"

Jin An didn't say anything when he arrived. He first bowed his hands and looked at Luo Tian with a sincere expression: "I would like to thank Master Luo Tian and Tian for being able to come back safely from the bottomless valley this time."

The Feng Shui Lingzhu of the master's residence. Without Master Luo Tian, ​​there would be no Fengshui Lingzhu. Without the Fengshui Lingzhu, we would not be able to return safely. I'm afraid we would have been buried by the giant turtle in the deep sea.

I am like a water centipede with a human face, so I came here to thank Master Luo Tian and the Feng Shui Lingzhu."

Jin An held the yin and yang buckle in his hand and continued to say seriously: "I hope Master Luo Tian can let me admire the Feng Shui Lingzhu of the Tianshi Mansion up close, and let me express my heartfelt thanks to the Fengshui Lingzhu in person."

Something's wrong!

This is very unsafe!

When they arrived at Luotian, a person of Mr. Mo's height, who had matured with age and had a deep city, how could he believe Jin An's nonsense? Instead, he was extremely vigilant and guarded against Jin An.

If this place really is legendary

The bottomless valley of the Blue Sea is the location of Guixu. This is a great opportunity. Currently, only the Feng Shui Lingzhu from the Tianshi Mansion has the hope of taking everyone into the bottomless valley. The purpose of the Fengshui Lingzhu is suddenly highlighted.

Very important. The situation is obvious at the moment. Both of them feel that Jin An is eyeing the Feng Shui Lingzhu and wants to get the Feng Shui Lingzhu, so he imitates the weasel and gives New Year greetings to the rooster. At first glance, he doesn't have good intentions.

Wait, the weasel is giving New Year greetings to the chicken? Why do you always think this is so weird...

Not only Luo Tian, ​​Mr. Mo thinks so, but everyone else also thinks so.

Luo Tian simply swallowed the feng shui spirit bead back into his belly with a grumble in his throat, and then smiled coldly at Jin An.


Seeing Luo Tian swallowing the saliva and spitting it out, Jin An suddenly thought of Enoki mushrooms and felt his stomach churn and twitch violently.

What a magical enoki mushroom!

Jin An feels that something is wrong with him!

"Taoist Master Jin An is not feeling well, so I won't send him far." Mr. Mo saw that something was wrong with Jin An's face. He waved his sleeves with a cold expression, as if he was seeing off a guest but not waiting for him.

Jin An didn't pay attention to Mr. Mo. He forced himself not to think about Enoki mushrooms to feel better in his stomach, and then put on a sincere expression again: "My admiration for Master Luo Tian and the Feng Shui Lingzhu of Tianshi Mansion comes from the bottom of my heart. I also hope that

Master Luo Tian allows me to express my sincere gratitude for the Feng Shui beads in your belly."

Jin An looked at Luo Tianzuo sincerely and bowed with firm eyes, as if he would not leave until he thanked him today.

Luo Tian and Mr. Mo secretly looked at each other, feeling a little confused about Jin An's real intention this time, and they still did not relax their guard against Jin An. But thinking that the Feng Shui spirit bead had been swallowed, could Jin An still be able to

Is it possible to cut open his stomach in public and retrieve the beads?

Mo Laoyou wanted to reject Jin An, but Jin An insisted on saying thank you to Luo Tian's belly before leaving. At this time, Luo Tian's eyes were deep in thought, and there was a cold light flashing in the depths of his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking of. He was still indifferent before.

He smiled this time: "It's okay to thank me, but let's change the place. I just dived all the way into the deep sea, which consumed a lot of my energy. I have to find a place to meditate and recover first. Why don't Taoist Jin'an come to my room to talk about it?"


At this moment, Mr. Mo seemed to think of something from Luo Tian's words. He who had previously looked disgusted with seeing off guests suddenly became amiable and helped him: "I just saw that Senior Brother Luo Tian was exhausted physically and mentally, so I didn't want to

Let outsiders disturb Senior Brother Luo Tian's quiet meditation. If Taoist Master Jin'an is willing to wait, then so be it."

Jin An looked solemn: "These words are exactly what I want. I am protecting Master Luo Tian and express my sincere gratitude through actions."

Both parties are not fools, and they have seen that each other has their own thoughts and do not mean what they say. However, both parties have their own calculations, and they have chosen to be conceited and submissive.

There is a proverb that goes like "The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind."

The three cunning foxes in front of them all believed that they were the last oriole.

Jin An turned towards the old Taoist priest, Uncle Lin and the others waved their hands. Under everyone's astonished and suspicious gazes, he followed Luo Tian and Mr. Mo towards the palace where the Tianshi Mansion people were resting.

"The Tianshi Mansion is going to be over this time." The old Taoist priest smacked his lips and looked sympathetically at the Tianshi Mansion.

"What did Master Chen say?" Uncle Lin seemed to see that the two masters, whose hearts were burning with gossip, were also curious and looked over.

The old Taoist priest sympathized and said, "There is a saying that 'it is easy to invite gods, but it is difficult to send them away'."

"I know this. The Divine Finger here accidentally invited a God of Plague and Disaster." Fatty Li said with sudden enlightenment like a professional complimenter.


This chapter has been completed!
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