Chapter 343 What is a strong person?

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Chapter 343 What is a strong person?

Ouyang Ao thought for a long time.

He looked up at Mo Zhi, then at Krisna next to him, and said respectfully:

"Teacher, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll talk to you when I come back. I'll listen to your teachings when I come back."

Mu Zhi casually glanced at Ouyang Ao and smiled secretly.

This kid's lies are written all over his face. You don't need to read your mind to know what he is going to do.

This is to use urine to escape people and go to the lunar eclipse group to discuss countermeasures.

The situation had unexpected changes. He didn't know how to deal with the unpredictable mentor, so he went to seek everyone's opinions. Of course, the most important thing was to listen to the advice of Brother Xinmai.

However, this kid didn't take things for granted, but listened to everyone's opinions, and he still made progress.

Mo Zhi smiled and nodded.

The world boss raised his head and gave the prophecy lady a look in front of the unpredictable person.

The two people "ran away".

Unpredictable almost wanted to smile and shake his head.

This is "Urine Escape". Don't you think it's a little awkward to call the prophecy lady with you?

Aren’t you afraid that the instructor will see something wrong?

Seeing Ouyang Ao leaving, Zongchen and Akali came over with wine glasses.


Zong Chen glanced at the surrounding area, carefully handed the wine glass to Mo Zhi, and then sat down with Akali.

This is an invitation to drink to cover up a private communication.

"How is it? Unexpectedly, are you on the line with Master Ouyang?" Zong Chen asked.

Mo Zhi picked up the wine glass and nodded solemnly: "It went very well!"

Zong Chen breathed a sigh of relief visibly and asked:

"What's going on now?"

Mo Cai thought for a while and still said in a heavy tone:

"Zong Baiyi, Ouyang Xingsheng asked me to be the young master's mentor!"

When Zong Chen heard this, the red wine he held in his hand trembled slightly, causing ripples in the transparent cup.

"Contractor Mentor?" Even Akali was a little unbelievable and confirmed in a low voice with an incredible tone.

"Yeah!" Mo Zhi nodded seriously and explained in a low voice:

"I also feel confused. Judging from what happened just now, it seems that Young Master Ouyang heard that we killed the scalpel yesterday and developed some kind of hero worship."

"So, when the provincial governor saw that Master Ouyang was very close to me, he made me his teacher on the spot, like what Europeans call a godfather."

It should be like this. I thought with uncertainty.

If it weren't for the two leaders, he would have rolled his eyes and praised his excuse for following the trend.

In fact, no matter what the reason is, these two people have no way to evaluate whether it is true or false, because even Mo Zhi does not know the true purpose of Ouyang Xingsheng's move. However, this is a reasonable speculation made by Mo Zhi based on the situation just now.

The more advantageous point is that this will further arouse the "interest" of the two leaders.

Zong Chen was stunned when he heard this. He turned his head and looked around as if he was afraid of being peeped by someone around him, and then asked in a low voice with a surprised tone:

"Godfather? Teacher?"

"Why did Ouyang Yao do this? What's the purpose?"

Mo Zhi pursed his lips and shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

The three of them were silent for a few seconds.

"This situation is a bit complicated, why?". He stared at Zong Chen solemnly, guessing that Bai Yi must be thinking this way at this time.

Unpredictable, don't worry, wait for Zongchen to figure it out.

Sure enough, Zong Baiyi took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass, drank half a glass of red wine, and whispered:

"Don't worry about Ouyang Xingsheng's purpose!"

"Having this relationship will help you complete the next things. This is very good progress."

"The purpose of Ouyang Province's move can be investigated later, so there is no rush. In short, the current situation is quite good."

Hearing what Zongchen said, Mu Zhi nodded as if he was carrying an arduous task. This expression was equivalent to expressing his position at the same time - I will definitely complete the task!

But I was murmuring in my heart, it’s not worth my design, Lao Zong will indeed come to this conclusion.

He exhaled, pretended to take a sip of red wine in a disguised manner, and said unexpectedly:

"So, I will continue to push forward in the future."

Zongchen and Akali nodded in recognition, looking at Mo Zhi with expectations flashing in their eyes, as if to say:

Comrade, it's up to you!

Seeing that he had reached this point, Mo Zhi felt relaxed, glanced sideways at Akali, and whispered to Zong Chen:

"Baiyi, but there is a difficulty."

Zongchen nodded incomprehensibly, indicating that he could continue to speak.

Mo Zhi had already prepared a manuscript, but at this moment he was calm and said slowly:

"Although he has become Master Ouyang's mentor, he is one step away from discovering the true purpose of the provincial governor's trip. Who he meets and what he talks about will not involve me as a mentor."

"Moreover, Master Ouyang will not be informed of such an important matter. In other words, taking words from Ouyang Ao will not achieve the goal."

