Chapter 21 Re-appointed Commander-in-Chief

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Hels didn't know why the army disappeared.

For hundreds of years, the clans and tribes in the Dragon Ridge Mountains have been at odds with the empire, which has resulted in the nobles in the Western Region knowing very little about them.

Moreover, those guys, like the lizard people in the Gaigu Great Swamp, have their own language, unlike people in other parts of the continent who use common language to communicate, which makes it more difficult for people outside to communicate with them.

"I found a guy, his nickname is Big Hand, and he is a groom." The acting city lord of Yanxue City continued.

"Why...why are you suddenly talking about this?" Yin Leya was puzzled.

"Big Hand's mother is a savage from the Dragon Ridge Mountains. She comes from a tribe called Big Palm. It is said that the people in that tribe have particularly large hands, which is also the origin of the nickname Big Hand." Hells explained.

"A savage?"

"No, Big Hand grew up in Yanxue City. His mother fell in love with his father, but the Big Hand tribe did not allow people in the tribe to marry outsiders, so the two eloped overnight and left the Dragon Ridge Mountains.


"Because of his mother, Dashou is familiar with the Dragon Ridge Mountains, and he can also speak the words of the savages. If you want to go into the mountains, he should be able to help."

"Wait a minute, you just said me, not us, aren't you going together?" Miss Rabbit asked.

"The order my father gave me before he left was to guard Yanxue City. He told me that until he comes back, no matter what happens, I can't leave here."

Hells said, "Although I am very worried about the safety of my father and other nobles and soldiers, I cannot participate in this rescue."

"Then who will lead the army?"

After Miss Rabbit finished speaking, she noticed that everyone around her was looking at her.

"Sir Yin Leiya, you have brought the largest number of troops this time, and you are also the champion of the martial arts tournament, possessing peerless martial arts that no one can match.

"The most important thing is that when the black dragon was raging in the Western Territory, you had already served as the commander-in-chief once and led everyone to the final victory, so you are also expected to be the commander-in-chief this time.

The female lord was a little dumbfounded when she heard this, mainly because she didn't know how to march and fight.

Although the decisive battle with the black dragon was heart-wrenching, it actually happened at her doorstep. Miss Rabbit didn't even go out, and the person who formulated the strategy before the battle was also Li Yu.

But the girl did not panic because of this. On the one hand, she had seen a lot of strong winds and waves now, and she was no longer as restless as before.

Besides, it's about commanding an army. Although she can't do it, she knows who can.

Duren - the former captain of the Royal Guards. All the Royal Guards were under his command. Whether it was martial arts or commanding ability, he was definitely the best. Commanding these nobles in the Western Region was no problem.

And he happens to be in the accompanying team. If she encounters any problem, Miss Rabbit only needs to ask him for advice.

In addition, Li Yu also attached great importance to this matter and sent a very luxurious team with several holy weapons to help.

This also gave the female lord greater confidence.

Thinking of this, Yin Leya no longer hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will be the commander-in-chief this time."

Hells was overjoyed, "Big Hand, I sent someone to Sir Morse. In the previous battle, we captured some savage prisoners, most of whom were directly executed, but there were less than a hundred of them left."

"Sir Morse is interrogating them. You can go and see Sir Morse first. He and his people are stationed outside Longcrest Mountain. They still have a lot of supplies there. Those things are yours now."

Yin Leya stayed in Rock Snow City for two days, and there were still four days left before the deadline set by Hells.

But the female lord no longer wanted to wait any longer, mainly because there was still no news about Marquis Cullen and the army from the Dragon Ridge Mountains.

Five thousand people have already gathered here in Yanxue City, which already has a numerical advantage over those savage tribes.

There are still some territories that are relatively far away. If they can all rush over, there will probably be one or two thousand more people.

However, a full half month has passed since Marquis Cullen and others disappeared, and the ominous premonition hanging over everyone's minds has become increasingly intense.

Yin Leya was really worried that if the delay continued, even if the missing army could be found, she didn't know how many people would be left.

Therefore, after consulting Du Lun and others, Miss Rabbit decided to leave early.

With this newly assembled army, they rushed all the way to Longcrest Mountain and met Sir Morse and his 300 men at Solid Rock Castle.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Although this castle has a name that sounds very defensive, it is actually neither very strong nor made of stone.

It is just a wooden castle, belonging to the Kovat family, a small family that Yin Leia has never heard of.

Although Solid Stone Castle is located in the westernmost part of the empire, it is still neighbors with the clans and tribes in Longcrest Mountain.

However, due to the long-term friendly relationship between the two parties and the fact that the Cowart family could not raise the money to build the stone castle, they have been living in this way.

Until not long ago, when the savages came down from the mountains, the first thing to suffer was Solid Rock Castle.

It can be said that the Kovat family suffered heavy losses. Not only the head of the family, Togra, was killed in the battle, but Togra's daughter, wife and sister were also kidnapped by those savages.

The only person who escaped was Togra's son Wilkin, who was only twelve years old. Because the Korvat family did not have a dedicated teacher, he learned to write in the town next door. This saved his life.

And when he came back, he had no relatives left, and the castle at home was set on fire by those crazy savages.

Later, the army came over and temporarily requisitioned this place to store grain, grass and baggage. Morse also built some simple defense facilities nearby.

He was obviously less than ninety years old and still in his prime among half-orcs, but those who were familiar with Morse found that when they met again, the middle-aged noble seemed to be several decades older, with wrinkles covering the corners of his eyes.

The temples are also white.

"Sir Yinlea!" As soon as Morse saw the female lord, he could no longer control his emotions and suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

"Please take people into the mountains immediately to rescue the Marquis and others. They have been trapped in the mountains for more than twenty days!"

Miss Rabbit was startled and quickly went over to help Morse, but she couldn't help him up.

It seemed that as long as the female lord did not agree, he would not stand up again.

Yin Leya comforted her, "Don't worry, just tell me the situation you have."

This chapter has been completed!
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