Chapter 972 The bottomless valley and the shipwreck above your feet

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According to Jin An's previous conjecture, this Luo Tian should be the sixteen-faced god in the Corpse Painting Cave, and his cultivation level is even more powerful than that of Mr. Mo.

At this time, when he heard that the Feng Shui Lingzhu was on Luo Tian, ​​Jin An showed such an expression.

But when they saw Luo Tian opening his mouth and spitting out the Feng Shui Spirit Pearl from his belly, everyone present frowned.


After regaining some strength, the old Taoist priest who came to the deck was disgusted by this scene. His stomach twitched violently, and he ran to the side of the ship with a very bad expression and continued to retching.

Luo Tian had a cold temperament and didn't care about the way people looked at him. He offered up the Feng Shui Spirit Pearl, which blew out two rays of divine light, and one divine light circulated in blue ripples.

Covering the Shenzhou, a ray of divine light blew out a blue divine wind, opening up the sky and opening up the sea. The Shenzhou dived under the sea surface with a sudden thrust, and quickly dived towards the bottomless valley.

Other boats on the sea saw several forces using the Eight Immortals' magical powers to cross the sea and dive into the sea one after another. They couldn't sit still anymore and stopped hiding their secrets. They began to use the water-based talismans and magic weapons that they had prepared when they went out to sea, and jumped in again.

nautical miles.

It's just that these people all went into the sea alone, unlike the previous ones who took the entire giant ship into the sea and caused quite a commotion.

The storm was raging at sea, the sea was calm, and there were a few undercurrents. When encountering the Feng Shui Lingzhu, it turned into a smooth wind, and the sea current carried the Shenzhou down quickly.

The environment under the sea is claustrophobic, dark, and cold, and there is a feeling of falling into an abyss, falling endlessly, and feeling of bottomless loneliness and despair.

Luo Tian rubbed the feng shui spirit bead. The bead was like a bronze mirror. The more it was rubbed, the brighter it became. It bloomed with divine light and radiated brilliance, illuminating the sea area within a radius of one mile.

The bottomless valley is by no means suitable for a solitary traveler. There seems to be another mystery here that can deceive one’s spiritual consciousness. The deeper one dives, the more one’s spiritual consciousness is deceived, until one’s spiritual consciousness is limited to the Shenzhou.

It is impossible to perceive the dangers hidden in the dark sea outside the divine light. It is precisely this kind of environment that is most likely to blind people's minds and shake their minds. They are shrouded in endless darkness and despair, and their spirits are in a trance and their souls are unstable.

, if you are not careful, your soul will be destroyed and you will be buried in the sea.

Not long after the Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion had just left their bodies, their Yuanshen returned to their shells with solemn expressions, shook their heads at the princes and said, "No, this sea water is as terrifying as thick soil.

The deeper the god dives, the more cold and stagnant he feels, as if he is walking with a mountain on his back. The further back he goes, the harder it is to move forward, and he is about to be crushed and collapse at any time."

Several other people nodded in agreement, and Mr. Mo's eyes shone brightly, "The sea water here is like heavy water, every drop of sea water is extremely heavy, thousands of drops of sea water are weighing on the body, it is almost impossible to carry a load. I am afraid that the fourth realm will come."

To be folded under the pressure of these heavy water "

It happened that at this time, they lost the traces of the giant coffin ship and the giant ship of Bulaoshan. They left the one-mile lighting area of ​​the Feng Shui Lingzhu. The surrounding sea was as dark as ink, swallowing up all light, spiritual consciousness, and soul.

All is lost here.

At this time, they were experiencing a feeling of loneliness and darkness, as if they had been abandoned by the world. In the boundless sea, they were the only giant ship that was constantly diving. They could not see the way forward when they looked up, and they could not see the end when they looked down. The surrounding environment was also the same.

I can't see it, and I really feel a sense of loneliness and despair that "the sky is not working and the earth is not responding".