Zongchen frowned slightly and nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Of course it is, this is the reality. This sentence flashed through Mo Zhi's mind and he continued:

"Therefore, we will inevitably use the contract ability to risk and forcibly explore Ouyang Xingsheng's thoughts."

"Don't worry, you two. I am sensible and know how to choose opportunities. Don't worry about this."

"As long as I take action, I will definitely get the information and complete the mission."

Mu Zhi stretched out his hand and waved it slightly, interrupting what Zong Chen wanted to say after hearing it, and continued:

"Ouyang Xingsheng is surrounded by contractors. Even if I risk my life and successfully obtain the information, I will inevitably be discovered later."

"Lord Bai Yi, you understand!"

Zong Chen looked at the unpredictable eyes and nodded without any hesitation.

Then, he reached out and took out a pocket watch, placed it under the table, and pushed it towards Mo Zhi very discreetly.

Mu Zhi stopped the corners of his mouth that were about to raise, and also cautiously reached under the table and took the pocket watch over.

Zongchen then whispered: "The language of the source of symbols: Guanglan Shield, orange level."

"I saw it used during the battle with Von Jackman. It can hold up a shield and can withstand all attacks from half-spirit to below, but it can only withstand once."

"I have discussed with the council, and they have agreed to allocate you a contract item that can complete the mission. Since the current situation is to escape after completing the mission, this item is the most suitable for you to save your life when you escape."

"I'll give you my pocket watch, and I'll go to the headquarters to get a replacement."

That light mask that can withstand the scalpel's "ripple air blade"? Can it withstand an attack of less than half a spirit? It turns out to be Zong Baiyi's pocket watch.

Yes, Mu Zhi still nodded solemnly: "Thank you Zong Baiyi."

"I will definitely complete the mission!"

Seeing the two people leaving, Mu Zhi put the pocket watch in his arms.

Even if Zong Baiyi promises to distribute a contracted item on behalf of the headquarters, it must be obtained "reasonably and logically".

Complete a "fraud" by the way.

Akali followed Zongchen and left the venue.

The things that should be explained tonight have been completed, and there is no point for the two of them here, so they go out to help the Punisher Squad of Hot Spring City guard the perimeter.

Akali thought for a while and said:

"Captain, I still feel something is wrong."

Zongchen turned around: "What?"

Akali recalled the conversation just now: "Before Mozhi said the last words, he glanced at me very deliberately. Now it seems that the meaning of this glance is probably"

"The captain promised to apply for a contract item for me. Akali, you were nearby and heard it. Help me bear witness!"

Akali said the last sentence in an unpredictable tone, and she learned it well.

Zongchen frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said with a smile:

"Are you too worried?"

"Unpredictable is not an outsider. He has already agreed to apply for contract items, so why should he worry?"

Akali heard what the captain said and touched her chin:

"That's true, but I still feel something is wrong. This is due to a woman's intuition."

Zong Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You are doubting the unpredictable original intention. This guy promised us to complete the mission. Under this premise, what is the point of being careful?"

"Unpredictable is sharing the worries for you and me. Moreover, we have cooperated with this kid several times. He is a pretty good punisher."

Akali nodded and muttered:

"That's true, maybe I'm really overthinking it."

"I always feel that this kid is not a good person. How come I have this misconception?"

World: [Is Brother Xinmai here? 】

World: [Everyone, I have verified that the memory of that unpredictable person has indeed been successfully deleted by Big Brother Xinmai, and he no longer recognizes me.]

Desire:【This is great!】

Knowledge: [In this case, you can rest assured]

World: [No. Wait until I finish.]

Prophecy: [The situation has changed! Ouyang Xingsheng actually let this unpredictable person become Mr. World’s mentor]


Knowledge: [How could this happen?]

Prediction: [I just don’t know what to do next?]

Prophecy: [Is Mr. Heart Nightmare here? Will this increase the probability that Mo Zhi will find that his memory has been deleted? 】

World: [Who knows why my dad suddenly did this? I’m dizzy! I can’t push it away at all.]

World: [I feel like crying.]

Hmm. The conversation was almost over. Mozhu waited for the bullets to fly for a while. No, it should be said that he wanted everyone to come up with a rough result, and then he suddenly appeared.

Xinma: [Here I am! Because of the verification matter, I have been waiting for the reply from the world boss. 】

Nightmare: [Wait for me to think about it.]

Unpredictable really spent some time thinking, but not thinking about the changes in the situation, but recalling the rhetoric that he had prepared long ago.

After a few seconds of pause, I thought:

[Everyone, don’t worry! You won’t be loosened by meeting the world’s boss, and you won’t be reminded of the past.]

[I think this situation is more favorable!]

The World:【Bonus?!】

Prediction:【.Is it beneficial?】

The other two should be waiting for me to say something. Unpredictably pulls the symbol source:

[Of course it is beneficial! This unpredictable person will become the mentor of the world boss, which will increase the chance of communication with the world boss. In this case, if there is a problem with his memory, the world boss will notice it immediately. ]

[In other words, this not only does not affect our original intention of doing this, but also adds a layer of early warning mechanism. 】

[Apart from this question, for the World Boss himself, the unpredictable figure is not a simple person, he is a ruthless man with a scalpel in his hand. 】

[World Boss, haven’t you always wanted to become stronger? It’s a rare opportunity for you to have this unpredictable person as your mentor! 】

【With his guidance, you will grow rapidly!】

Prophecy: [.This is the truth. Mr. Xin Mao is right. 】

World: [Alas~~~]

World: [Even so, I.]

World: [Brother Heart Nightmare, but I get scared when I see this unpredictable person! I am really afraid of him. What if I find that my memory has been deleted? 】

Mu Zhi couldn't hold back the smile in his heart: [World Boss, it's okay!]

[Even if he discovers that his memory has been deleted, the first thing he thinks of is who deleted his memory. In other words, he will come to me first!]

[At that time, everyone will have another level of warning. Maybe, I will also consider how to silence him.]

After a pause, he continued:

[The situation is very clear now. This unpredictable person will not easily discover that his memory has been deleted. Then, you can completely pretend to be his student and let him help you become stronger! 】

[World Boss, you should regard this as a training! Although this is dangerous, it is also a rare opportunity! You must learn to use all the factors that are unfavorable to you and turn the situation to your advantage. Haven't you always wanted to become stronger?

Then you should seize this opportunity, even if you take a little risk]

[Face the unpredictable! Face him head-on! You are the leader of the Lunar Eclipse Organization and the person who will save the world in the future. Can’t you overcome the fear of being unpredictable? Don’t let everyone look down on you! 】

[This is what the leader of the Lunar Eclipse organization should do and what kind of mentality he should have!]

Unpredictably done in one go.

After typing this sentence, he felt so happy that he wanted to smoke a cigarette, but when he touched the "warehouse", he found that he had run out of ammunition and food.

If you want to match the character of a world boss, you need to give him some blood and make him excited.

Sure enough, it took a few seconds.

World: [Brother Xinmai is right, I am the leader of Lunar Eclipse and the one who wants to save the world!]

World: [If you can’t even cope with one unpredictable thing, why talk about anything else!]

Shijie: [Not only do I want to be in vain with him, but I also want him to do things for me and help me become stronger!]

Shijie: [Stop talking, I’ll take action now.]

Under the unpredictable gaze, Ouyang Ao's face was full of determination as he returned, followed by a somewhat worried Krisna.

Unpredictable looked calm, waiting quietly for the two of them to sit down.

Ouyang Ao took a deep breath and bowed deeply before sitting down. Then he sat respectfully across from Mo Zhi and looked directly at him.

Unpredictably, a sentence came to my mind for no reason at this time

Run, boy!

After calming down, Ouyang Ao solemnly said to Mo Zhi:

"Teacher, I want to become stronger! I want to become a contract strongman. I want to become a hero who will shock the world in the future!"

"Teacher, please teach me."

Unpredictable nodded like a magic stick, pretending to be profound, with a smile on his face:

"Finally, I feel like a student."

"Haha, if you are too incompetent, even if your father asks me to be your mentor, I won't bother to care about you."

"Fortunately, you are not too bad to have such an ambition."

Ouyang Ao repeated again: "Please teach me!"

Mobi breathed a sigh of relief and asked casually:

"Tell me first, how do you think you can become a strong person?"

Ouyang Ao looked thoughtful.

He is really thinking

After a moment, his eyes were full of determination and he said:

"Needless to say, powerful power, but also the character of mind? Or should we say that we should kill decisively?"

"There is no strongest contract ability, only the strongest contractor!"

"The spiritual will of the contractor is the strongest first order?"

Mo Zhi nodded slowly.

I thought to myself that this is a summary of the themes of the previous fantasy fire novels.

That’s a good summary!

Thanks to [Book Friends 20200918220611762] for the reward. Thanks to [Feng Zihua] [Xingcheng Xiaofeng] [I think you are a trap] [Dreamland Independence] [Dawn of War] [Copycat Liangpi] [Secret Love with Gods and Demons] [Pear and Garlic]

【waoh】【Lan Feng Yu Wu】【Old Woman's Secret Recipe for Rejuvenation】【newstarninn】【llydy】【Ghost Chongniao】【worldwindss】【Night of Clearness】【Worldly Dwelling】【焱焱焱】.

This chapter has been completed!
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