This feeling is like a person being sealed in a dark coffin and then thrown into the sea. Although you can't hear or see it, your body can clearly feel that it is dying and sinking.

"We have dived for about a stick of incense. Now we are very far away from the sea. We should have dived into the bottomless valley, right? How deep and wide is the bottomless valley in the East China Sea? Shenzhou has been diving for so long.

I have never been able to see the stone walls of the underwater valley." Their spiritual consciousness is blinded and they are unable to know the external environment, which makes many people

The mood started to become anxious.

"Could this bottomless valley be an infinitely deep, infinitely wide, forever boundless, independent law of another world, a small world?" Master Xuanlei said in surprise.

Just when they were looking for the traces of the giant coffin ship and the giant ship Bulaoshan, suddenly, a mysterious thing seemed to flash past in the dark sea outside their field of vision.

"Something flashed by" someone shouted nervously.

The mysterious thing was so fast that no one could see clearly what it was and it flashed past.

"Namo Amitabha, I'm afraid this bottomless valley is not as safe and peaceful as we imagined." Master Juehai from Zhenguo Temple put his hands together and recited Buddhist sutras to pray for a boatload of people.

There is an old saying that when a house leaks, it rains all night. Although there is no rain under the sea, there is endless sea water here. The Shenzhou dived about a thousand feet deep, but still did not reach the bottom of the valley. At this time, the Feng Shui Lingzhu began to fail to support it.

There are signs of dim light.

After diving for about another hundred feet, the illumination range of the Feng Shui Lingzhu was suppressed from Li Xu to only a blurry circle outside the ship, boom!

Unprepared, a violent shock suddenly came from the bottom of the Shenzhou ship, causing it to shake.

"What's going on? We hit the valley." The old Taoist priest holding the barrel shouted nervously when the Shenzhou suddenly shook violently and his stomach turned upside down again.

"The impact came from under the ship." Jin An's eyesight sank, and he walked to the side of the ship and looked around, but saw nothing.

"We are now in a bottomless valley. There are no other obstacles except the unfathomable sea water below. This sea is not peaceful. Something is attacking us! It can knock the Shenzhou violently and shake it. The thing attacking us seems to be huge.

Not small."

Hearing that Shenzhou was attacked by mysterious things in the sea, some people were surprised and speculated, "Could it be that the dragon girl Yu Xian was not convinced and turned into the hundred-foot-long Dragon King of the Four Seas to seek revenge on us. The Dragon King of the Four Seas entered the sea and was like a fish in water. He can easily

Capsize the ship we are in."

His words were immediately rejected by Jin An with a frown. "I have fought with her before. It will not be her, nor will it be other practitioners who attack us. We dive so deep, the sea water outside is as heavy as a ton of stone, no matter whether it is the soul

It is still a physical body, and it will be crushed as soon as it goes out. Even if the dragon girl Yuxian can manifest magical powers with the help of millions of people's incense avenue, she will be unable to move even if she gets here."

Just as Jin An stood on the side of the ship and carefully looked at the surrounding sea, he suddenly felt a creepy sense of oppression and shouted "Be careful!"

Although Luo Tian, ​​who controlled the Feng Shui Lingzhu, had reacted as fast as lightning, the Shenzhou still bumped into a sunken ship, causing violent vibrations. Many rotten trees were scattered in the sea, all from the sunken ship.

Debris knocked up and down.

It was a very strange sunken ship, standing vertically above its feet and floating quietly.

The sunken ship is very old, and many places have been corroded by the sea water. It is like a dying old man sighing in his old age in the cold world...

"I have never seen this ship before. Could it be that someone came here to find the Shaoyang Bureau a long time ago?" Everyone looked surprised and horrified.

The old Taoist priest finally managed to stabilize himself and managed to keep the vomit in the barrel from spilling out. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but when he saw the strange thing on the top of the boat,

When the ship sank, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and exclaimed in surprise, "On top of my feet! My dear mother! How come this shipwreck is so similar to the way of death of those who died in vain?"

This chapter has been completed!
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